My wife Yuno raised her cheeks.

"I love you, all the time!"

The slender eyelashes trembled gently, the cheeks were slightly flushed, showing excitement, and the eyes were even brighter.

The expression is like that of a girl who is confessing to the person she likes.

No, in fact, she was confessing at this time.

It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and it is impossible to make the eyes sincere when telling lies or acting.

But now, Ye Shenyue did not see a guilty conscience in her eyes.

...... In other words, this girl is really... confessing!

If so, if so, that's why she was so scary when she heard Yan Ye's name.Because of jealousy, right?

Jealousy shouldn't kill each other!

Return to the origin again.

Although the girl is confessing, but.

Although it's a bit awkward to say, but at this moment, Ye Shenyue's casual appearance is just an ordinary teenager, how can she get the favor of such a cute girl?

Moreover, Ye Shenyue didn't feel that there was anything in her body worthy of a girl's liking.She should have a better choice.

Besides, he hasn't appeared for a long time with this appearance, and when did the girl meet him?

Serious doubts!

Just the main problem is, "Although your confession makes people happy, but... as you can see, I'm not handsome."

Ordinary looks with a smile can only be called a smile, and this stubborn head...

No girl will like it!

In order to prevent being entangled by other girls and there is not enough time to protect and pay attention to her daughters, Yagami Yue, but it took a long time to prepare such a look.

But even so, was the girl taken a fancy to?

Sure enough, it should be said, "Brother's charm is like a firefly in the dark night, but it is still so dazzling even if it is hidden?"

Then it becomes the above state.

The girl shook her head gently, revealing a cute and dangerous smile.

"It doesn't matter if you're not handsome. In my eyes, Yue-kun is the most handsome, and it doesn't matter if you consider the child's appearance in the future, as long as the child can inherit my appearance, then Yue-kun will be fine. You can rest assured.”

"Because I will make unsightly children disappear, Yuejun doesn't have to worry about child support."

A state where angels and demons coexist.

Chapter 0017 The missing bond (kneeling to subscribe)

No object or creature is ever too perfect, even in the eyes of the Creator, and even a holy angel can fall into a devil.

And this is the case with the girl in front of her.

She put her hands behind her and squeezed tightly, her cheeks flushed slightly like an ordinary girl confessing to a boy...a cute and beautiful girl.

How cute, but why say such horrible words?

"So Moon God Yejun, your silence means that you promised to date me? Thank you very much."

As he spoke, he bowed slightly in satisfaction.

"It's not like that!"

Ye Shenyue took a step back again, while the girl took a step forward, "Is there a problem?" "Of course, what do you mean by dealing with the child?" "Of course it means literally, in Yuno It seems that if the child can't satisfy Yue-kun, then what is the value of survival? Of course, not only the child, even if Yue-kun hates Yuno, then Yuno has no value of survival, because in Yuno's heart, Yue-kun is the most What's important, isn't that the case?" The tone of voice was very questioning, as if asking for a response that should be taken for granted.

She didn't have any strange expression on her face, but instead showed the expression of "what's the matter with you, how can you be a big general and a little monster".

Girl, don't you think what you said is too scary and beyond the comprehension of ordinary people?


It's really comfortable to hear that though, because it's such a joy for someone to put you first, over the child and herself.


"No, then why do you like it? I've never seen you before."

Although many teenagers and girls are secretly in love and then suddenly confessed, Ye Shenyue can't accept the embrace of a beautiful girl so easily.

Although here is the day on campus is a world without virtue and chastity, however.

This girl is not an ordinary girl who can be fooled easily.

this girl.

The breath on her body, she can really kill!And once he accepts it, he doesn't know how big a threat it is to Yan Ye.

and so.

Say no.

Very euphemistic.

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