Nodding to Tina, Tiantongmu still appreciates that she has not forgotten her mission, and at the same time feels that it is a very good thing for her to meet Ye Shenyue!

"You are the security guard!"

Listening to the conversation between the two behind her, Ye Shenyue quickly understood what they were doing. It turned out to be coming to protect the Son of Heaven's attack!

"how do you know?"

Tiantongmu turned around and looked at Ye Shenyue suspiciously. From the moment he came in, he knew that this guy was definitely not easy!And this place won't be easy!

"Woooooo! I'm still worrying about this now!"

She smiled at the two of them, Ye Shenyue had already seen Tiantong Mugeng's thoughts through the mirror, stood up casually, and then said to Tina gently: "Such a cute little girl does such a dangerous thing, people are very Worried!"

She blinked even more at Tiantongmu, Ye Shenyue already understood the identities of these people, the next step is to wait for the appearance of the Son of Heaven, and then express her thoughts.

Looking back at these children, Ye Shenyue felt that she was obliged to restore true harmony to this world, and perhaps it would be better through the managers here.

"We are ready, tell Lord Saint Son of Heaven, we will definitely protect her safety!"

Nodding to Tina next to him, Tiantong Mu has already put all his hopes on Tina, but thinking about this special time, there may not be people who are willing to assassinate the head of state.

"How naive!"

Holding her head and smiling slightly to see Tiantong Mugeng's mirror image, Ye Shenyue could only return an apologetic smile.The trail of the enemy was in his grasp, but it was not on this street.

Chapter 0013 Disappearing Employee

"Your convoy is ready 1." An attendant respectfully informed the Son of Heaven. At this time, everyone was probably very nervous, but these people were not in a hurry. After all, they were the Son of Heaven's side. All kinds of transportation have been prepared, and what this attendant has to do is to follow the Holy Son of Heaven until a miracle happens or Tokyo is destroyed!


There was no expression on the Son of Heaven's face. The ability to remain calm at this time has already shown her extraordinary ability to bear. It is a little embarrassing to want to make an innocent and beautiful smile!

"Brother, when are we going to start?"

In the darkness, a man's hoarse voice came, as if it was Shura in hell, picking out who to take away.

"Don't worry! It's been said above, we want to give everyone a surprise, where is there any surprise now? Isn't there any surprise left?"

A black man in front laughed loudly, as if everything was under control, and anyone would be surprised to see these two, because they were not a combination of a promoter and a cursed child, but two who looked Characters like brothers!

Sima Heavy Industry Headquarters "Crack!" A beautiful glass cup was dropped to the ground, and the eyes of the chairman of Sima Heavy Industry were flashing with murderous intent!

"What the hell is going on? Why are all [-] people absent from work today? Even if the escape plan is about to be implemented, there is no need to sneak away at this time! They know the quality of the megalithic monument we personally supervised the construction of! "

He yelled at the secretary who came to report, Chairman Sima has the heart to kill now, and lost [-] employees all at once, how can his own arrangements be implemented?

"Sorry, they're not the ones with the tickets!"

The secretary's head was almost touching the ground, but what he said made Chairman Sima jump up!

"What? Not the one with the ticket?"

Chairman Sima suddenly felt a chill all over his body!Do they feel hopeless to survive and no longer plan to come to work?

"That's right! It's some low-level engineers, they don't have a chance to get a ticket, so we tell them your order!"

Speaking carefully, the secretary's heart is very heavy. Now that the chairman has thrown his cup, then the next thing to say will definitely make him thrown out of the office!

"Then why are they?"

Speaking of this, Chairman Sima suddenly turned inward, and he clearly told them that grabbing the cursed child can resist coelenterates, but they didn't even believe it?

"According to a report from a person who was drinking at a bar last night, these people had called him to say that they were going to catch the cursed child, but he lost his special needle and didn't go!"

Speaking carefully, the secretary felt that the chairman should already know what happened, but obviously, chairman Sima, who was caught off guard by the situation in front of him, had already reacted!He also slapped the secretary in the face and shouted: "Speak! Keep talking! Why don't you speak at the most critical time, speak!"

"Uh! It's so sluggish..."

Shaking his head helplessly in his heart, the secretary stood up and said tearfully, "They may have been wiped out by those cursed children! Otherwise, they wouldn't have disappeared overnight. We once sent people to their residence to see them. It's over, it doesn't look like you packed up and ran away!"

"Woohoo! Why, why are our special needles so ineffective!"

Holding the secretary's thigh, Chairman Sima also thought of the tragic end of these people, touched the secretary's body and said in a weeping voice, "Why do you have to go outside the megalithic monument to arrest those cursed children! Don't they know what to do? What to do, there are still a lot of prey in the sewers!"

As Chairman Sima wailed, he heard the secretary shaking his head and saying painfully: "No, they just went to look for the children in the sewers, and as a result, no one came back, and we found through the recent detection that, The children in the sewers have all disappeared, and not even a single red-eyed child has been seen in the whole of Tokyo except for the children who already have facilitators!"


Chairman Sima suddenly stood up, wiped the snot and tears from his face, and said resolutely: "How is this possible! Don't our employees escape for their lives, but go to the front of the about-to-collapse boulder and those cowardly Did the animals fight?"

"I'm afraid not!"

The secretary wiped off the dirt on his body apologetically, stood up and said with tears in his eyes: "We have contacted all the combat units, and we haven't found any increase in the number of troops, and even if the auxiliary units are not killed, deserters begin to appear. Well, these cowardly guys can't have the guts!"

Serious analysis, the secretary feels like a know-it-all, and before Chairman Sima wants to ask a question, he has already said all the answers!

"I think you are like a scavenger, remove all my dependencies and give me a white reality!"

Throwing an ashtray over, Chairman Sima said viciously that the special needles he had worked so hard to develop had made all [-] employees disappear. The cruel reality made him unable to bear it!

"Uh! It seems that it is not good to be too strict!"

The dutiful secretary thought regretfully before being dragged away.

"Report the case to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department! Even if you dig three feet in the ground, you will find my employees!"

After leaving the office and yelling at the employees outside, Chairman Sima felt that he had to take out something real to look at, and could no longer be defeated by reality.

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