"Okay! Sound waves are coming out again! See if I don't give my father a big surprise today!"

Sima Weizhi sneered in his heart, then got into his luxurious vehicle, and flew directly from the laboratory to the headquarters of Sima Heavy Industry!

"Wow! This place is so stylish! It's much better than my Heavenly King's Palace! It's really human! Some people live so well, and some people don't even have a place to stand!"

Chapter 0005 Appearance

Sitting next to Sima Weizhi and looking around, Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered the blind girl. Although she was blind, she was still kind and had left a deep impression in her heart!One day I will find her and let her see this cruel but rich world!

In the car, Ye Shenyue had already seen the mirror image in Sima Weizhi's heart. It was also at this time that Ye Shenyue knew why she was noticed by this girl who likes to wear kimonos and doesn't wear well. It turned out to be this world. It is already in danger, and even people with this status must pay attention to the movements around them at all times to avoid being hurt.

"When people no longer have the most basic trust, the speed of this society's self-destruction is much faster than natural revenge!"

Thinking of what she once said to a devout preacher when she turned into a god, Ye Shenyue felt that this world really has no value in existence!Although those coelenterates have yet to be seen, Ye Shenyue feels that the source of this problem is definitely not outside, but in the hearts of these people!

Looking at the world, Ye Shenyue has arrived in a stylish office. The huge space in the office is only filled with furniture made of dark objects. For these things, Ye Shenyue has no need to understand, and Sima Weizhi is very quick. He was also kicked out by his own father!

"New Tokyo is almost over, you still have the time to let me test such a boring ragdoll, even if it has a stealth bug inside it? This place is about to be destroyed! What the hell is he! "

After speaking, the stern father ordered his daughter not to leave the vicinity of Tokyo Bay. As for why, the father did not seem to intend to explain to his daughter, but through the sight of Sima Weizhi, Yashenyue saw that the girl had already I know why, because here you can escape at any time!

"Quick, get out of here anyway!"

After getting into the car, Sima Weizhi ordered the driver to set off, but unfortunately, the driver had already received some kind of order and stood there motionless!

"Go away! You inhuman bastards! I've had enough of you!"

Pushing the driver away, Sima Weizhi scolded and drove the car by himself!

In the back, Ye Shenyue could only hear the shocked muttering of the driver who was driven out of the car.

"When did Miss learn to drive?"

Sima Weizhi really didn't learn to drive, even the well-informed Ye Shenyue was terrified by the sight around him. Sima Weizhi was like a lunatic who only stepped on the accelerator. .

"Mad, this lunatic, you don't need to do this if you don't know how to drive. It's [-]! These vehicles can already be voice-controlled, okay?"

Sitting in the back and judging the surrounding things, I found that the automobile civilization here is probably at a medium level. I am still very familiar with this kind of environment. Of course, Ye Shenyue also knows that when civilization is developing at a high speed, his own right. The influence of the world will drop a lot. People in this period often only pay attention to material enjoyment, and their respect for themselves has reached a point where scientism can no longer explain everything around them. Zheng Zheng once again humbly faced himself!

"There is a sound again!"

Sima Weizhi noticed that Ye Shenyue was talking again behind him, so he hurriedly turned his head and stared at Ye Shenyue. At this time, Ye Shenyue was not a fool, so he quickly put on a cute look and closed his mouth!I really don't know why this girl is competing with herself, and she doesn't even look at the road conditions in front of her. Speaking of which, this girl's family is really rich. The car was hit by a half-dead, and the inside is still intact!

But this time, Sima Weizhi seemed to think that he was the only weak woman in the car, and he was afraid of something. He stared at Yeshenyue, as if there was a possibility of throwing Yeshenyue out at any time!

"Look ahead!"

Ye Shenyue's eyes suddenly moved, and the bridge ahead suddenly made a turn, but Sima Weizhi's vehicle still drove straight ahead!

"Sure enough, there are ghosts!"

Maybe he couldn't hear Ye Shenyue's warning, but after seeing his eyes move to stop his vomiting, Sima Weizhi leaned over without saying a word, grabbed Ye Shenyue's head and was about to throw it out!

"Why did the windows automatically lock?"

Ye Shenyue and Sima Weizhi spoke almost at the same time, and immediately followed, the car suddenly turned over, as if it had hit the isolation belt, and rolled in the air and rushed under the river!

"No way! In such a space, I can't escape!"

Ye Shenyue's mind suddenly became stunned. Although she has mastered everything in the universe, Ye Shenyue can only operate in a vast space. If she enters a closed space, she has no way to escape!

"Okay! It seems that this is the only way!"

Sima Weizhi, who was in front of him, had already fainted because of the impact. At the moment of the impact, the poor girl made a close contact with the back of her head and the roof of the car, and then fainted...

"where is this?"

After spitting out a mouthful of water, Sima Weiwei, who finally recovered his strength, woke up and saw a black-haired, green-faced man in front of him, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he looked down on himself...


Ye Shenyue only spit out two words and turned her back. She really has no common language with such a lunatic.

"Oh! Did you take advantage of me to do this to me! Look at me, I'm soaked all over, my stomach is so full..."

Before Sima Weizhi stood up and finished speaking, he felt a pain in his stomach, and he vomited without grace while standing on Ye Shenyue's face paint!

"The rescuers are here! I'm leaving!"

Ye Shenyue glanced coldly at Si 2.1 Ma Weizhi, the girl's temper was really bad, then she picked up the soaked doll from the ground and said, "I took this thing! It's gone!"

"You stop!"

After finally sorting out his emotions, Sima Weizhi took big strides and rushed in front of Ye Shenyue, extending his arms to block in front of him.

"finish dressing!"

Ye Shenyue's eyes didn't even blink. To be honest, this girl has a good figure, but she has no idea about this!


Suddenly pulling his clothes tight, Sima Weizhi looked at Ye Shenyue nervously.

"Who let you see it! And there!"

Holding his clothes with one hand, he pointed at the doll in Ye Shenyue's hand with the other.

"Give me back my puppet!"

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