In terms of the level of danger, Yu Nai far surpassed them.

Kyoko cut him off, and Kuangsan also barreled him, but Yuno had attacked the people around him.

He can hang up constantly, but the girls around him can't. Although he is scumbag, he can't watch the girls around him get killed.

Things have come to an end.

Taking heavy steps, Ye Shenyue came to the house where Yuno was once sent back, my wife's house.

Ringing the bell, although he didn't open the door right away, Ye Shenyue felt that someone was looking at him through the cat's eyes. The knives with the blood of God's love have not been dealt with.

Ye Shenyue didn't know what Yuno thought, but in less than a minute, Yuno opened the door, and then showed a flower-like smile.

"Yuejun Moon God, it's really surprising that you actually came to me in person. You really think other women are too annoying? So I chose Yuno in the end."

The pink-haired girl who opened the door a little was like an angel.

ps: There were classes in the morning, noon and evening yesterday, and it was half past nine when I came back, so I just washed and slept without updating, sorry.

Chapter 0036 The illusory compromise (kneeling to subscribe!

The girl is like an angel, pink and cute, which makes people's heart pound.

It's just that Ye Shenyue doesn't believe her anymore. On the way here, he has made a decision. No matter what, he can't let Yuno continue to kill other girls.

"Yuno, let me in first."

The smile on the girl's face still did not fade away, and at the same time, she moved back a little, and then let Ye Shenyue go in.

"These are Dad's shoes, I don't know if they fit your feet."

The girl closed the door again, then turned on the light in the entrance, but she quickly took out the slippers from the shoe cabinet.

As if nothing had happened, she squatted down like a docile Yamato Nadeko.

"Yuna, I smell blood."

But Ye Shenyue did not accept Yuno's kindness.

"Blood smell? I hate it, what is Moon God Yejun talking about, how could there be a bloody smell... Oh, I remembered, I was just handling the fish I just bought from the vegetable market, so I got it. Bloody smell, if you don't believe me, look at it."

While talking, Yuno stood up and took Yagami Yue's hand and walked towards the kitchen, where the light was already on, and there was a fish with a broken stomach beside the pool, and it was stained with it. The bloodstained sharp knife was also placed on the cutting board.

Yuno was really handling fish just now?

Is Yuno really wronged?Wasn't she the one who killed Mei God's love?

No, not right!

Ye Shenyue looked at the swimming fish in the water tank under the kitchen. There was another fish there, and it was still alive. It didn't look like it was just bought from the vegetable market, but... it had been kept for a long time.

In other words, this fish may have been prepared by Yuno, and she may...may have guessed that he would be here, so she deliberately killed the fish and made the knife just now!

Although the smell is covered by fish, it is not the smell of fish blood but human!


Ye Shenyue felt it just now. He rang the doorbell and then noticed the sight of the peeping for no more than 30 seconds. How about anyone knocking on the door just for one person, then he will put down the great cause of killing fish in his hand and rush to open the door what?

Besides, Yuno paused for dozens of seconds after looking at him through the cat's eyes!

Why not just open the door and just stop?What must she do, what did she do?

There was no feeling of changing clothes in a hurry, and there was nothing unusual on her body, it was only possible that she was covering up the blood-stained knife!

Everything, everything has proved that the person who attacked the beauty of God's love just now can only be... Yuno.

Seeing that Ye Shenyue didn't speak, Yuno had already walked to the kitchen, picked up the knife, and neatly finished the fish.

With her back to Ye Shenyue, "Have you already eaten your dinner, Yue-Jun? If you don't dislike it, then it's at Yuno's house..."

"Yuno, you just... killed the beauty god love, right?"

Ye Shenyue interrupted Yuno's words, and the pink-haired girl turned her face, the smile on her face had disappeared, "Sure enough, Moon God Yejun still found out..."

The knife in her hand was gripped tightly.

Then he walked over step by step. Although she was still an angel-like girl, Ye Shenyue had the feeling that she would pounce on him at any time when she saw her holding a knife and watching her come over.


Just like when he was attacked by Jingzi, he felt a crisis, like a ticking time bomb that could explode at any time.

"Yes, I killed Meishen Ai, but I don't regret it. I know that Yuejun came here to persuade me to surrender. Even so, even so, I don't regret it. My pillar has always been There is only Yuejun alone, but that woman, the beauty god love, has unknowingly lured and deceived Yuejun without symptoms, and I will never forgive such a woman."

Yuno was already very close, and as long as Yagami didn't escape immediately, the sword Yuno was holding would come with all kinds of buckets.

She lowered her head as if she didn't want others to see her expression at the moment.

Ye Shenyue was not in a good mood either. His possessiveness has always been very strong, and he will also restrict the girls from doing things like this, disposing of all the men who are close to them, and throwing away the love letters.but.

Turns out the girls were the same.

Like Yuno, all she showed was a stronger possessiveness.Is she wrong?

So is he wrong?He didn't feel unhappy that it was because the other girls were forgiving him, but what about Yuno?Who can tolerate her?

"Enough Yuno!" Ye Shenyue pressed Yuno's shoulders, "Everything is just my fault, everything will end here. Let nothing happen and never start, I will forget that you killed Meishen Ai The same thing, forget it, I will give you a happy family."

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