"Uh, that's not it, it's for fighting!"

Turning her head and smiling at Qinglu Liu, Tina can't let them touch these things, once they touch it, it will definitely cause an explosion!

"This is my sister's secret weapon, you can't tamper with it!"

She crouched down and smiled at Qinglu Liu and the others. Of course Ye Shenyue knew what it was used for, and also knew that it was something that should never be touched, so she quickly stopped in front of them.

"But people are very curious, I want to play!"

She pouted her little mouth and looked at Yeshenyue with her cute little eyes blinking. There was an electric current in her little eyes, and Yeshenyue couldn't help herself when she saw it!

"Do you want to look at me with such lovely eyes, I really can't stand it anymore!"

Looking at Qinglu Liu's lovely and charming eyes, Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and gently held her little face, gently stroking her, as if she was stroking a piece of fine china.

"I want to play!"

Seriously nodded to Ye Shenyue, and the eyes of Qinglu Liu's appraisal were pure determination.


Ye Shenyue looked at the girl's beautiful face and of course couldn't bear to refuse, she nodded directly, then stood up and said to Tina, "Little sister, do you have any more?"

"Where else would there be! It's a very sophisticated thing, and it's very dangerous. How can you say you want it?"

No need for Tina to refuse, Tiantongmu has already stood up and stopped in front of Tina. Although I don't have a bad impression of this person in my heart, but this guy made me so embarrassed just now, even if this thing can give them, now Tiantongmu doesn't even plan to give it, let alone this thing really can't let these children play!

"How to do!"

Qing Luliu stood behind Ye Shenyue and said loudly, as if something that belonged to him was sent out by Ye Shenyue or would come back!

"Where did you buy this thing? I'll go buy some for everyone!"

Ye Shenyue, whose body had been stiffened by Qinglu Liu's voice, said in a low voice, although she could make the exact same thing in minutes, but these people are here, she definitely can't change things easily, as long as they let go If so, bring a bunch of them when you go out!

"Uh! This thing is unique to Tina, okay? Let's not mess around here, okay? We still have something important to do, let's take your kindergarten out of the way first?"

Tiantong Mu even rolled his eyes and said, how could this guy ask where he bought this thing?Simply too much!

"It was obviously developed by others..."

A certain woman thought longingly.

Chapter 0015 Temporary intention

"Who said that, I've seen it before!"

Before waiting for the little loli behind to cry, Ye Yueshen suddenly patted his chest and stood up and said loudly, that he absolutely cannot allow his little loli to cry, if they cry, it is because they are moved by him !


Tiantongmu even looked at Yeshenyue with the same eyes as aliens, wondering if this guy is crazy, even if he is lucky enough to see it, he can't really get this thing!

"Don't even look at who I am, this little thing is easy to catch!"

Ye Shenyue turned around with a smile, and said to the cute little loli in front of her: "Everyone, be good! I'll buy you this stuff, but you have to promise not to touch Sister Tina's stuff. Sister Tina is working now, don't disturb her, you know?"

A charming smile hangs on Ye Shenyue's face, and in the eyes of all the loli, she is her protector.

"Don't worry, we must be obedient!"

Nodding to Ye Shenyue, Qing Zi Liu took the lead in making a promise.

"With Zi Liu here, I can rest assured, don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

Holding Zi Liu's face gently and kissing her on the forehead lightly, Ye Shenyue got up and went to buy things for these children.

"Sure enough, he's a lunatic, and he doesn't even look at anyone next to him. Are you embarrassed?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue's figure leaving, Tiantong Mugeng felt some contempt and some inexplicable loss in his heart. Of course, the most suspicious thing is to read Yi Ye Shenyue. This thing really isn't all over the street!

"Actually insulting me in my heart, I need to rectify and rectify!"

Of course, Ye Shenyue heard Tiantong Mugeng's thoughts, and immediately snapped her fingers when she went out.

"Wow! Sister is in such a good shape!"

Lvliu took the lead in shouting, and all of a sudden, everyone saw Tiantong's dilemma!

"What a broken belt! It's so weak!"

Tiantong hurriedly covered his body, fortunately there were no more boys in this room, so he didn't have to worry about being taken advantage of.

"There are so many people on the street outside!"

Zi Liu suddenly heard the noise outside, and with his friends, he leaned on the window and looked down!

"Huh? Why is this belt better?"

Tentong Mu held the belt in his hand more curiously and muttered strangely.

"Never mind, it's important to protect the Son of Heaven!"

Tighten the belt, Tiantong Mu immediately turned on his phone and started to get in touch with the guards of the Son of Heaven. Now that the front of the Son of Heaven's team has entered the street, he must protect her!

"I am back!"

In fact, Ye Shenyue didn't leave much after going out, but paid gold with the hotel outside, and when she came back, she changed a lot and took it back to the hotel!

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