Looking at Tina's back, Ye Shenyue knew that her gift was waiting for Tina. As for the guy in charge of that street, he might be fired by the Son of Heaven soon. Such a big target can't be found, and the waste The difference is not much.

"Big brother! Where did you go just now? We were very worried when we heard the explosion." Qing Ziliu took the initiative to approach Ye Shenyue and talk to Ye Shenyue, inevitably she was hugged by Ye Shenyue and gently caressed her. Slippery little face.

"Don't worry, I lost the chance to help you realize your wishes. I have already negotiated with the Son of Heaven just now, and we will go to chat with the Son of Heaven tomorrow morning!"

With a charming smile on the corner of her mouth, Ye Shenyue looked at the people outside the window with lingering fears, and suddenly realized that her missionaries in the West were preaching the so-called original sin of human beings. Shenyue suddenly felt that they were not greedy for money to promote it like that.

"Big brother, I want too!"

Lu Liu took the initiative to come over and let Ye Shenyue caress and touch her little face, and immediately made Ye Shenyue so excited that she couldn't help herself, and quickly put down her thoughts and returned to this lovely reality.

Yashenyue, who was surrounded by a group of loli, quickly immersed herself in her happy life, and Sima Weizhi is now accompanying her father in a daze.

"I said, father, don't you just stare at the empty office in a daze when you call me up? They haven't been properly groomed!"

Although it was already the time of the sun, but for a lazy person like Sima Weizhi, it was just time to get up, and he didn't have the time to sit with his crying father.

"Woohoo ... daughter! The base of my husband is about to be finished! Do you know? If I have your mentality! But you see, you see, three in this big office Hundreds of people, now they all disappeared out of thin air! Did you know?"

Standing in the corner weeping in pain, Chairman Sima's heart was about to melt. These [-] people disappeared with all the information of Sima Heavy Industry. This must be someone who was dug from his side by his competitor!I'm about to go bankrupt!

"I don't know! Have you finished speaking? After that, I'm ready to leave. I started packing my things yesterday and I'm ready to leave. Now I've packed a third of the way! I'm exhausted! A dozen boxes, light Moved to the middle of the cargo hold of the plane, and I was heartbroken!"

While complaining, Sima Weizhi planned to leave!


Chairman Sima, who was flushed with anger, let out a loud roar, which immediately caused an echo in the middle of the empty office. Sima Weizhi turned around with slanted eyes, and looked at his father lazily. He didn't need to learn by himself. Going up, people can't go out, and they don't even have a chance to pack up their clothes?


It was the first time that I saw my father raised his palm towards him, knowing that he was really angry, Sima Weizhi hurriedly bowed his head to his father to listen to the instruction, and suddenly he looked good...

"You are ready to leave quickly. I hope you can find a reliable man. Our business is like a person who has lost its central nervous system. It can't run anymore. You can leave quickly!"

Tears flowed down again, and Chairman Sima seemed to have been drained of his last strength, suddenly aged more than ten years, and sat down in front of his desk without saying a word.

"Father! Don't do this!"

Only then did Sima Weizhi realize the importance of the problem, so he quickly stood in front of his father and bowed his head to admit his mistake, only to find that his father had fallen asleep, and it was the first time that he found his father so tired!

"Miss, our debt representative is here. Would you like to receive it?"

The secretary crept into the office, Sima Weizhi turned around and looked at him, and immediately admired the person's professionalism. He was overwhelmed by his father and insisted on serving as his father's secretary!

Chapter 0021 Voting

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department "What a joke! I lost [-] people all of a sudden, and all of them are people who hold the same position in Sima Heavy Industry? The personnel structure of your Sima Heavy Industry is chaotic enough!"

Laughing twice at Sima Weizhi, the police chief didn't know what to say. Looking at the indignant creditors and the indifferent Sima Weizhi, the police chief really didn't know how to deal with this matter. !

"Secretary of the secretariat! There are already many, how can it be the same job?"

Sima Weizhi stroked his hair. These shameless creditors usually don't show their faces. As a result, once something happened to his father's company, the first thing that came to his mind was to get his money back as soon as possible!

"I don't care, these, I believe everyone knows when it will be soon, and I won't say much. Anyway, as long as I get my own money now, I will leave New Tokyo and go abroad to avoid it, you Sima 07 Heavy industry hurry up and give me the money back, otherwise!"

A creditor stood in front of Sima Weizhi, and there was a cold light in his eyes!

"Otherwise, you can just wait here for the coelenterates to come. It's no use for you to force us like this. Sima Heavy Industry is now stepping up its work to supply ammunition for our battle front lines, and it's not ours to borrow money from you. It's the government's advance payment of wages and resettlement fees in order to appease the workers' emotions. If you really want to ask for it, go to the front-line production workers and ask them if they will get the money back. !"

I was listening to the secretary's report along the way, and Sima Weizhi could be considered to have figured out the ins and outs of this matter!This is obviously a burden imposed by the government on Sima Heavy Industry. They are asking themselves for money, which is completely arrogant!

"I don't care! Debt repayment is only natural!"

The bond people didn't bother to care about who was right and who was wrong, and stood arrogantly in front of Sima Weizhi, as if planning to fight to the end!

"Director! The New Tokyo Grand Council will hold a legislative vote, and you are asked to go immediately!"

The secretary entered the room and notified the chief of the police who was in a state of turmoil. Upon hearing this, Sima Weizhi and the creditors immediately stood up. Speaking of which, these people were all members of the Senate of the New Tokyo Council. to go to the legislative vote.

New Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Hall.

"The number of people has reached the quorum, Lord Holy Son of Heaven, please!"

An old man with a white beard stood beside the Son of Heaven expressionlessly. Although he didn't say anything about the Son of Heaven's decision, the old man's attitude had already been communicated to the councilors through his secretary. The people who have the right to speak in the new region have wisely prepared a negative vote.

"Not in a hurry!"

The Son of Heaven squinted at the old man behind him, although he was elected by this person, but today, he is about to leave the palm of this person, and he only needs to do one thing.


Seeing the reporters rushing outside and the cameras they were carrying, the Son of Heaven smiled and nodded, and then came to the rostrum amid the host's applause. The old man behind him wanted to keep up, but was caught by the Son of Heaven. stopped.

"Have you caught the scene just now? Lord Shengtian refused to follow Lord Tiantong for the first time!"

Hurry up and direct the camera to shoot this scene. Originally, the vote of the parliament would not be open to the public. This time, they were allowed in under the arrangement of the Son of Heaven!

"Now I want to pass a special bill. This bill does not need to be verified by the Constitutional Committee, because he has only one sentence. As long as this special bill is passed, I can guarantee that we will survive the immediate danger!"

After the Son of Heaven said his words softly, the members below suddenly exploded!A single law can change the whole confrontation situation?Can such a cheap thing really happen?

"What kind of bill is it? Please show it, sir!"

On behalf of his father, he came to participate in the parliamentary resolution. Sima Weizhi didn't think this was a place where he could not talk casually, so he boldly stood up from the last row and asked.

"So cursed children are treated like national treasures in New Tokyo, whether they have a facilitator or not! Once it is found that they have been harmed, the suspect will be regarded as treasonous!"

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