She snickered softly in her heart, and Ye Shenyue suddenly found that Tian Tong Mu was looking at her curiously.

"The Son of Heaven is here!"

The louse kept smiling, Ye Shenyue said to the window.

"Ah? Ah! Tina, get ready!"

It was embarrassing to be found peeping, but the person who was peeking still reminded himself confidently, as if he had been peeped, Tiantongmu was even more shocked, and quickly reminded Tina to find it for himself. down a step.


Tina agreed gently, of course, Tina was ready, but she couldn't bear to expose Tiantong's embarrassment, she just did her own thing with peace of mind.

"What a good boy! What a role model!"

Thumbs up to Tina in her heart, Ye Shenyue suddenly realized that she seemed to be back to that puppet's warm Tina's embrace!

"Should I go out and do a clone technique?"

Touching her chin, Ye Shenyue seriously considered this question.

"Hey hey hey! I'm calling you!"

Tiantongmu shook Yeshenyue even more, with a look of anxiety on his face.

"what happened?"

Ye Shenyue asked curiously, she just thought about it for a while, does this guy want to be so excited!

"Did she get bored if I ignored her for a while?"

Feeling the charm of her whole body, Ye Shenyue's face was very proud.

"What's the matter? Of course the little girls who told you about you are looking at you eagerly, as if they have something to ask you!"

Tiantongmu even tried to pretend to be calm with a cold face, and motioned Ye Shenyue to look at the little loli beside him.

"What's the matter? Little babies?"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly turned around and neglected her babies, she couldn't even forgive herself!

"Big brother, didn't you say that we can see the leader here? Why haven't we seen it for so long? Just saw a big sister saying something to everyone, and she's not the leader here at all!"

Qingziliu spoke out on behalf of everyone what was in their hearts.

"I'm going, don't you know that this is the Holy Son of Heaven that everyone respects here? Is our head of state 730? Why do you ask this question?"

Tiantongmu pushed Ye Shenyue away, akimbo, and taught these girls a lesson. He came here to protect this adult. Why can't these little girls understand this at all?

"Don't scold my babies!"

Ye Shenyue stood up and stood in front of Tiantong Mugeng, her face full of grief and anger, as if a respectable mother was protecting her child!

"Uh, okay!"

Seeing through Ye Shenyue's shoulder, the little girls who were reprimanded by him looked like eggplants beaten by frost, and Tiantong Mu suddenly realized whether he was going too far, and quickly apologized to Ye Shenyue.

"Can you all forgive my sister's rudeness?"

Just as he put his head down and bowed, Tiantong Mugeng heard Yeshenyue Shuanglang's laughter, and immediately looked at him with a black line on his face!

"I just apologize to you, do you want to do this!"

Glancing at Ye Shenyue unhappily, Tiantongmu has already bent down, naturally it can't be counted, so he can only reluctantly say: "I'm sorry everyone, I made you sad!"

"You're welcome!"

A dozen or so little lolitas agreed to Tiantongmu like well-trained soldiers, and then, like a group of lovely elves, rushed to the window and started chattering and discussing with the Son of Heaven below.

Chapter 0017 The Son of Heaven was attacked

"That's the Holy Son of Heaven! Should we go over and say hello to her?"

Qingluliu pointed to the big sister below and thought happily that she never came out of the sewers since she was a child, and now she came out to see the gentle leader here, the anger towards the people above has dissipated, and she was still thinking about herself happily. When I saw her one day, I said hello to her.


Ye Shenyue was still that gentle and beautiful man, standing behind Qinglu Liuliu with a smile, she said, now her biggest dream is to help these poor children find a warm support, and she is their warmest support!

"Of course!"

Hearing Ye Shenyue's voice, Qingluliu seemed to hear the sounds of nature, showing her beautiful teeth happily, then hugged Ye Shenyue's body and said, "Big brother, we can really get such an opportunity. You see those people next to him are fierce, can they give us this chance?"

Blinking her small eyes, it is still very realistic to lean on the green willows, but Ye Shenyue seems to be no problem at all.

"I'm telling you! Don't worry, it will happen soon!"

Saying that, Ye Shenyue's mouth curled into a smile, as if everything was under her control!

"Humph! It's up to you!"

To say that Ye Shenyue can achieve other things, Tiantongmu still believes it now, but if he wants to meet the Son of Heaven casually and chat with her, Tiantongmu feels that he rarely has this opportunity, let alone These little girls.

"What? Don't you believe it?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tiantong Mugeng with a smile. This smile was also revealed when she was suspected just now, but now it is shown on Ye Shenyue's face again.

"Of course I don't believe it!"

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