"So it's impossible for us...] "Why? "

However, the girl raised her head slightly, her wine-red eyes glowing, "Obviously there was such an application between us."

Something like that happened?

What the hell is it?

"The hint is..."

The pink-haired girl's eyes were sharp, "April [-]st two years ago."

April [-]st two years ago?

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly, what happened at that time?Two years ago, he was still running to three homes?No, at that time, Luna Ye’s identity had already appeared once.

Go to the junior high school to see the lives of the lovely daughters, so the world will know him at that time.

And then met a girl?It's unlikely. He remembered that he had a good relationship with a black-haired girl at that time, and then he had a haircut, but that girl was black-haired, and it was impossible for him to turn into the current pink hair!

"It was also when there were only two people, and then."

The girl kept reminding her, obviously she didn't know that she was almost mistaken for a gun buddy by someone just now, but thanks to her reminder, the mind of Yashenyue, who had no trace at all, really seemed to be remembered. Something started to make up such a picture.

Because he didn't want to join the club, he sat directly against the window after school and looked at the figures of the girls exercising on the playground below, among them the world of volleyball...

Then wait for the world to finish moving home.

As a daughter... oh no, the world at that time was still small and not as girly as it is now, so it was even cuter.

So there is no irritability even when waiting.


The slightly heavy steps seemed to be hiding something in mind, "Student Ye Shenyue, what do you want to do in the future?"

"Father, of course, and then lovely daughter."

Ye Shenyue's eyes were fixed on the black-haired world with the volleyball turned upside down below, it was very cute, world!Hearing someone asking him, he replied casually without even turning his eyes away.

There is no place for anyone else in the eyes of the paranoid father.

"So this is ah."

However, the other party didn't seem to care, "Since that's the case, then I'll help Moon God Yejun."

"Being your wife in the future will allow you to be a happy father."


Ye Shenyue came back to her senses, what happened just now?It seems that someone is talking to me about 3.8.

Just looking at the classroom but no one is there.



Ye Shenyue is going to pack up and continue to follow... oh no, it's to protect the world and go home.

Then, nothing unexpected seemed to happen.


eh eh eh!

It really reminds me of how my wife Yuno described it.

He remembered.

There really is such a thing.

It's just that he answered casually at that time, looking at the lovely daughter in fascination, he didn't even notice who was asking him.

He didn't even notice who was asking him!

What the hell is this... what's going on!

Chapter 0018 The dark world (kneeling to subscribe)

"Even so, let me think about it. After all, even though we have such a "promise", we are still unfamiliar. So it would be too rash to communicate like this..."

Since it is true, Ye Shenyue, the "heavily sinful" guy, has to seriously consider it.

After all, his motto is never to make those who love me and those I love sad.

"No, Yuno doesn't know anything about Yue-jun. Yuno knows a lot of information about Yue-jun. For example, the sweatpants for gym class at noon are missing. If Yue-jun must find it, then Yuno can..."

While talking, he opened the zipper of the bag he was carrying. Although it was not fully opened, Yagami Yue had already seen it... Well, part of the sweatpants that he lost at noon.


Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that maybe, well, maybe her heart should be more ruthless.

This... is completely Shu (change) female (state) ah.

What does it mean that your sweatpants are gone? It was obviously taken by you in 07!

By the way, how did she get into the men's locker room?

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