It's just that the red headband, red eyes and red bow, coupled with a small body looking at the small face, small collarbone and slender waist, this can only be the instant sauce of the little loli Really cute.

Although he always likes to be expressionless, it is unexpectedly in line with his taste.

If it wasn't for the fear of little Athena's broken thoughts, Ye Shenyue really wanted to nurture the moment to become the second Athena, but she has been resisting recently.

height or something.

This is really annoying.

Lolita is a creature that needs to be small. If the shelf life has passed in just ten years, what will he feel?


Ye Shenyue dug out a stack of documents from the briefcase she was carrying.

"Sakano Academy? The name of this school really makes people want to complain. Sure enough, if you are a child of God, you have to choose a school with the word God?"

"It's divided into six classes... The situation in the classroom and then in the rest room, isn't that making people commit a crime?" Yagami looked at the information in front of herself, but she didn't know that it came from her daughter, which was full of certainty. "Daughter Control"'s gaze was so firm.

Is the father who used the identity of the mayor without authorization to investigate the high school where his daughter is studying, a real daughter accuser?

It's a pity that the lethality of the girl's eyes is still too weak, and it is more than one level weaker than the effect of her sisters' hatchet attacks.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue is completely unaffected by being immersed in her inner world.


He's plotting unprecedented plans that no father can.

That is.

In an instant, let's go to class together.

It doesn't matter if other superficial mortals don't make friends with you, it doesn't matter if you are lonely, because I'm here, I'll hold up a day for you, so that you can also bloom with a youthful smile like your peers.

So, let's be friends.

Packing up the information about the academy in her hand, Ye Shenyue's mouth showed a smile. On the one hand, she was relieved, and on the other hand, she looked at the two guys on the school's roster of teachers and students who had been marked as blacklisted by him. With a cruel smile.

As a father, the first thing is to tell my daughters the dangers of this kind of creature.

The second is to remove the danger before they know it.

Get rid of it!

Chapter 003 This is really just observation



Change into school uniform.

Eat, pack your bags.

Then he walked to the entrance, squatted down and put on his shoes, and finally flicked the cute red big bow, Xiao Mo was ready to go out.

"Then that's it, Shanna really doesn't need your father to send you to school?"

Standing on the porch, Ye Shenyue added, looking at Xiao Mo who was ready to go.

"I don't want people to know that I have a mayor's father, so I can't make friends even more... No, nothing, still."

Xiao Mo turned her face back, her fair skin and red eyes, she suddenly changed her words, "And Dad, you should pay attention not to be casually attracted to other women when you are on a business trip, and... Absolutely not allowed. Bringing them home is something that a traditional person like Mom can't handle."

"Well, Xiaoshan, you are now a daughter, but a daughter can't control her father's emotional life."

Ye Shenyue just wanted to rub her little head, but she ducked, "But why is my emotional life being controlled by my father? Like boys, they are dangerous creatures and can't touch anything."


Ye Shenyue is stuck.

"Okay, stop teasing you, take care of yourself when you're on a business trip, and remember to call your mother every day."

In the end, the little girl opened the door to let the dazzling sunlight from outside enter the house, and her cheeks were also brightly colored.


Ye Shenyue was even more stuck, and she was teasing him after a long emotional turmoil?Are you sure you're kidding him?

Just looking at her daughter's small body, long jet-black hair, and the big pink bow tied at the back made me feel at ease again. The moment she was in Loli's state, she was still so cute.

It's not that Ye Shenyue didn't predict how she would grow up in an instant, but she grew up beautifully and was far less cute than Lolita. Some people were born to be Lolita instead of being a royal sister, just like Athena, just like Athena. Like words.

Well, Yan Ye has grown into a girl state, so she can only re-plan to make Gui Xin a little loli.


Perhaps it was out of an ominous premonition about the name "World" that Yagami Yue didn't bind the world very much.And the world has slowly grown into the attitude of a girl.

And he.

"Wu, I'll go first."

Ye Shenyue also walked out after shouting at the door.

It's just that he didn't ask the driver to pick him up, nor did he go on a business trip.

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