17:00 It's five o'clock, and I have to go back a little earlier to have dinner with the lovely setan-chan tonight.

Although it takes half an hour to pick up and drop off by a special car because of the status of the mayor, the traffic jam of mud bombing is actually the same as that of a certain Chinese dynasty.

17:31.It was a minute late from the agreed time.

Ye Shenyue paused and opened the door cautiously.

The hallway was empty, and no one noticed.


Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief, maybe doing other things in that moment, such as taking a bath or playing with the kitten.

Well, of course, as a child with a high IQ, she may also be doing some scalp-numbing high numbers and calculus.

"Coming back 1 minute late."

However, what almost shocked Ye Shenyue was the voice from behind.

It was the calm and immature voice of the little girl. When he turned around, he saw a slim little girl standing quietly behind him.

"It turned out to be Xiao Mo, didn't it say that some abilities should not be used casually? If they are discovered by others, they will be arrested and dissected."

There is no other explanation other than his own ability to appear from behind him.

"As a father who won't age, shouldn't my father be more deciphered?"

"Well—others don't know about this. And Dad didn't use his abilities casually."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, since she could not age, why would she need to age her body?

Even if he lived another hundred years, he would still be young, although he had to pretend to be old to the outside world.It will take time to deal with these greedy human beings who are thirsting for immortality.

Too much trouble.

"But why...even though we have the physique of immortality..."

The girl suddenly glared at him, she pointed to the notch in the hall used to measure the height on purpose, there were three marks on it, the first one was shallow but the third one was deep, "The first mark is ten I marked it when I was [-] years old, the second is [-] years old but now I am [-] years old, why is it always not tall! Don't say it's because of talent, both you and your mother are very tall! "

"Sometimes genes are also selectively inherited."

Ye Shenyue touched her daughter's dark hair and said.

"Don't try to deceive me with such stupid excuses, my IQ is over [-]."

"Well, don't worry too much. In fact, being small is also very interesting. For example, you can sit at the first table, you can see the blackboard more clearly, and you can also be taken care of."

"But I've been in the front row for twelve years! I've hated it!"

Well, it turned out to be resentment for this.

"So, do you want Dad to use his power to pressure the teachers below to let Xiao Mo sit in the middle?"

"Don't abuse your power! What kind of mayor is this!"

The moment was finally defeated, "If I really did this, I would also feel very ashamed."

"Okay alright, everything is up to the cute setan-chan."

Ye Shenyue shrugged her shoulders to show the appearance of being defeated, and every time he made such an expression, he would always stop complaining about his age.

"I don't like the way you look. Remove the disguise and give me your phone."

It's just that Xiao Mo frowned slightly when he looked at his appearance.

"Uh... well."

In the end, Ye Shenyue couldn't resist this clever little girl, and handed over the mayor's mobile phone in her pocket.



"And a beard."

Then he pulled off the beard that was attached to it.

Immediately afterwards, I took off the black suit that looked serious and dignified and put it on the casual T-SHIrt and shorts at home.

"Are these headquarters?"

I always felt that Ye Shenyue's mood, who was instantly younger, became much better, but Xiao Mo suddenly took two steps back.

"It smells like another woman."

"Uh, you just leaned over just to smell this?" Ye Shenyue thought that it was a little different for Xiao Mo to help him take the coat and hang it on the hook. After all, she is so petite and small. It's not big, it's still too much for her to hold such a heavy coat.

"Why don't you think so?"

Because of too much force, the little girl's cheeks were slightly red, but she maintained a state of expressionless Sanwu.

"Well, this is Dad and Setsuna's secret. Where do you want to go this weekend? Dad will take you there."

"Is this considered a hush money? But it's not impossible. I heard that a new church called the Mizufangjiao was built on the ruins of the old shrine. If...well, if you want to go, go there."

The slightly wrinkled cute little brow twitched her little nose and responded instantly.

It was said that if Ye Shenyue wanted to go, she would actually go.

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