She snapped her fingers in the air, and Ye Shenyue's mouth curled into a smile. Although she couldn't control people's thoughts, she was very clear about what was going on in their minds!

"Then tell me! As long as I can do it, I will do it!"

The Son of Heaven has been completely attracted by the future picture that Ye Shenyue has shown him at this moment, and he hastily asked his own conditions without speculating about the possibility of realizing all this.

"This girl is really a natural politician! How can she give herself such an affirmative answer for a few empty words!"

Admiring in her heart, Ye Shenyue was not polite and directly stated her request.

"First, legislation to pass a special protection law for cursed children! Instead of a law that advocates freedom and equality, that kind of empty vocabulary is simply not enough to reverse the situation of those lovely children!"

"It's hard!"

The Son of Heaven stared at Yeshenyue with bitterness in his eyes. Such a bill would be a bomb on earth for those old people in Parliament to hear it, and it would never pass!

"Then disband the parliament. Anyway, you will automatically lose your current status in three days. Instead of giving the old people the so-called face, it is better to show the determination of the strong man to break his wrist. Maybe there will be a turnaround? As long as you can help the newcomers Tokyo is going through the crisis, and I think that with your personal prestige, the influence of those old people does not need to be considered at all!"

Although he is not a statesman, Yashenyue has seen the image of a person's political prestige very clearly for thousands of years. He is actually more clear about the thoughts of those old people, but it is difficult for the Son of Heaven to know this. , it takes a long time to experience, I can't take the place of the Son of Heaven to experience this!

"Well, this is true. With your God, even if all the Stonehenges collapse, I will not lose everything I have now!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue in front of him, the Son of Heaven suddenly understood that he didn't need to rely on the support of those old people at all. With God by his side, what was he afraid of?


She snapped her fingers in the air, Ye Shenyue saw the smile on the corner of Sheng Tianzi's mouth and knew that this little girl had figured out how to handle this matter, and immediately reminded Sheng Tianzi that he had not finished talking about the business!

"What is it?"

The Son of Heaven didn't even ask, he agreed to the first thing, was he afraid of one more thing that would offend people?

"It's just that my kids want to spend a morning with you, what do you think?"

With a sweet smile on her face, Ye Shenyue felt that this was the real business for her to discuss. Since Lu Liu and the others were so curious about the life of the leader, let them take a look.

"Child of God? Jesus?"

The Son of Heaven couldn't react for a while, and looked at Ye Shenyue curiously, but his body had returned to normal. For a person with political aspirations, staying in the best state at all times was simply a natural habit.

"No no no... some of my favorite children, in fact, you should be able to figure out what's going on!"

Facing the Son of Heaven with a calm smile, Ye Shenyue did not explain much, but directly showed her children in front of the Son of Heaven through the mirror. Looking at these lovely children, the corners of the Son of Heaven's mouth also swelled. Showing a trace of love, just like seeing his own past, his face is full of kindness.


The Son of Heaven didn't even think about it. Such a trivial matter was just an incidental to the first thing he promised. As long as the safety of this place could be kept, there would be no problem with this trivial matter.

"Don't underestimate these children. They are the future of this world. It can be said that when you unify this island in the future, you will rely on them!"

Seeing a trace of disdain on the corner of Sheng Tianzi's mouth, Ye Shenyue didn't want it anymore. The person she loves most is such a cute child. If it wasn't for their existence in this world, she would have abandoned this world long ago, Need to grumble with these guys at this place?Just kidding!

"Oh well!"

Finding that Ye Shenyue's face was very solemn, and with the details that Ye Shenyue revealed to herself, Sheng Tianzi suddenly imagined a picture of a cursed child in his mind to serve him and defeat the coeliac monster. , and unify the picture of the whole island!

"Do you have time tomorrow morning? I don't want my children to be disturbed, you have to remember, make time to be with my children tomorrow morning, otherwise, I will not help you change history! "

Nodding earnestly, Ye Shenyue came out of the car directly, and then moved the location of the explosion next to it for a distance, and then flew to the two men who were grinning in front of her. Now that she saw these two unlucky bastards, she Just give Tina and the others a gift, so that Tina and the others won't get the commission again!

Chapter 0020 Several joys and sorrows

"What's the matter? Am I blinded?"

A man in black blinked his eyes, and a second ago he saw that the cannonball accurately hit the car of the Son of Heaven. Now how did he find that the car was parked safely on the side of the road, and his bomb was actually What about an explosion in a sewer mouth?

"It's nothing, it's just that the two of you are going to be unlucky!"

Ye Shenyue's voice suddenly came from above the person's head. Before he could react, Ye Shenyue had already descended from the sky, tying this guy into a zongzi!

"who are you?"

The companion next to him quickly stood up, nervously looking at everything in front of him, his face full of disbelief, but when the weapon in his hand was taken lightly by Ye Shenyue, the guy shouted and suddenly revealed himself Strange body, on this guy's body, a pair of hands are not human hands at all, but a strange light shining outwards, as if the hands were reset by someone!

"not good!"

Ye Shenyue turned her head and found that the guy who was tied like a zongzi just now had one leg stretched out. The lines on this leg were the same as those on the hands of his companions. At first glance, he was not a normal human being!

"Human technology has reached such a crazy level!"

Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly felt for a while. Humans didn't look for the reason for the emergence of coelenterates, and instead of looking for a way to treat the cursed child, they actually used their own technology to transform human beings. What a wrong understanding, and also What a ridiculous idea?

"Suffer to death!"

The two of them listened to Ye Shenyue's strange words, but thought they had met a lunatic, and together they attacked Ye Shenyue with all their might. The attack of the two seemed to be quite tacit, but they met Ye Shenyue today. moon.

"It's better to tie it firmly, otherwise it will be inconvenient for our Tina to hold it!"

Looking leisurely at the two guys who were subdued by her, Ye Shenyue already knew that the two were brothers. They were researched as a crazy weapon in the past. Now it seems that their role has been re-examined by human beings. Fighting is not always the greatest despicable part of human beings!

"Tina? Are you all right?"

Standing by the window, Ye Shenyue hasn't talked to her babies for a long time, and she misses it so much!

"We are about to pass, and you can see that there was an explosion in that place. Although it is no longer our area of ​​responsibility, you are so smart, you should know what we are doing, I wish you good luck!"

Looking back at Ye Shenyue who suddenly came back, Tina explained it politely, and then rushed down with Tiantong Mugeng who was on the phone.

"Of course luck is with me!"

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