The ordinary boy frowned slightly but did not show it, looked at Yan Ye who was a little embarrassed, and then took the initiative to open the topic, "Do you like books?"

"Yes, yes, I like to read quietly by myself... um..."

Yan Ye's voice stopped abruptly because she also noticed that she was talking about reading books by herself, and then wasn't this a disguised refusal to communicate with him and then read books by herself?

"Actually, I also like to read a book quietly by myself. When I am completely immersed in the ocean of books, I always feel that my heart is infinitely enriched."

Hearing this, Yan Ye suddenly raised his eyes and looked at this ordinary-looking boy, and when he saw that he was wearing a school uniform of the same type as hers but a boy's style, he moved his lips slightly.

"Are you also a student at Sakano Academy?"

"Well, I just don't know which class it is, do you?"

"Well, I'm also a freshman,"

"That's it, then let's go and see the class schedule together later."

The so-called placement form is the roster of students posted by the school, which will indicate the students' class, just go there and look at it once.

"Ah good."

Yan Ye nodded, feeling a little excited, probably because she was not good at communicating with people outside her family.

The next thing is simple, Yan Ye sat on the seat and took out the book to read, and then the ordinary teenager stood to the side and looked at the scenery outside the window.

And Yan Ye, who was holding the book, was a little restless.

Difficulty concentrating.

Noticing that the young man's eyes swept over gently, although it was only unintentional, Yan Ye was still inexplicably nervous.

Are you afraid of boys?

It seems not.

I obviously like "Snow Country: Ancient Capital" very much, but I can't concentrate a bit. My attention is always involuntarily looking at the ordinary boy next to me. Although it is just an ordinary appearance, I have a slight fear of boys. For Yan Ye, he was also the first boy who had such close contact with him other than his father.

Although it looks ordinary, it makes people feel comfortable.

"Don't worry about me, just read quietly. Or is it better for me to stand somewhere else?"

The ordinary boy stood a little to the left.

"Ah... I'm sorry."

Yan Ye lowered his head, then turned a page of the book, concentrated his attention, and finally entered the sea of ​​books, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The corner of the mouth of the ordinary boy also showed a smile that Yan Ye didn't notice, but his eyes suddenly turned back to the boy who shook his head and put away the phone, but it became cold...

At that moment just now, the boy picked up the phone and wanted to take a picture of Yan Ye.How can it be repaired!

So the ordinary teenager immediately stood up and let the other party's shooting plan go bankrupt.


Ito Makoto sighed, and then regained his attention.

Ordinary teenagers are secretly interested. If he hadn't seen Makoto Ito and Huang Mao also entered the academy, he wouldn't have to bother to attend classes in the school, and he would have changed his face for fear of being discovered.

If it is too handsome, it will attract other girls and then it will be difficult to contact the instant, Yan Ye and the world, so it is still normal.

It's just that I came here normally and then looked at Makoto Ito's appearance, and felt...a bit of a miscalculation.

Fortunately, Yan Ye did not focus on Makoto Ito.

Looks like today is a good start.

The ears moved slightly.

"You know what? The spell on the phone, as long as you put the photo of the person you like into the standby screen and no one finds it for three weeks, then you can be together."

The voice of the world came from a distance in another carriage, and the world was as lively as ever. She was talking to the instant with her cell phone.

"So the world has already been chosen?"

Moment is obviously more lively than in front of outsiders, but still maintains a calm expression, and the red eyes of wine 0.2 are extremely beautiful.

"I'm not a nympho, how can I do this kind of thing? Even if I want to do it, I have to have a chance to find the right person. Forget it, don't talk about me, Shanna-chan."

The world suddenly touched her little head, "Have you chosen someone?"

"No. Even a dad would stop it."

Instantly answered calmly. "My family's tutoring is very strict."

"I see, but your father is too old-fashioned. What's wrong with falling in love earlier? He must have caught up with your mother very late."

The world said in disbelief.

Oh world, you've said it, your father is in this car now!

The eyes of the ordinary boy flickered through the obstacles of a beat and finally focused on the world.

Chapter 0005 Lords, my name is Moon God Ye Shang (Kneeling and begging to subscribe)

Sakano Academy is not big, and the number of new students recruited every year is limited to less than 300 people, so it won't be very crowded when looking at the blackboard while looking at the class table, like Yan Ye, who goes under the blackboard smoothly.

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