Chapter 0006 Meet the Blind Girl Again


"This is my puppet, this is my puppet, you return my puppet to me!"

Widening his eyes and stretching his arms, Sima Weizhi started begging for puppets around this strange man!

"Where's the evidence?"

Ye Shenyue really didn't want to talk to this guy anymore, she turned her face as if she didn't see it, and raised her legs to leave here!If it weren't for the fact that there were so many of you looking at this place, Ye Shenyue would have just disappeared with the dolls. When she was taken away, Tina's tearful appearance almost broke Ye Shenyue's heart!

"Ah? What evidence is needed for this! How can you, a big man, want such a puppet? It must be an innocent, cute and delicate little girl like me to have such a puppet!"

Sima Weizhi said shamelessly in front of Ye Shenyue, it seems that he is not going to let go today!

"It seems that you once said that this puppet is ugly! Now that you say such things, 07, don't you blush?"

Ye Shenyue couldn't bear it anymore, she threw off Sima Weizhi's hand and scolded, although whoever said this is no longer new, but hearing this reason, it was an insult to herself, it was this girl just now , I have to test myself, make it clear that I don't like myself, and I won't let Tina have an excuse!How can you pretend to be innocent now!

Seeing Ye Shenyue completely ignoring her and ignoring everything about her, Sima Weizhi, who had never been treated like this, was stunned on the spot. Just when Ye Shenyue lifted herself up to finally leave, a dozen people suddenly approached in the distance. A police car surrounded the two in three or five seconds!

"You are the ones who caused the serial car accident! Get behind the handle, we have an arrest warrant!"

A group of police officers got out of the police car, and one of them was still holding a warrant in his hand, looking very solemn.

"Police officer, where is the maker of the serial car accident you mentioned. I am a passerby and I have rescued her. Take her away. Such a reckless person needs to be properly disciplined!"

She smiled and said to the person who came. Ye Shenyue was full of self-confidence. Seeing that person was a little dazed, with suspicion in her eyes, she simply said: "This person's tool for committing crimes is there, it has already sunk into the water, but because of inertia The reason is that the sinking is not deep, you should be able to salvage it!"

Listening to Ye Shenyue's words, Sima Weizhi did not resist. This is all true, and he has indeed caused a lot of trouble for the Sima family.After going back, there must be no good fruit to eat, which puppet is going to be given by this guy...

Thinking of this, Sima Weizhi's eyes suddenly lit up, staring at Ye Shenyue in front of him, as if he understood something, he pointed to Ye Shenyue and said to the police officer who came to ask him: "It's him, it's him, he There was a bug in that puppet, otherwise how could he know so many things about me, and when I was about to get the puppet back, this man would not let go, there must be something wrong in that puppet, police officer , you can't let him run away, don't forget that the current New Tokyo is facing a catastrophe, and he is likely to be a spy!"

Sima Weizhi shouted loudly, and Ye Shenyue was stunned for a while, but after the police officers were stunned for a while, they waved to Ye Shenyue nonchalantly, indicating that he can leave, and then asked with a smile: " People are your saviors! Little girl, you can't even ignore your saviors if you make a big mistake! Tell me, what's your name!"

After taking out the small book to register, the police officer still has a professional smile on his face!

"My name is Sima Weizhi, I'm the daughter of President Sima, hurry up and catch him, don't let him run away!"

New Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department "You said you were wronged, but why don't you even have an item on your body that can prove your identity? Also! Why did you run away when Miss Sima identified you?"

Holding the coffee, the big-bellied police inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department spoke to Ye Shenyue in a leisurely manner. Just now, he was still serious. After his secretary came in and told him that his plane ticket had been booked by President Sima, he put on a picture. Vice Chengzhu looks like a chest.

"Where's the evidence?"

Ye Shenyue, who has repeated the three words more than ten times, really doesn't know how to communicate with the bureaucrats of this era. It is clear that the victory is imminent, but these people still look wretched, as if the panicked crowd outside the window is not at all. Nothing to do with them.

"The evidence is being tested. Through Miss Sima's analysis, we agree that you are very suspicious, and all your actions are very suspicious. Since you want evidence, are you showing evidence that you are living in New Tokyo! Even if you have lost your residence permit and ID card, and even if you have lost all these documents, can you provide a number that can be searched for us to check? It is very difficult for you to get out of here without cooperation !"

Speaking to Ye Shenyue, the police inspector is actually using Ye Shenyue to waste time, but he can't leave until the highest evacuation order of the Son of Heaven is issued!

Ye Shenyue finally knew this guy's psychology through the mirror image, so naturally she didn't bother to cooperate, she just waited for the night to fall and escaped by herself!

The basement of the Integrated Management Department of Sima Heavy Industry.


With a slap on the daughter's face, 957 President Sima, who has never touched Sima Weizhi, left the first palm print on her daughter's face!

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

Sighing deeply, President Sima sat in front of his chair and took a few puffs of cigarettes.

"do not know!"

"do not know?"

Standing up straight, President Sima waved to the people around him. After they got down, he stood up and walked over to his daughter, gently wiping his pink face.

"Because of you, the traffic in the entire Tokyo has been paralyzed by one-third. Today, another [-] people cannot leave here because of the traffic accident you created. Because of you, more than one-third of the ships docked in Tokyo Bay cannot open. Ship, let the evacuation plan we made so closely be disrupted, and when everything is restored to order, you will let more than [-] people who could have left alive here die with those red-eyed children! It's that simple!"

Staring at his daughter stubbornly, President Sima hasn't revealed his loss today. In order to allow his daughter to come back alive, he doesn't know how many ship tickets that were originally allocated to engineers were passed on to the bureaucrats who ate the corpse!

"I was wrong!"

Sima Weizhi was also shocked when he didn't expect such a disaster to happen on his spur of the moment!

Chapter 0007 Money Tree

"Where is Tina?" on the streets of Tokyo

Looking at the blinding neon sign, Ye Shenyue stood on the roof in a daze. Look around from the roof of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"Thank you! Thank you! You are such a good man!"

A familiar voice came, Ye Shenyue hurriedly stood up, and at a glance, she saw a blind girl with a sign hanging on the street!

"She must know!"

Excited, Ye Shenyue hurriedly looked for a dark corner near the blind girl. As long as she appeared from such a place, she would not disturb the purity of this world!

"Hey, this little girl is a cash cow. Now you know that the crisis is coming, hurry up and do good deeds! It's too late, I'll buy a ticket and put the two of you in a box, and we can go to safety again. The place has made a fortune!"

Hearing such shameless remarks as soon as they came out, of course Ye Shenyue would not let them go.

"Little sister. Do you remember the big brother who gave you a wad of bills last night?"

Standing in front of the blind girl, people were coming and going, and the small bowl in front of the blind girl was already full of coins, and those guys who were going to draw money from it, seeing Ye Shenyue here, would endure for a while.

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