Ye Shenyue asked in amazement the girl who sprinted over in an anti-physics posture even though he was forcibly pulled away by him.

"Well, I think as long as I want to hit where I want to hit, I can definitely hit it. I don't need to do it specially, but my body can directly respond."

Yan Ye looked a little embarrassed.

However, Ye Shenyue finally understood and understood Yan Ye's ability.

The calm she is Yamato Nadeko, but she is a real murderer with a bamboo sword and a sword. must succeed in killing!

What a ferocious power this is!Completely contradicts physics and contradicts facts!

For some reason, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a little chill on her back.

Chapter 0014 Is the devil behind the angel's face? (Kneeling and begging to subscribe)

"Then I'll get off here first."

The door of the tram opened, and she took a deep look at Ye Shenyue, who was still standing and holding the bracelet. The black-haired girl spoke very gently.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Ye Shenyue's gentle smile, combined with this ordinary but sunny face, also has a charm that makes the girl's heart move.

"Ah... um."

Seeing that sunny face even though it was not handsome, her heartbeat suddenly increased, Yan Ye took two steps back and seemed a little flustered.

myself... what the hell is going on here?

It didn't take long for the tram to open and close, and the car continued to move quickly. However, Ye was standing on the platform in a daze, covering his chest with one hand, and then feeling a little confused.


Is it to say...

She closed her eyes, but in her mind there was a lingering image of a sunny boy.

Do you say yourself...

"elder sister--"

The voice of a tender and cute little girl came from the ear.

That is the little girl with very smart eyes, who is tied with cute double ponytails, Gui Xin.

her sister.

Gui Xin was holding her cheeks with both hands, and looked at her sister with shining eyes, "You put the sugar as salt."

Very cute voice, the little girl looked at the bottle in her sister's hand and laughed.

Because my father is busy with work, he is often away from home, and although my mother is at home full-time, she went to party with her good friends tonight.So she and her sister Gui Xin were the only ones at home at night.

Yan Ye not only has the appearance of Yamato Nadeko, but also has the cooking skills of Yamato Nadeko, so she volunteered to prepare dinner for her sister and herself. There are all kinds of ingredients in the refrigerator at home, so she can cook anything she wants.

Today's recipe is potato stew.

However, being reminded by Gui Xin, Yan Ye realized that what he was about to hold was salt, but it turned into a sugar bowl.

How is this going?


The little girl made a voice, "Sister's condition looks like what dad said he was in love with! Which big brother is he? Is he handsome? Is there a good-looking dad?"

"This, Gui Xin, nothing actually happened. We... are just ordinary classmates, and we're still in different classes."

Yan Ye originally wanted to fool her, but her sister's twinkling eyes made her give up her resistance, "And..."

She covered her chest with one hand, "I don't know if I like him, but I just feel comfortable with him, and I won't feel bored even if it's a little longer."

"That's liking it! Dad said that only when you're with someone you like will you feel like you don't have enough time to be together forever! But that's why my sister hasn't caught up with him yet, eh?"

"Gui Xin! Don't use this word! Usually, it means boys chasing girls, girls chasing boys or something..."

Yan Ye felt that her younger sister seemed to have become too mature under her father's education.

But every time she sends Gui Xin to school, she finds love letters in her shoe cabinet, and she feels relieved.

Love letters are such things that make people mature.Even the little guixin is the same.But her father should have taught her well what to do when she receives a love letter.

"But my sister's cooking skills are so good. If you want to catch up, you can catch up. Why don't you make more bentos and invite the boy to eat together? Men like women who are good at cooking."


So... is it really possible?

Even though I thought so, I felt that it was feasible.

A ray of light appeared in Yan Ye's black pupils.

Already moved.

"That elder brother is really dangerous. As my father always said, a girl who is in love will always miss something unconsciously and become an idiot. It's really scary."

The little girl watched her sister treat vinegar as wine again, and suddenly felt that tomorrow's "bento" would also be terrible.

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