Shaking her braids, Tina looked at Ye Shenyue reluctantly.

"let's start!"

Chapter 0004 The girl's fight

"Start just start!"

The two lunatics suddenly started fighting in front of Ye Shenyue, and at first glance they were old opponents. They could use all kinds of moves, and they could also think of what the opponent's next move would be!

"That's how women fight!"

Watching the fight between the two with Erlang's legs raised, Ye Shenyue felt that it was nothing more than that. The thunder was heavy and the rain was small, and the fight was not very exciting. Although I could occasionally see the light of the girl, but for the more ruthless, this Not as good-looking as Tina's face!

"go to hell!"

Tiantongmu couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the stool at hand and smashed it at Sima Weizhi!

"This is your site, I won't pay for it if it is damaged!"

The girl in the kimono used the iron fan to block the stool, and threw Yagami Yue over there!

"If you have the ability, you will smash Tina's doll! It just so happens that I am missing a secretary, and Tina has done a good job in this area!"

Shaking his head and chuckling, Sima Weizhi doesn't care about this little doll!


She shouted loudly in her heart, Ye Shenyue is already full of black lines, how can a woman use such a cute puppet as a tool?


Tiantongmu suddenly shouted, Sima Weizhi also stopped, and immediately after, Ye Shenyue felt that she was caught!

"What are you two doing? This is someone's puppet, not for you to attack each other!"

Holding Ye Shenyue in her arms distressedly, Tina nervously looked at the two people in front of her, as if Ye Shenyue in her arms would be torn apart by the two of them soon!

"Tina! Where did you get this thing?"

Tiantong Mu even put down the broom in his hand and stood in front of Tina like a giant, his black belly looked like a messenger from hell to Ye Shenyue, ready to drag him into hell!

"I won't let you play if I kill you, never!"

She swears fiercely in her heart, Ye Shenyue still doesn't know why the two stopped fighting!

"Tina! Did you feel wrong just now? This puppet of yours seems to have life!"

He took the iron fan and came to Tina.Sima Weizhi rarely showed a serious face, watching Tina shaking her head desperately, pretending to sigh, suddenly stretched out her hand, and grabbed Ye Shenyue in her hand!

"Bastard! It hurts me! And the girl from a big family! Didn't your mother teach you to handle it with care?"

Cursing Sima Weizhi desperately in her heart, Ye Shenyue still held back and did not move. If she was exposed at this time, she might have to leave Tina's side forever. This is not good news!

"Have you seen it? This doll of yours can actually speak! Although it is very small, I can be sure that the voice comes from here!"

Pointing at Ye Shenyue's head with an iron fan, Sima Weizhi cast an inquiring look at Tiantongmu beside him!

"Tina, don't be nervous. White spots have begun to appear on our walls. If we don't fix it in time, Tokyo may be destroyed! Now this puppet is so strange, there must be something wrong. So..."

"So I plan to take it to the laboratory of Sima Heavy Industry and study it well!"

Opening the fan to block Tiantong Mugeng, what Sima Weizhi did was to steal lines!

"Destroy Tokyo? What about Tina?"

Ye Shenyue thought quietly in her heart...

Sima Heavy Industry Special Laboratory.

"Put him in! Let me experience our latest technological achievements!"

Sima, who had already changed into a white coat, put on his eyes, and looked at Yeshenyue through the glass wall with a wicked charm!

"Bah! You guys still want me to show my real body, what a joke!"

Staring at the circle of people in white coats, Ye Shenyue was very disdainful. The uniforms of these guys have been unchanged for decades, can they have any surprising methods?

"Miss, we can't detect the genes of coelenterates in it. Judging from the results, this is an ordinary doll!"

A big tree wearing glasses looked at Sima Weizhi with an embarrassed look on his face. This aunt will not come if she doesn't come. Once she does, she will make all these people busy to death. I brought a doll to test today. Aren't you wasting everyone's time?The Son of Heaven has already ordered Sima Heavy Industry to develop a quick defense device before the megalithic monument collapses within three days. Are these people too busy to touch the ground? How can they care about this?

... "Holy Son of Heaven? What's this title? It doesn't seem to be the honorific title that mortals give me. I'm always called Zeus, Yahweh, etc., how can such a strange title appear?"

Listening to the voice of this person's heart with mind reading, Ye Shenyue is more and more unable to understand what the people here are thinking, such a sacred title can be placed on the body of a mortal leader casually, really hateful!

"No! These guys actually don't believe in the existence of God! It's terrible!"

After reacting for a while, Ye Shenyue finally understood the meaning behind the title. Doesn't this mean that the people here think that God no longer cares for them?Otherwise, why would you use such a title to describe your leader?

Through the mirror image, Ye Shenyue finally found out that the so-called Son of Heaven in this person's brain is actually a young and beautiful woman, and she also looks very ladylike, not like a person with huge power!

"Did you hear it? Was there a sound wave coming from it just now? I'm telling you, I was able to use the sensor installed under my ear to feel the sound wave from the middle of the object in a very noisy place, which means that there must be a It's weird, someone must have deliberately put these dolls in our new Tokyo, and then used them to spy on our intelligence..."

As he spoke, Sima Weizhi's expression suddenly changed, he pushed the uncle next to him, entered the laboratory, grabbed Ye Shenyue's head and ran outside, running and commanding his own The subordinate prepares a car for himself, saying that he has something very important to tell his father!

"Big sister! Can you stop shaking, I can't see your inner thoughts like this!"

Being held rudely by Sima Weizhi, Ye Shenyue couldn't concentrate on watching this person's inner mirror no matter how she controlled her soft body!

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