He was sweating profusely in a suit, and this was the impression that the manager of Sima Heavy Industries, Pingchuan, gave people when Ye Shenyue came in.

"Don't look for it, it seems to be illegal to break into a house without permission, in this world."

Wearing white gloves on her hands, Ye Shenyue had a premonition that the police would come here tonight. Although she was not afraid, she did not want to cause trouble for the police.

"What are you doing at my house!"

Drops of sweat hung on Sima Weizhi's red face.


Ye Shenyue looked back at Sima Weizhi with black lines all over her head.

"Didn't I tell you not to come in?"

"When did you tell me not to come in? You gave me a gun and then you came in. You even rushed to the basement of our house. Didn't I worry that you would die in our house?"

The voice of 07 was getting smaller and smaller, and Sima Weizhi suddenly felt that this person's eyes were terrible.

"It's cool too!"

Sima Weizhi added softly in his heart.

"You two should get out of here quickly, otherwise, I'll let your father, the white-haired man, send the black-haired man, believe it or not!"

The self-employed manager immediately became furious when he saw the two dolls ripping off the parents in front of him.

"Let's get to know each other quickly, otherwise! When I control the robot later, I will crush you first!"

Sima Weizhi raised the pistol in his hand to face the self-employed manager, and everyone could see the determination in his eyes.

"There's no bullets in that gun, Miss. They let you use it to scare people, so you don't need to use it to threaten others!"

Ye Shenyue held her head in pain and looked at the self-employed manager with a serious face!

"found it!"

Another manager who was looking for something in the basement rushed out and just showed up.


When a gunshot rang out, Sima Weizhi opened his eyes wide and looked at the person who had just appeared, his face was full of shock.

"Haha! It's actually a toy gun! Miss Sima! You scared me to death!"

The self-operated manager's eyes widened, looking at the little red flag shot out of Sima Weiwei's gun barrel, the smile on his face suddenly solidified!

"How careless!"

A palm hit the man's neck, Ye Shenyue took a deep breath, and then kicked the manager who had just come out of the basement. Ye Shenyue led Sima Weizhi into the basement.

"That's right! We don't have to rummage through the boxes anymore, they have already helped us find it!"

Looking at the strange machine that appeared behind a secret door, Ye Shenyue speculated that this was probably the secret weapon that Chairman Sima said.

"How to open it? Father didn't tell me how to open it!"

Roaring and yelling at the robot, looking up and down, Sima Weizhi just didn't see the so-called switch.

"Uh... I can't let the Chaoge thing move by itself, is that another purely mechanical species created in this world?"

Ye Shenyue carefully observed this machine, thought to herself, and said nothing.

"Is there anyone else inside? Go in and see!"

There was a loud shout outside, and Sima Weizhi suddenly panicked. This seemed to be the sound of the police coming. Then, looking at the machine in front of him, he jumped up.

"What bastard! Why won't you move!"


The knocked down robot suddenly sounded the sound of clockwork, and then stood up by itself.

"Master, please come up!"

After getting up, the robot walked up to Sima Weizhi and spread its hands.

"What are you going to do?"

"Now the risk factor exceeds [-]% of the warning line, I will take you away!"

After he finished speaking, he let Sima Weizhi stand on his hand, and then his whole body suddenly became larger, wrapping Sima Weizhi in the middle, turning it into a missile, and ignited directly under his feet and rushed out!

"what would you do?"

Sima Weizhi only remembered Ye Shenyue, and hurriedly extended his hand to him.

"I'll be fine, don't worry, we'll see you on the battlefield!"

Ye Shenyue withdrew her hands and appeared in her Lamborghini the moment the police came in. After that, she started a chase without suspense with the police, and then returned to the Tokyo Hotel.

"Brother! You seem to be very busy? Where are you going?"

She tiptoed to open the door, and Ye Shenyue immediately heard Qing Zi Liu's call, she was scared to death, and then quickly put her finger to Zi Liu's mouth.

"Honey! My brother has something to do when he goes out, why are you still not sleeping!"

"We didn't sleep!"

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