"...Uh, what about people?"

Finding that the office seats outside were empty, Chairman Sima looked at everything in front of him in shock.

"These are the missing people, and you are here to distribute special needles to them!"

The secretary holding the ashtray clutching his wound is back!

"Where is the guy who lost the special needle while drinking at the bar? Bring it up, I want to ask a good question!"

It doesn't matter if no one is there, as long as there are clues, Chairman Sima admires his smart brain!

"It's me! These are my colleagues!"

With bandages on his face, the secretary solemnly handed the ashtray to Chairman Sima. He was the first secretary to have the ashtray smashed by the chairman. This thing is very memorable!

"go to hell!"

Picking up the ashtray and making another hole in this guy's head, Chairman Sima is about to explode!

Chapter 0014 The Son of Heaven is Coming

The third floor of the Tokyo Hotel "Sister Tina, you used to be amazing!"

Listening to Tina telling the story of her previous battles, Ye Shenyue is even more infatuated with this little girl. How can she not like such a beautiful and generous girl who was once ranked in the top [-] masters?

"Where? You are still amazing. You have protected so many cursed children and restored their eyes to normal!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue with adoring eyes, Tina felt that this person was the best person she had ever met, no one else.

"I said, we are here to work, it seems that we are not here to chat!"

Boringly tapping on the glass on the window, Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue with more resentment on his face. It was obviously suitable for someone his own age. Why don't you like to look at yourself and go with those little girls who haven't grown up? Woolen cloth?

"Your employer should call you if they need you!"

Without raising his head, Ye Shenyue's fluttering words made Tentong Mug even close his mouth.


Pointing at Ye Shenyue, Tian Tongmu really couldn't find any words to refute Ye Shenyue, so he could only stare at Ye Shenyue's back fiercely, clenching his teeth so hard that he couldn't kick himself. Trembling, trying not to let yourself break out.

"Sister, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Qingluliu smiled wickedly and talked to Tiantongmu. The provocation in her eyes made Ye Shenyue like it a little bit. That kind of cute smirk really made Ye Shenyue unbearable. A kiss on her pink cheek.

"What did you say?"

Finally found that the little girl was actually talking to him, Tiantongmu looked at her with wide eyes and lowered his hair in shock, how could such a small child talk like this?It must have been this bad thing that taught bad children!

"Uh, the good things don't think about me, and all the charges are piled on my head..."

Ye Shenyue looked out the window hesitantly, the wound in her heart that was drawn by the mirror image of Tian Tong Mu Geng couldn't heal for the time being.

"I mean, the way you were shaking and shaking just now looked like someone who wanted to go to the toilet but couldn't find a place!"

Qingluliu didn't seem to be able to see the hostility on Tiantong Mugeng's face, shook his small head and looked at Tiantong Mugeng quietly, and then saw Tiantong froze there, he quickly turned his head, and extended his hands to invite his companions behind him. Said: "Does this big sister look like someone who can't find the toilet just now?"


The neat answers of the little loli finally broke down the last disguise of Tiantongmu.

"You bastard! Did you teach it? Say it! Did you teach these girls to hurt others so much!"

Turning around and grabbing Ye Shenyue's hand, Tiantongmu shook his body lifelessly, as if he could get a positive answer in this way.

"You don't seem to be as good as these little cuties now!"

Blinking her eyes with a playful smile, Ye Shenyue stared at the little cuties below, as if to encourage them to do so.

"Uh...is that so?"

Turning around and looking at the little loli behind him, Tiantong Mu even looked back at the hand he was holding and nodded inwardly.

"I really want to be like them!"

"It's not. It must be me with them, and I feel young as a result?"

With a flick of his long hair, Tiantongmu couldn't relax, and quickly found a reason for himself.

"Uh... do you want to be so duplicitous!"

Fortunately, Ye Shenyue was able to see her mental mirror, otherwise, she would not have been deceived by Tiantong's serious look.


Suddenly, the sound of a phone call freed Tiantong Mu from the embarrassment. He quickly took out his mobile phone, and Tiantong's face suddenly became serious.

"Okay, I see, let you worry about it!"

Speaking seriously to the phone, Tiantongmu put down the phone in his hand, then shook his head, and said to Tina, "Get ready! Lord Shengtianzi has already gone out, and it is estimated that he will come over soon!"


Tina nodded cutely, followed by hurriedly standing outside the window and took out a few of her own balls.

"What is this? Was it for us to play?"

Qing Luliu looked at the small ball that suddenly floated up beside Tina and said curiously, and all of a sudden, everyone's eyes were focused on Tina.

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