Instead, it used the power that warned Xiao Mo to hide it and directly stepped through the space-time tunnel to reach a certain house. This is a house with the height of the third floor. The view from the height of the third floor is excellent. When you open the window, you can see most of the town. partial view.

In the window, there are telescopes in three directions, each of which is facing a famous house. The house that the telescope on the left can see is the house where Yeshenyue lives on the house number that says Qingpu. house.

However, this is far from enough. The other two telescopes are facing Xiyuan Temple and Katsura.

It was his lair in the city.

Here you can carefully observe the lives of the daughters, know the exact time when they go out, and know all kinds of information about them.

Well, it's actually a special place for peeping hentai.

Said to go on a business trip, in fact, Ye Shenyue was just an excuse for wanting to complete her next things.

After all, he decided to become a daughter-in-law... oh no, he decided to protect his daughters from being abducted by scum and beasts, to accompany them in class and then... enlighten them.

It doesn't matter if you are lonely without friends, because those people are not worthy, because he is still there!

"The world has already gone out, ah, that guy at Xiaosharan secretly used the instant jump again, eh, how are they together? Do you know the world at the moment? I remember that they were clearly separated by two classes."



Ye Shenyue looked at the house of Xiyuan Temple through the telescope, and then watched the world walk out of the house, and then in the corner, she actually came into contact with Momo, and then the two actually walked together!

Have you become friends?

Contacted when he went to work that he didn't know he didn't observe?

Although his eyesight can be clearer than binoculars, his current identity is hentai... Oh no, it's his daughter who accuses him of preferring to use binoculars, which is always a hentai equipment.

Sure enough, after 15 years of precipitation, he has enough hentai.

"Forget it, they don't know their respective identities anyway. It's better to get along better now. Let's tell them when the time is right."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and looked in the direction of Yan Ye's house. The cute and petite Gui Xin went out first. Gui Xin waved at her sister, and then Yan Ye also came out.

Yan Ye is very beautiful, and her long black supple shawl has an intellectual aura.

Even wearing a black school uniform can show a ladylike atmosphere.

Yamato Nadeko-like temperament.

Yan Ye really is the type of a wife. Of course, it would be better if he could improve his craftsmanship.

Yan Ye is different from the world and the instant. She first sends her sister Gui Xin to the elementary school and then runs in the direction of the tram.

Today was a new semester, but she didn't pay attention, so after she sent Gui Xin to elementary school, there was not much time left.

She is not going to junior high school but high school, Sakano Academy!It takes 20 minutes to do the tram and it's already 7:50.

The daughters have different abilities inherited from him. The small moment is teleportation, and the world is dark. Well, so far, Ye's is also dark and has no awakening, so Ye Shenyue will Pay attention to them so carefully, and be sure to protect the daughters when they don't have the ability to protect themselves.

Chapter 0004 The same tram (kneeling for subscription)

Yan Ye almost ran over, she was not good at sports, so she was out of breath after a while, and finally came to the station.

But the tram was about to close.

"and many more!"

Just as the tram was about to close, a black-haired girl screamed softly and rushed towards the closing door.

It's just that maybe it's because of being in a hurry, plus she rushed into her body and leaned forward, and she was not good at sports and she jumped forward.

Are you going to fall?

For an instant.

At that moment, her eyes caught the surrounding scenery. It was a teenager with headphones. The teenager stood not far away with a blank expression.

Then on the right are two middle-aged people who look like office workers.

Then go on.

The face of an ordinary teenager appeared in front of him, followed by the boy's arm, which grabbed her body that was about to go down and held her up.

Finally stood up.

"Thank you."

Yan Ye, who is not good at communication, said in a low voice.Head lowered, cheeks slightly flushed.

She has a slight male phobia. Just now... she must have been hugged by a boy.

It's just that people are helping her by not letting her fall.

And it was very strange that she didn't feel disgusted. The breath of the other party made her feel very warm, as if she was in the arms of her parents.

"Need not."

The teenager showed a hearty smile and stood aside, "It's just a gesture."

Yan Ye, who lowered her head, raised her face to look at him when she heard that, and then noticed that Ye Shenyue was also looking at her and immediately lowered her head again.

But don't know what to say.

Yan Ye is not good at words, or is he afraid of strangers because he is always rejected by those superficial girls?

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