"There will be no one."

Ye Shenyue said calmly, it's time to go to class, how could anyone still come up?

Of course...there is!

The black-haired girl with black shoulders and black shoulders walking on the stairs "So that's how it is, the instant is just for myself."

730 The black-haired girl's black eyes were dyed with the color of closed self, and then she walked down step by step...

After she thought she had settled the matter, Ye Shenyue went to the meeting with a relaxed mood... Well, although she knew that the witch would always invite her after she said bad things about the bald old man, she didn't expect it to come. So fast.

The shrine maiden named Tsubaki is still very beautiful, and she is also the black Changzhi that Yagami likes, so she drank a lot of wine, and she got a little drunk after a while.


However, the phone on the table vibrated violently at this time.

The sound of a new diary again.

"The beauty god love was killed."



Ye Shenyue stood up all of a sudden, a look of astonishment appeared on her face, yes, he forgot, and he forgot again, the crisis of forgetting the beauty of God's love has not been lifted!

ps: The next chapter will face my wife Yuno

Chapter 0035 Facing My Wife Yuna (Kneeling for Subscription)

"what's going on?"

Seeing Ye Shenyue suddenly stand up, the girl with straight and slender black hair showed a worried color, because in her eyes, this Mr. Yashenyue is very mysterious. If it wasn't for her reminder, then she would not be. Funatsu's conspiracy may be discovered.

At that time, not only Mom and Dad, but also her, and the church will be devastated and exploited.

If Funatsu is greedy, then this church, which helps the poor with the help of the weak, will also be stained with darkness.

And all of this was only changed because of Ye Shenyue's words, which changed her future.

As long as it is a girl, there will be worship "I have to leave first, sorry."

Ye Shenyue said with a pale face, why did he forget the beauty of God's love!I had said before that I would never forget her, but now...

The other party was killed!

After she finished speaking, Ye Shenyue couldn't wait any longer, so she immediately teleported to the place where Meishen Ai was.

"Sure enough, he is a mysterious person."

Seeing Ye Shenyue leaving the Miko-san just like this, she was not surprised, but took it for granted, "" But it's okay to think about it. Rather than becoming a god, she wanted to become a priestess serving the gods.


Although she thought so, the black-haired girl looked at the unfolded scroll with a surprised expression, "How could such a thing happen?"

That was her future diary, she could see things through the eyes of believers, but now the scroll shows that... things from the future...


This is the phone. Ye Shenyue dialed Meishenai's number, but couldn't get through. He teleported directly to the place where Meishenai was killed, but only bloodstains were found at the scene, but Meishenai was not there, not only It's her absence, not even the murderer!

"Di - this is the love of the goddess of beauty, is it Yuejun? It was so scary and scary just now, it was like I was in a dream."

However, when he was in a state of irritability, the call came through, and the voice of the goddess of love came from inside.

"Xiao Ai? You...you didn't...haven't you been killed?"

Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment, and then quickly recalled the records of the previous diary phenomenon.

Beauty God Love was killed.

The words haven't changed. Could it be that the diary just now is a lie?

"I don't know, at noon I met a girl with pink hair, and she said she wanted to go home with me, and then in the alley she pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the chest, It was very painful, I thought I would die like this, but after she left, I found that the pain was warm, and then the injury recovered, very strange and strange! Now I have returned home, if not for the blood It still feels like a dream, this dream is too scary!"

Meishenai's voice was very excited and trembling, whether it was killed or resurrected, it was unbelievable to her.

"Feeling warm?"

Ye Shenyue felt that he already knew what was going on.

As a Kaminsa, although the power of the self is sealed, the body is still his body, even if it is just a white and turbid liquid, it has a powerful power, and this power is enough to resurrect the beauty of the gods.


"A girl with pink hair? And her eyes are cold and fierce!"

Ye Shenyue repeated a sentence, and the girl with an angel-like sweet face but a devil-like dark heart immediately appeared in her mind.

My wife Yuno!

Yes, it can only be my wife Yuno!

But, why would Yuno do this...

After comforting Mei Shen Ai and letting her stay at home for a while, Ye Shenyue was in a very bad mood. He had met Jing Zi who killed innocent people to take his life, and he had also seen all kinds of slaughtered Kuang San, but this one. My wife Yuno is different from them.

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