"Big brother, why are we pretending to be kindergarten children?"

Standing in the luxuriously decorated conference room, Qing Ziliu blinked her eyes at Ye Shenyue, the new clothes she just got dressed like a princess, Ye Shenyue looked at her beautifully, her hands were no longer Consciously began to stretch out, in order to distract the girl's attention, he also stated his purpose.

"You can see the managers of New Tokyo from here!"

Chapter 0010 Tina is here too

"I also want!"

Putting her little face in front of Yeshenyue, Qingluliu finally learned to speak in a low voice. At this time, her voice was so soft that Yeshenyue seemed to fall into the middle of cotton, and she was so comfortable that she was about to fall asleep!


Ever since she brought more than a dozen children from the sewer here, Yeshenyue knew that she would be the moon in the sky in the future, and that these beautiful and lovely stars would always be around her, and after she stood up to protect everyone, she turned green willows to herself. His view suddenly changed by [-] degrees.The gentle can't be gentle, Ye Shenyue doesn't want to leave!

"Sir, we only accept gold now, if you don't..."

Feeling the beautiful face of the little beauty, suddenly there was a waiter who was covered in paint. The black and white waiter came to disturb her. Ye Shenyue's face suddenly turned gloomy, and she stood up in dissatisfaction and said, "I'll go now!"

"No no no, sir, I just seemed to see one of the children's eyes turning red?"

The waiter suddenly shouted, and immediately threw the bill in his hand, and was about to run out.

"It seems that only people from Sima Heavy Industry know that these children can protect them!"

Ye Shenyue thought faintly, and then snapped her fingers, causing the waiter to fall into a drowsy sleep.

"It seems that everyone's eyes are about to change!"

Ye Shenyue turned her head and looked at everyone with a smile. She thought that this sweet smile would make her appear more friendly, but she didn't expect these children to be stunned for a moment, and then there was a lot of crying!

"Uh! Forgot! This is the source of their pain!"

Smashing her head, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt so stupid, why did she forget to make these children's eyes normal?But if you suddenly use mana to make everyone's eyes normal, wouldn't you scare them?


Ye Shenyue suddenly shouted, followed by a transparent jar in her hand!

"Big brother, what is this?"

Qing Ziliu believed that she could open her eyes after she was with her eldest brother, and it was definitely not a dream to talk to her eldest brother, so she took the initiative to dry her eyes and asked.

"Good question! Let me tell you, this is the latest pill developed by our branch heavy industry, which can change the color of the eyes. You can eat what kind of candy you want to become! It's convenient and fast, old man. No bullying!"

Ye Shenyue casually made up a lie, then squatted down and stood in front of Qingzi Liu, took out a white candy and said, "If you don't want to change into another color, it doesn't matter, we can do it. It becomes colorless and transparent, that is, the normal color, try it!"

After Ye Shenyue said this, Qing Zi Liu really took out a white candy from it and ate it.

"Really! My eyes don't seem to have a red halo anymore, and I can see the world much better!"

Qing Ziliu quickly smashed her eyes, making sure that this was not a dream. Although she had already seen the world, she saw the red halo at first glance. He let her know that he was a cursed child, but now, he and They are all the same!

"I come!"

Qingluliu, whose eyes were red due to being interrupted by the waiter just now, hurried over, stretched out her chubby little hand, and took out a white candy from it. After eating it, she hugged her sister excitedly and cheered that she didn't. Red halo!

"Sir? What's going on? How did our staff faint?"

The hotel manager's inquiries came from outside the door, and the pre-trial, who had not distributed the candy to everyone, shot him impatiently with a black line on his face.

"Why did he faint?"

Qing Ziliu blinked, one hand was already on Ye Shenyue's arm, and she was almost intoxicated by Ye Shenyue!

"It's okay, they are tired! Just let my brother touch his little face!"

Holding the Qingzi Liu gently, Ye Shenyue happily distributed the candy to all the children. These children are so cute!

"Hello! What about the staff at this hotel?"

Tiantong Mu even stood in the hall, looked left and right, but couldn't see a staff member.

"Why don't we change to another store, why does this place look so weird! There's no one there!"

Tina whispered beside her, since her doll disappeared, she could only follow Tiantong to find Sima Weizhi, but it seems that Sima Weizhi doesn't know where she is to this day...

"What voice? It sounds familiar! It's as gentle as the green willow!"

Ye Shenyue, who was gently stroking Zi Liu's face, suddenly pricked up her ears curiously?

"Maybe it's the staff of your tributary heavy industry who came to you, big brother!"

Qingluliu's reaction is always quick, and every time he calls out the identity of the other party, although it is basically incorrect.

"Uh! Yes, yes!"

Ye Shenyue also wanted to see who was coming, she nodded her head to admit it, then stood up and said affectionately to the lovely little loli beside her: "Brother, I'll go down and have a look, if it's our staff. , brother, bring you something delicious!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue kissed the children's foreheads one by one, and then opened the door!

"I'm going, why do the staff here sleep during the day without any professionalism!"

As soon as the door was opened, did Ye Shenyue see that there were many sleeping people like Arhats at the door, and the waiter at the bottom seemed to be crushed to death!

"Oops! Why did I forget to wake them up? I said why are people making noises downstairs and no one cares?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly understood, and at this moment, Ye Shenyue heard Tina's gentle voice again!

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