The entire corridor was filled with the sound of Tentong Mugen running downstairs and screaming all the way.

"And let no one sleep! Really!"

The culprit, Yagami Yue, turned over and continued to sleep, as if the ammunition appeared out of thin air on the street and had nothing to do with him.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department "Okay, let's do it, Sima Heavy Industry is temporarily taken over by our government to continue to supply ammunition to the front-line combat troops. The so-called debtor, you temporarily borrow from the state to repay! This is our best now. plan!"

Not even looking at Sima Weizhi, the police chief affixed the official seal with a wave of his hand, and then led several creditors to the National Bank to withdraw money, leaving Sima Weizhi to stay in the reception hall for a long time, unable to extricate himself. .

"One day, one day, our family went from super rich to abject poverty! Why? Just because three hundred secretaries don't exist?"

Thinking about everything that happened today, Sima Weizhi still couldn't figure out what was going on!

"We're closing! Miss Sima, should you go home? Or go to the hospital to see your father?"

A female police superintendent entered the room, removed the cold tea in front of Sima Weizhi, and asked with a smile.

"I'm delaying you!"

Sima Weizhi didn't see the cold world that his classmates felt after a major accident at home. He nodded slightly, and he didn't even bother to clean up his kimono, so he dragged his tired body downstairs. The government took over, and I could only go to my own hospital to see my father. Fortunately, this hospital was established by my father in the name of a friend and was not in the ranks of property supervision.

"Poor child!"

Ye Shenyue, who was looking at the scenery from the rooftop, saw the only girl in a kimono on the street, and she immediately drew closer to the mirror and sighed with emotion.

"Isn't this the girl who forced me out of my true form? How did she become like this after one day?"

Chapter 0024 Meet the Son of Heaven

"Go and tell you, Lord Fu, that the person who promised to visit her is already at the door!"

Standing in the mansion of the Son of Heaven, the children behind him were as happy as they were playing. Although Ye Shenyue didn't think it was a big deal, it was still necessary to report it, so as not to be regarded as an assassin by others.

"Are you sure that the Son of Heaven will meet so many people at once?"

The attendant looked at the children who were chattering with joy behind the Son of Heaven, and looked at Ye Shenyue with a black line.

"You can just say it's a man with a group of children. We have already made an agreement with the Son of Heaven. Didn't you find out yesterday that all the arrangements for this morning were rejected?"

As Ye Shenyue spoke, she urged the attendant to quickly disappear from her eyes.

"How can there be so many questions to ask, if I'm trying to plot something like this, I'm still waiting for the reception here in a big way?"

"Please show your residence permit, we want to register!"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue's group didn't look like someone who would assassinate the Son of Heaven, the attendant lazily reached out to Ye Shenyue.

"All right!"

Knowing that she would be required to show valid documents wherever she went, Ye Shenyue put her hand in her chest, and then took out a brand new residence permit in the new Tokyo area. Of course, this was during the reception yesterday. The template that Na and the others saw when they were there was changed, I don't know if it's right!

"I'm sorry! I neglected you! Lord Tribute!"

The attendant saw the residence permit that Ye Shenyue handed over, and jumped up from the stool. After a standard military salute, he hurriedly took Ye Shenyue into the mansion, and kicked his companion's fart by the way. On the stock, let him go to report immediately!

"Excuse me, when did the tributary become the chief of staff of the Self-Defense Forces? Why haven't you heard of this?"

The attendant chatted with Ye Shenyue excitedly while walking. By the way, Ye Shenyue was also recalling what she had written on her residence permit.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Ye Shenyue pretends to be a mysterious smile. From so many years of experience, Ye Shenyue knows that the real leader is very silent in front of others, so that it can give people a mysterious impression, and perhaps this can maintain a kind of The prestige of power makes the following people obedient.

"Haha! You are joking, I saw the situation from your military ID card! I just asked for your residence permit, but I didn't expect you to directly take out your military ID card. It really surprised me. !"

The attendant greeted the children next to him not to touch or touch them, and looked at Ye Shenyue with a smile.

"Uh...I said why the certificate is so unique, it's not a so-called residence permit!"

Ye Shenyue quietly wiped the sweat in her heart, and then asked softly, "What's the matter with you?"

"Uh! See what you said!"

The attendant first pretended to make excuses, but just as Ye Shenyue felt that she could finally dodge, this guy rushed to Ye Shenyue's ear and whispered: "Don't your Self-Defense Forces have warships? ? You see if I can ask you to bring my relatives to the boat, if the battle is unfavorable, then..."

Having said that, this greedy attendant started to wink at Ye Shenyue!

"This country is really hopeless! Even the servants of the Son of Heaven are looking for a way back!"

With a touch of sadness in her heart, Ye Shenyue immediately saw the Holy Son of Heaven coming out of the door. It seemed that she got up early and dressed up!Every accessory on her body is exquisite.

"You are here!"

The Son of Heaven took the initiative to stretch out his hands towards Ye Shenyue, and the eyes of the attendant next to him suddenly stared out!Seeing foreign heads of state is also a courtesy!What is the relationship between these two people?

"En! These are my children! Let me introduce you to you!"

After seeing the Son of Heaven, the children around him suddenly became quiet, looking at the Son of Heaven with curiosity and fear, not daring to move.

"En! Let's go in and talk!"

The Son of Heaven thought about it carefully and found that he didn't know what to call Yeshenyue, so he could only lead them into the mansion without honorifics, and the attendant at the door could only accompany them here, and then winked at Yeshenyue. He left by himself and entered the palace. Ye Shenyue sat on the sofa in the living room all of a sudden, and his own children became surprisingly honest. The row on the battlefield seemed to be Ye Shenyue's bodyguards.

"Everyone, please feel free! Just treat this as your own home, don't be restrained!"

Showing his white shell-like teeth to these lovely children, the Son of Heaven was also very relaxed.

"Go, let's go! You can play as you want! Didn't Lord Shengtian say it? Just treat this as your own home!"

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