Tiantongmu said in a more grand manner, he didn't believe that this guy could get such an opportunity!

"It's just you? It's not your turn to chat with the Son of Heaven when Tokyo is over!"

Thinking like this, Tiantongmu is even more convinced of his own judgment!

"En! Wait and see!"

She smiled and nodded, Ye Shenyue didn't say anything, she had already thought about what was going to happen next, so she could show up at the right time!

"Wait and see!"

As soon as he pinched his nose, Tiantongmu didn't believe in this evil if he returned it today, and told Tina to be safe from what happened here, then grabbed Ye Shenyue's hand and said, "Come on! Let's pull the hook! Yes, you have to tell me the time, otherwise, who would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon!"

"This girl is still so cute!"

Ye Shenyue's eyes were all round. When Tiantong was pinching his nose and staring, he saw a hint of childishness and naughty in Tiantong. Now, he can also see more cuteness in Tiantong. , It turns out that a high school student can be so cute!

"Hey hey hey! I'm talking to you! How dare you tell me the time!"

Ye Shenyue's habit of being interrupted when she loses her mind has not been broken. Faced with such a situation, Ye Shenyue not only laments her god-like thinking and doesn't want to run away, the rest is to quickly recover and face her. Tiantong nodded, but said in a big way in the eyes of everyone's expectations and doubts: "Don't worry! I can fulfill this promise within today!"

After speaking, I heard a beautiful and wonderful cheering sound in my ears, like the most beautiful symphony in the music world, and let Ye Shenyue intoxicated again. If I can forever immerse myself in the laughter of children, You are not the happiest person in the world.Ah no, it's God!

"Pull the hook!"

Feeling that this guy disrespects him too much, he is always distracted when talking to himself, and Tiantongmu can't help raising his voice to deter Ye Shenyue's ethereal thinking!

"Oh oh oh! Good!"

With a slight tick, Ye Shenyue did not withdraw her hands, but jokingly scratched Tiantong's nose!


When Tiantongmu was about to say something, he suddenly heard Tina say in a low voice, "The Son of Heaven has finished his speech and is leaving now!"

"Continue to monitor until the convoy of the Son of Heaven cannot be searched!"

Tiantong immediately changed his serious forehead and turned to look out the window.

"I want it too, I want it too!"

The voices of the little girls suddenly came from his ears, and Tiantongmu turned around in surprise.But I found that Qing Ziliu led everyone around Ye Shenyue and shouted and jumped, as if trying to get something from Ye Shenyue's hand|!

"Good good! Everyone has it!"

When Ye Shenyue faced these cute little loli, she was neither angry nor bored at all, she squatted down with a smile, and then stretched out her hands, gently on the noses of these quiet children Shaved!

"Uh... actually rushing to come here, what a child!"

Helplessly shaking his head and watching this scene, Tiantongmu realized that even if he was among the children, he couldn't make himself so cute.Of course, in Tiantong's eyes, this is Chi Guoguo's naivety!

"The convoy of the Son of Heaven is basically going to leave this street. Should I take it back and monitor the system?"

Tina asked in a low voice, standing behind Tiantong Mugeng.

"Of course, we are only responsible for this street!"

Tiantongmu even smiled and nodded, he is just a watcher, a real warrior, Haha Si Tina, for Tina, he has [-] trust, and he will not be embarrassed at all!

"Okay! Big brother, I want it too! I want it too!"

Tina jumped up happily, then bypassed Tiantong Mugeng directly, and came to Yeshenyue, with two attractive braids hanging down on her little face, like a golden ribbon, allowing Yeshenyue to watch her. Unforgettable, look at the doll held in front of the girl, Ye Shenyue's desire for a clone has sprouted again!

"no problem!"

Nodding affectionately to Tina, Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and scratched lightly on her nose. Her hand was full of love and caress. She really hoped that this moment would last forever!


A loud bang actually sounded, instantly shattering the glass of Ye Shenyue's room, Ye Shenyue hurriedly raised her head and looked out, only to find that Son of Heaven's motorcade had already left this street!

"Your dreams will come true soon!"

Looking at everyone with a smile on her face, Ye Shenyue said firmly, and then flew out of the window.

Chapter 0018 Calmness of the Son of Heaven

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The Son of Heaven was taken aback by the huge explosion.Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her, she didn't seem to think that Ye Shenyue was the one who assassinated her.

"Uh! You are so calm!"

The time has come to a standstill, Ye Shenyue gently closed the door of the flying car. After a while, the car will throw the passengers sitting inside with a huge impact. Useful, Ye Shenyue won't let her die.

"Why is everything outside still? Should my inflatable air bag be activated at this time?"

As the Son of Heaven spoke, he tapped the button beside him. Usually, this thing is very sensitive!

"do not……"

Ye Shenyue hadn't reacted yet, and she was bounced out of the window right after!

"How rude!"

With her handsome face stuck to the glass, Ye Shenyue looked out the window in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I don't usually do this, I'm just curious!"

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