"This one……"

Seeing everyone asking her so enthusiastically, she has been rejected by the girls since 07. She doesn't know what to do. All she can say is "You guys get up first."

"No, Miss Gui's strength will definitely lead us to win the Kanto Competition! This time we aim to win!"


Yan Ye, who is not good at communicating and also is not good at rejecting people, was finally defeated, "Okay, I will join you."

Then, she secretly glanced at Ye Shenyue, who was sitting on the side as an audience.

It would help him if he joined.

But, which girl does he want to pursue?

Yan Ye raised her clear eyes, then took a serious look at the girls, and then lowered her head a little embarrassedly.

Somehow, there is a vague sense of happiness in my heart that I can help others, but also a vague sense of loss.

"This is really nice, but Gui Yanye, please forgive me for calling you Yan Ye. Yan Ye, have you really only practiced swordsmanship a little? Didn't you look for a teacher or go to a martial arts hall?"

Hearing Yan Ye's voice of agreement, the commander's heart was immediately relieved. For Wu Chi Ru, who was only dedicated to kendo, nothing was more important than the matter of swordsmanship, and now this Gui who defeated her Yan Ye is the object she wants to pay attention to at the moment, because the other party is stronger than her, so it will definitely make her stronger!

"This... Actually, I practiced it when I was a child, and then I fell in love with the feeling of holding the bamboo sword. I think everything is a feeling."

"It seems that this is talent, well, although acquired hard work is also very important, talented people are still very powerful!"

The general nodded, and when it came to talent, she was actually very talented herself, otherwise she would not have become the general.

But of course, she does not deny the importance of hard training.

However, in any case, the addition of such fresh and powerful fresh blood to the Bamboo Sword Department is enough to satisfy.

The rest is some introduction to each other.

However, when Ye Shenyue left the Zhujian Department, Ye Shenyue took Yan Ye into the woods.

It was a small forest that was inaccessible, and the woods were very quiet and few people entered.

Yan Ye's steps were a little flustered, not to mention that there are only the two of them now, even the tutoring that a girl should have can make her nervous.

Yan Ye has been very obedient to his parents since he was a child, always letting his mother's arrangements to practice various skills, and then he can also show the warm and calm Yamato Nadeko temperament that comes from the heart.

But no matter what, she is a girl who is sought after by the boys at school but envied by the girls. She is just an ordinary girl who always thinks wildly when she follows a boy to a hidden place.

What would you say?Yan Ye suddenly thought of the things that had been appearing in recess from get out of class to dismissal.


In other words, Moon God Yejun is also confessing?

Yan Ye shook his head, it should be impossible.

Just now, Moon God Yejun also said that he wanted to chase girls from the Bamboo Sword Department, so it was impossible.

So...what on earth would he say in this environment?

Yan Ye finally decided not to, anyway, she felt that Moon God Yejun was not a bad person, so she shouldn't do anything bad either.

"Yan Ye, have a fight with me!"

She finally stood still, and then Yagami looked at the black-haired girl with a shallow smile and spoke like a soothing girl like Yamato Nadeko.


The girl made a surprised voice, as if she was looking forward to something just now, but the reality is completely different.

"Can't you?"

"Also... that's not what I meant, just... um."

When Yan Ye saw that Ye Shenyue even took out the bamboo sword, he finally nodded.

Ye Shenyue held a bamboo sword in her hand, which was borrowed from the Bamboo Sword Department, but she didn't expect it to be used for their duel.

"Then... call as much as possible! Use all your potential!"

After sharing the bamboo sword with Yan Ye, the duel started.

Yan Ye's speed didn't look fast, but when she actually attacked, it was like dynamite exploded, and the instant explosive force made it impossible to resist!

Yagami is not very good at bamboo swords or real swords, but he has been trained by Silas anyway... Well, aside from some strange hips and hobbies, Silas is still very strong, at least in swordsmanship A true master.

Coupled with the fact that he often witnessed Sera's "killing" cooking, he had to subtly enhance his swordsmanship.

In general, Yagami doesn't think that when 437 picks up his sword, someone can stop him so quickly.

Or is his flaw so big?

Or... the other party really has a unique talent in swordsmanship!

Talent is also the ability of genius, the level that ordinary people cannot reach, only the advantage of jealousy.

It's like a superpower-exclusive ability.

This is also the reason why Ye Shenyue wanted to test it in person. The moment Yan Ye held the bamboo sword, a strong and dangerous aura burst out from Yan Ye's body, a dangerous and terrifying aura!

"Yan Ye, could it be that you can... accurately hit the target no matter what posture you take?"

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