"So you still read the news!"

When she came to the window and looked at the screen that the children were staring at, Ye Shenyue yawned and said with a tired face. She didn't even hug herself and still read the news here, she was just rubbing salt on her wounds!

"By the way, I don't seem to be hurt?"

Shaking her head and thinking, Ye Shenyue followed closely and loved to see Qing Zi Liu looking at her with tears in her eyes.

"Ziliu? What's wrong? Who made you angry? Made my little one cry!"

She quickly squatted down and stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on Qing Zi Liu's face. Ye Shenyue found out that since the girl was given a pair of eyes by herself, she was able to cry especially, and her tears flowed like a river. !

"No! We are specially protected! You know what?"

Qingziliu told Yeshenyue this "news!" with tears in her eyes.

"That's great! Who dares to bully you in the future? Bullying you is treason!"

Smiling like a child, Ye Shenyue knew that she still had a long way to go before she wanted to change this narrow and snobbish world!

"If it weren't for good children like you in this world, what's the need for this world to exist? You deserve it!"

Holding a group of little loli crying with Qingzi Liu, Ye Shenyue's face burst into a spring-like smile, and then together with this group of easily touched children, they pinch their pink and tender faces while being amused and caressing. .

"Is Mr. Tribute here?"

Tina stood at the door, watching these children encircle Ye Shenyue into three layers and three outer layers, she suddenly felt embarrassed, knocked gently on the door, and then waited for Ye Shenyue's call.

"Mr. Tribute? Who is..."

Turning her head and seeing it, it was actually Tina. Ye Shenyue suddenly wanted to format her brain, but she couldn't even hear Tina's voice. It was a sin.

"Come in quickly! Did Tina come alone?"

Ye Shenyue quickly moved a stool for Tina, and then leaned against the table in the conference room and said casually, since that guy from Tiantongmu didn't come, shouldn't she be alone with Tina?

"No, she's carrying boxes downstairs, she'll come up later!"

Wiping away the sweat and thinking about what Tiantongmu brought, Tina gave Ye Shenyue a weak look.

"Where is this box? It's an ammo depot!"

Looking at the ammunition piled up in the corner, Ye Shenyue looked at the breathless Tentong Mugeng with a bitter face.

Chapter 0023 My Children Are Not Cannon Fodder

"How? Do you think it's not enough? If it's not enough, I'll ask Sima for it. At such a special moment, I don't think Sima won't help you!"

He patted Yeshenyue on the shoulder in a big way, and Tiantongmu even thought that Yeshenyue thought it was not enough!Looking at a group of cursed children, Tiantong Mugeng's meaning couldn't be more clear, these children will be sent to the ruthless battlefield.

"I don't think it's not enough, I don't know what these things are used for. At the same time, I also want to ask, what exactly is your office made of, how can there be so many such dangerous things! Tina is usually there Do you work in a place like this?"

Ye Shenyue almost jumped up to restrain Tiantong Mugeng's collar and questioned that her baby Tina was actually working in a place full of special ammunition. It was simply... unbearable!

"Hey! I'm here to help you! Look at so many cursed children around you. Sooner or later, they will end up being drafted into the battlefield. I will send you some ammunition as a facilitator, and I won't even ask you to help carry it. Are you so angry with me?"

Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue very aggrievedly, as if what he had done was extremely correct.

"You obviously think this place can't stand it anymore, so you came here to be a living horse doctor and want to beat my babies..."

Ye Shenyue, who had already seen through the mirror image of Tiantongmu's heart, said quietly, anyway, her children would never be on the battlefield so inexplicably, their fate should not be here!

"So what? Now that you said that, I won't hide it! Lord Saint Son of Heaven has passed a special bill! Is it time for these children to repay New Tokyo? Although what I said was a bit snobby! But look, where else in the world has such a special act to protect cursed children?"

Tentong Mu even put his hands in front of his chest, as if he was very proud of the passed bill.

"Looks like you think this is a gift?"

There was a gloom in Ye Shenyue's eyes. Although she had expected such a thing, she felt extremely desolate in her heart. Perhaps, this was the reason why the whole world was helpless!

"Uh? What do you mean?"

Tiantongmu looked at Ye Shenyue's cold eyes and suddenly felt that he had done something wrong, so he couldn't help but take two steps back!

"What do you mean! What I mean is that you selfish people deserve to die! It was you who abandoned the stupid cursed children, and now pass this special bird act at a critical juncture, hoping that the cursed children will serve you. It turned out to be a gift! You are so shameless! I tell you! The world is huge, I can take my children wherever I want! I want them to go to the battlefield and become cannon fodder! No way! "

Under Ye Shenyue's rage, she threw out the ammunition that Tiantong Mugeng had brought up, and then took her babies out of the conference room and entered Ye Shenyue's newly opened room. Now, so much has happened, Ye Shenyue is tired, and so are these children.

"Are you all right?"

Tina came to Tiantong Mugeng nervously holding the doll that Ye Shenyue gave her, her eyes were swollen and had an indescribable deepness. Tina felt that she was also very educated. It turns out that this world still has the pursuit of justice. There are people who have no prejudice, and they feel very happy to help fuel the combustion. With such people, they will only be rewarded for their efforts in this world.

"Tina, do you think I'm selfish?"

With a slight cry, Tiantongmu opened his eyes full of tears, his hair wet with tears stuck to Jiaobai's skin, as if someone had drawn a line with a pencil on white paper.

"No! You are a very good person I have met, but Mr. Tribute is too noble. Compared with him, many people will feel ashamed!"

Blinking his eyes, Tina's braided ribbons swayed gently in front of Tiantong Mugeng, as if the child didn't care about what he was about to face at all.

"Well! Since he doesn't want to let his children go to the battlefield, as members of the police, we really have a duty! Tina, are you ready?"

Tiantongmu suddenly summoned up the courage to stand up, and his not-so-slim figure appeared even taller under the slanting sunlight, exuding a queen-like aura all over his body.

"I'm ready, but it seems that all your ammunition has been thrown down. How much do you think you have left now?"

Tina held her puppet and said softly.


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