"So fast! Are you a god?"

Tiantongmu turned around more calmly, in fact, these words were not to praise Ye Shenyue at all, but prepared to sneer when Ye Shenyue couldn't find these things, but when she turned around , I was shocked by the sight in front of me all of a sudden!

"Wow! Brother is so good! I love brother to death!"

Qingluliu was the first to see a bunch of balls that Ye Shenyue was holding in front of her chest. She was so happy that she jumped over and took out a ball that looked exactly like Tina's!

"They're just children, aren't they?"

Yousang corrected her mistake in her heart, of course Ye Shenyue knew that Tina and Tiantong Mugeng were shocked at this time, and quickly said: "This is the kind of ball I saw that I miss Sister Tina, but I can guarantee It won't explode, you can also have a good time playing, as long as your fingers are sore and put in, the ball can fly in the sky with your guidance, how about it, isn't it as fun as Sister Tina's?"

Facing the little loli with a bright smile, Ye Shenyue also knew that she couldn't not explain it to Tina and them at all.Just make up a reason and want to dismiss them.

"is it?"

Tiantongmu didn't know why, he just wanted to untangle Ye Shenyue's hypocritical face, walked over and took out a ball from it, then put his fingers through the hole above it, and looked at Ye Shenyue suspiciously. God Moon...

"I let it fly and it will fly?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue in disbelief, Tiantongmu was waiting for Ye Shenyue's answer.

"This one is flying!"

Qingluliu didn't know why she was very angry when she saw Sister Tiantong talking to her big brother like this, and directly ordered her ball to fly in front of Tiantong Mugeng!

"Is this true? There are still balls in this world that can be manipulated like Tina's?"

Staring his eyes wide, Tiantongmu couldn't believe his eyes anymore. He looked at Ye Shenyue like he saw an alien, and then suddenly remembered something and grabbed Ye Shenyue's shoulder!

"Tell me! Tell me! Where did you buy this? There are so many?"

"If you can buy it, can you use me to change it?"

Ye Shenyue whispered in her heart, but a mysterious smile appeared on her face. One hand pressed Tiantong Mugeng's body, and she was so shaken that she couldn't speak, and said softly in his ear: "Actually, I'm a member of the branch heavy industry!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Tiantong Mugeng with proud eyes, as if his 0.3 non-existent company was very powerful!

"Tributary Heavy Industry? Is it as powerful as Sima Heavy Industry?"

The ignorant Tiantongmu was really blinded by Yeshenyue, panicked and called the gangster, and then heard a loud call in his ear!

"Tiantong Tiantong, the Son of Heaven has already arrived, why don't you answer my call, say ah! The Son of Heaven is going to give a fifteen-minute speech on that street, how can you leave your post without permission?"

With that said, the gentle greetings of the Son of Heaven have come from the earphone.

"Tiantong, I made a temporary decision, I hope I don't cause you trouble!"

"No trouble no trouble, protect you from our accusations!"

Mu Geng replied softly, then turned off the phone, and smirked in his heart: "It's still our financial source!"

Chapter 0016 Do not know the Son of Heaven

"By the way, what does the branch heavy industry do?"

Tiantong asked with a sneer, now that she had turned around, she remembered that she had never heard of this surname at all!

"If you've heard of it, you'll be damned. It's obviously a surname that I suddenly remembered in the sewers. If there are people with the same surname, I'll be drunk."

She whispered in her heart, of course, Ye Shenyue couldn't avoid this question that must be answered, and said without blinking: "Of course it is used for scientific research!"

"Is this answer different from no answer?"

Looking at Yeshenyue unhappily, Tiantong Mugeng's eyes drifted to the sky, and the planes in the sky told her that countless rich people had left this once prosperous city with their own capital.

"Of course the difference, at least you already know a major secret of our tributary heavy industry!"

Ye Shenyue said seriously, in fact, Ye Shenyue didn't even remember what the thing with such an ugly name was used for. In the countless worlds he created, the same noun has different meanings in different places. For example, he knew that in a world he had created, the word apple was the 07 meaning of the leader. Obviously, here, it was just the name of a fruit.

"All right!"

Suddenly he found that he had nothing in common with Yeshenyue, thinking that the Son of Heaven would come soon, Tiantongmu didn't even bother to worry about this issue with Yeshenyue, so he said something to Tina in a low voice, and then kept his eyes on it. Looking at the street outside the window, it seemed that everyone knew that the Son of Heaven was also coming. Suddenly, many people appeared on this street, which was completely different from the scene Ye Shenyue saw yesterday.

"Uh, it turned out that it was a rainy night when I saw this place yesterday! I forgot!"

Embarrassingly mocking herself in her heart, Ye Shenyue has noticed Little Lolita's actions. These cute babies seem to have known that the Son of Heaven is coming, and all of them lie neatly at the window and look down.Perhaps, this is the first time they don't have to look up at the world through the sewers, they just need to look down with their own eyes, and they can see all the scenery.

"Get out of the way, the person in front doesn't have eyes! That's no quality. What future do you have to live!"

Roaring loudly at the people around him, the captain of the guard of the Son of Heaven insulted the people around him with no quality at all.

"It sucks!"

Qing Zi Liu's hearing seemed to be very useful, just like her voice, she could hear what that person said through the glass so far.

"Does Zi Liu dislike this person?"

Standing by Zi Liu's side, Ye Shenyue still feels that Zi Liu is her most caring baby.

"En! Zi Liu hates this guy, very annoying!"

Zi Liu turned her head and said seriously to Ye Shenyue, as if she said it, Ye Shenyue can help her achieve it.

"It's okay, he will be unlucky soon, God will always punish such a bully guy!"

Ye Shenyue said seriously, the smile on the corner of her mouth was always facing Zi Liu, as if what she said was true.

"It feels weird to praise yourself!"

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