"Are you listening?"

Manager Hyuga spoke but found that Ye Shenyue did not respond, and then patted him on the shoulder with familiarity.It's embarrassing like doing something bad and being found out.

"Uh no... Actually, I'm really looking at the bamboo sword."

Definitely not looking at milk shakes or something.

That beautiful youthful girl's figure, that girl's breast... that girl's European style...


Ye Shenyue was already in disarray, almost shouting out the truth.

However, shaking... oh no, the shaking Yan Ye is really cute.

A girl, as expected, is the most beautiful only when she is shedding the sweat of her youth. At this moment, Yan Yemei is stunned...

It was just that Manager Hyuga, who had been waiting for his response at first, was speechless in astonishment.

"This is... not strong?"

This is this...

Three times in a row, the main general retreated and even faced three times!

This... is already terrifyingly strong!

And the original classroom.

"Well, Moon God Yejun isn't here."

The beautiful girl with pink double ponytails frowned slightly, then clenched her fists, "As expected at that time, I should have ignored Amiko's push and went to see the so-called head of the track and field department, so that I won't miss Luna Yejun. It's time for get out of class. It's really annoying! It's all Amiko's fault, go back and break up with her. I don't need any friends, because..."

The girl walked out a little disappointed, and then saw the world and walked into the classroom to prepare to pack her schoolbag.

The girl recognized Moment at once, or she would never forget her face.

Because the girl discovered from the peek that Moon God Yejun seemed to be very concerned about this girl.

"The students in the literature club are actually so literary..."

"It made me want to be artistic again."

"The world is beautiful no matter what."

"Ah...you are so cute in an instant!"

The world suddenly hugged Xiao Shanna's small body and touched her head, "It's so cute, then I'll help you once, let me tell you something, Moon God Yejun actually went to Gui Yanye from Class [-]. That's it!"

"Gui Yanye?"

The girl with pink hair and two ponytails frowned slightly, then moved her red eyes. "I haven't heard of 4.6. It seems that I need to investigate it carefully."

Then walked out.If it doesn't work this time, we can only wait until the next time.

"Isn't a mature woman who actually cares enough to satisfy him? And this time, is it really going to harm the flowers of the motherland?"

Because the pink-haired girl had already turned her back, she spoke in a low voice when she didn't notice the pink-haired girl at all.

"Eh? Could you be a little louder for a moment? I didn't hear clearly just now, what scourge and flowers?"

However, Xiao Mo shook his head with a puppet-like expression, "I'm just thinking about where to drink milk tea with the world later."

"Milk tea? I want matcha flavored."

The positivity of the world suddenly rises, and then "scourge" and "flower" are left behind.


Instantly nodded.

The world is really easy to get along with.

Chapter 0013 Yan Ye's ability I want to cut must be able to hit! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe)

"Please be sure to join our Bamboo Sword Club!"

After a contest, the Lord General immediately lowered his head and bowed ninety degrees of respect.

"Please join us!"

There were also a row of girls from the Bamboo Sword Division standing behind her. They had stopped their practice and started watching when the main general and Yan Ye were due to face off.

As the old members here, of course they know the power of the main general, not to mention some falsehoods to know that the main general won the runner-up in the Kanto Conference last year!Just this place is enough to make them proud.

But now, the leader who made them proud was defeated by a girl with long jet-black hair that looked like Yamato Nadeko.

It was so powerfully defeated.

Really powerful!

The more people who pursue power, the more they respect the powerful, so when the general bowed his head, they also did the same thing in unison.


A very unanimous bow, a very unanimous plea.

Very sincere attitude.

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