
Suddenly Ming 4.1 Bai ran into Tina again, and Ye Shenyue stepped up and kicked the staff piled up at the door back to their original positions, and then seriously tie a bow in front of a mirror!

"Excuse me, are you staying in a hotel? Or are you hitting the tip? Ah. Isn't it resting? Or are you staying overnight?"

Ye Shenyue came out from the inside in a graceful manner, and had never served anyone before. It's a bit strange to say such a thing.

"Hello, is there a room near Tokyo Boulevard? We need a wide view!"

Tiantongmu took the initiative to stand up.Regardless of whether Ye Shenyue heard it or not, she asked directly.

"Little sister. Is this your request? If you request, we can provide it for free!"

With eight teeth showing on her face, Ye Shenyue's smile is incomparably sunny!

"Huh? Really?"

Chapter 0011

"Of course!"

Showing a plump smile for Tina, Ye Shenyue looked at Tina with affection, every word of the little girl was like a drop of water hitting the lotus leaf in the pond, round, crystal clear, and penetrating.

"How do I feel that such a good thing won't fall on us?"

Squinting at Yeshenyue, who had stretched his head almost like a spring, Tiantongmu had black lines all over his face. No matter how he looked at this person, he didn't look like a good person. Not like someone you can trust!

"How can I see this guy thinking about it?"

Grabbing his hair, Tiantongmu found himself in it for the first time!

"It's generally wrong, you have to look at the reality! The reality is that I can't bear to ask for her money when I see such a cute little sister!"

She didn't take her eyes off Tina's body, Ye Shenyue politely asked Tiantong Mugeng, but these words were more to please Tina than to talk about 07's voice.

"This business was never mine!"

Those people who were kicked back to work by themselves, Ye Shenyue must modify all the information here before they wake up, and now the most important thing is to let two people register, as for the money!Not a problem at all!

"Thank you, you are a kind person!"

Looking up at Ye Shenyue who was talking to her, Tina's mouth showed a smile. Although it felt strange to enter here, Tina still believed that Ye Shenyue was a good person.

"Whoops! Your little dimples are so pretty!"

Seeing Tina laughing at herself, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but recall the past, er, the feeling of being held by Tina in her arms yesterday, suddenly she had an idea, and suddenly there was an extra piece of cloth in her hand that changed from her back. Identical puppets!

"Look! Cute! This is for you!"

While flirting with Tina, Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of the warm feeling at that time, and was wondering whether she wanted to become this puppet, or continue to drink them and talk about business?

"Yes! Thank you!"

Seeing this puppet at a glance, Tina hurriedly hugged it in her arms. The touch on her hand was exactly the same as yesterday's, and it was so cute!

"Don't you have one?"

Tiantongmu was left aside, and finally found an opportunity to interject.


Tina suddenly put the puppet in front of her and looked at it. By the way, it also blocked Ye Shenyue's vision, and seemed to be a little shaken!

"Are girls still afraid of having too many dolls? This is what you deserve!"

Standing up straight, Ye Shenyue found that Tiantong Mugeng, who was blocking her conversation with Tina, said blankly, "Would you like to take a look at the room? Or should you register first?"

"This is serious, isn't it the type I want to work with my handsome exterior? It's a no-brainer to walk through the iron shoes and find nowhere. This guy is a good match for me!"

"Sister Mugeng, Sister Mugeng, we need to register!"

Pulling on the corner of Tiantong Mugeng's clothes, Tina looked at Ye Shenyue with black lines all over her head. This was the first time she saw Tiantong Mugeng look like this!

"Ah? Register? Good good!"

Finally regaining his senses, Tiantong Mugeng quietly tidied up his scattered hair, and said to Ye Shenyue with a kind face: "My name is Tiantong Mugeng, female, seventeen years old this year, Aries..."

"I didn't ask you this..."

Wei Wei sighed in her heart, and Ye Shenyue finally found out that Tina was still cute and smart.Although Tina seems to be employed by this person, in any way, Haivastina is superior, of course, if you count Qingzi Liu and the others...

It took the two greedy guys half a day to get the information registration number. Because they didn't need to pay, Tiantongmu asked Tina to look at the room even more worriedly.

"Oops, this hotel is doing such a good job, and all the rooms near the street have been booked. This is distressing. The catastrophe is coming. If you don't run away quickly, what hotel are you staying in here!"

Looking at the register in his hand, Ye Shenyue muttered with black lines all over her head.

"Is there any?"

Tiantong Mugeng has returned to normal now. Seeing that Ye Shenyue did not reply for a long time, he swept over the entire hotel with suspicious eyes. There was no one, or no one. From now on, no one came in and no one went out. , so strange!

"Yes! Why not?"

Turning to look at Tina, Ye Shenyue finally gritted her teeth and agreed, and then said, "The only discomfort is that there are so many cute little sisters in this room, they are the people I invited from kindergarten to watch the Son of Heaven. , you can live wherever you want, but you can't let them leave, of course! If you are willing to play with them in the room, I don't mind!"

Beating his eyebrows, Ye Shenyue is worth letting these people deal with at this time. He can erase the memory of the staff here, but he can't change the place where people exist. If the people who occupy the room are suddenly taken away, It is possible to change a person's fate by himself, and such a thing, as a god, cannot be done casually!

"Humph! Even if you have a room, you're still putting Haikou under our crotch! Sure enough, he's an unreliable 577 guy!"

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