Ye Shenyue was almost petrified.

Please, Miss Stalker, even stalking you has to be professional!

"Come out."

Well prepared for the plan to seduce the stalker, Yagami felt that she was bankrupt, but she still made a sound.

Very obedient, the stalking girl really came out.

"Aren't you playing anymore?"

There seemed to be some disappointment on the excited cheeks.

You really think this is playing hide and seek!

Ye Shenyue's heart once again raised the soul of Tucao!

ps: Author Jun's new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" will be updated this Saturday. If you are interested, poke in and take a look.Immediately wrote about the inversion of origami and Zhanmei.

Chapter 016 My Wife and Classmate Are Stalkers? Next

"Don't you have anything to say after being with me for so long?"

Although it's not some scary hentai idiot who's stalking him.But even if it's a girl, it's not right to be stalking a beautiful girl or girl!


Ye Shenyue didn't think she knew this girl.

"My wife Yuno, student number 26, height..."

When the pink-haired girl came out, she immediately started to introduce herself.

"Wait, I'm not asking you to introduce yourself! Why follow?"

It's not following but tracking, and it's at least a kilometer from the tram.

It's just that my wife Yuno seems to have seen the name somewhere.

"You are in the fourth class of the year? You are in the same class as Yan Ye."

"Yan Ye? Gui Yanye."

The girl who had just revealed an angelic smile immediately turned black, and a terrifying aura emerged from her body.


Yes.It was full of aura that wanted to obliterate the opponent.

This girl, the girl with the face of an angel suddenly had the desire to kill the other party.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but took two steps back.

This kind of momentum... how long has it been since you felt it?

It reminded him of his past life of escape. He originally wanted to escape to this world and then take a leisurely time. Ilya and the others came to kill him immediately. Now this girl, my wife Yuno's aura is not much different from theirs...

this woman.I don't know why Ye Shenyue actually has a feeling of palpitations.You must know that his current identity is a god who has regained his strength, and he would actually be afraid of a girl!


"Then why are you following me? I'm leaving if there is nothing to do."

Yashenyue, who already had hatchet experience, didn't want to be involved with such a dangerous girl anymore, so she immediately prepared to evacuate first, and at the same time, she was also prepared to keep Yan Ye and this terrifying girl at a distance.

Because this girl suddenly became scary because she heard Yan Ye's name, is it the kind of girl who is jealous of Yan Ye?

He didn't worry that there were such dangerous people around Yan Ye.

It's best for her not to provoke Yan Ye, if she wants to do something to her.

So sorry.Then use her power to transfer her to another school, and if it doesn't work, she can only use abnormal means.

Hypnotism, amnestics, and even... annihilation of mind and body or something.

After all, no one is more important than her daughter's safety.

Therefore, when Ye Shenyue finished her words, she had already set a trajectory for this girl in the future.

As for which one to choose, it's up to her.

See if she is smart.

"No, I'm not following you."

However, the girl shook her head gently, "This is just a chance encounter."

Met your sister by chance!

Ye Shenyue wanted to stare at her.

But the girl lowered her head slightly, "Just joking, in fact, I caught up to say a word to you."

"A word?"

The girl's state seems to have recovered, and she has recovered into a cute angel girl, which makes people feel that the murderous momentum just now is just an illusion.


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