The slender fingers were raised and gently pressed against the lips, showing infinite charm.

The boys next to her couldn't help looking at her, and Ye Shenyue, the flower protector, kept flashing her body to hinder many guys who wanted to take pictures of Yan Ye.

It seems that the rumor that "as long as you use the photo of the girl you like as the standby screen without being discovered for three weeks, you will succeed in love" has spread all over this academy.

"Gui Yanye, Gui Yanye. Yanye, you are in the fourth class."

Ye Shenyue saw Yan Ye's name all at once. Although the class assignment was random, the ranking after entering each class was based on grades. Yan Ye was an honor student and his name was naturally superior.It's just that the name "My Wife Yuno" under Yan Ye's name makes Ye Shenyue inexplicably chill.

My wife?my wife?

This surname is really strange.But I always feel loved.

"Well, but Moon God Yejun, you are in the third class of the year."

Yan Ye nodded and said a little disappointed.

"I see, we can't be in the same class, but it doesn't matter if we are not friends? We will go to school together for a long time in the future."

"Oh my friend--"

Yan Ye paused, she had never had a friend but now wants a friend of the opposite sex.

It's not like you can get used to this feeling right away.


"Well, we...we are friends."

"Then it's decided. I'll go to your class to play with you when I have time."

Ye Shenyue smiled with a sunny smile, "I also like to read books. Next time, let's find a quiet place to read together."


Yan Ye nodded, but his cheeks were a little hot.It always felt like it was an agreement.


She really didn't ask for much, she just hoped that she would not be so lonely.

After separating from Yan Ye, Ye Shenyue covered her forehead with one hand. It seems that her education is really not paying attention to Yan Ye. Although Loli is good, she has to focus on her daughter.

At home, Yan Ye is as docile as Yamato Nadeshiko, but outside he is so introverted, like really not enough.

But even though she thought so, Ye Shenyue still entered the third class of the year, which is a very interesting class.

The World of Saiyuan Temple, Seipo Momo, Ito Makoto, Huang Mao.

This class is really a big set.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Ye Shenyue walked in.

The diagram of the seats has been marked on the blackboard, and then the lottery tickets are placed on the table. It is good to wait for the new students to select their own numbers and then enter the number to sit opposite each other.

Ye Shenyue saw that both Scum Cheng and Huang Mao had already drawn the number on the chair, and Xiao Shan, well, the cute Shan Shan-chan ended up sitting second even if she drew the number by luck. Table, this time it has nothing to do with height.

Ye Shenyue lined up to draw numbers too, after all, his identity is to stay in the school.

"last row?"

Looking at the number 48 in her hand, Yashin Yue shook her head and moved to the table. Although it was not the protagonist's second table, this was the lecture hall. Sitting at the last table, you could see almost all the scenes in the class.

Not bad either.

Moreover, in the lower two rows on the left hand side is Scum Cheng, Scum Cheng and Huang Mao are sitting in the same row, obviously he can't sit in the same row with the world no matter what.

Speaking of the world, at the moment the world is preparing to draw numbers with a happy expression, "If only I could draw a good number and sit next to the handsome guy, so that I can take pictures at will!"

That is the voice of the world.


Ye Shenyue got stuck for a while, although he didn't restrict the world very much, but world-san, have you developed into such a lively girl?

And—choose handsome guys.

Ye Shenyue also took a closer look. The number of students in this class is similar to that of girls, but if you call him a handsome guy, if you don't poke him in the ordinary dress at the moment and roll around in the crowd twice, you won't be able to find it again. But others...

It seems that Makoto Ito also looks... well, it feels a little more elegant.

Mud bomb this country... It always produces beautiful women but handsome guys...

"Yo, where are you looking? Could it be some cute girls on the board?"

Suddenly, Ye Shenyue heard such a voice, and the voice was not unfamiliar, with a feeling of comfort unique to a girl.

Then Ye Shenyue 297 turned her face to the side and saw the girl's face.

White and with a lovely smile.

Lively and cute coexist, this is not who the world is?

"Uh, the world of Xiyuan Temple."

"Don't be so unfamiliar, let me think about it... Didn't we also become a classmate for two years in middle school? I didn't think about it just now, but I finally remembered it. How about Moon God Yejun?" "That is to say... ..." "That's right, that is to say, we have to get along well in the next year. The plain-looking Moon God Yejun."

The world stretched out his hand with a cheerful look.

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