A group of cute little sparrows suddenly made the whole corridor extremely noisy... "Fortunately, I booked the entire hotel, otherwise I will definitely be complained!"

Ye Shenyue carefully comforted these little cuties who went to bed early and woke up early. When she returned to her room and was about to lie down, she found that her sensor kept ringing!

"Uh! Which sensor is this? One for the Son of Heaven, one for Sima Weiwei, one for Qingziliu, and... Tina!"

Ye Shenyue quickly stood up, and when she searched far away through the window, she suddenly found that there was an aura of killing outside the giant stone monument!

"Not good! Tina her!"

Ye Shenyue didn't think about it, she opened the window and flew directly into the distance. Although she could switch instantly at night, she did so rashly when she didn't find Tina. If she fell in front of Tina, then...

"My well-arranged image of a normal person is completely ruined!"

Ye Shenyue flew over, but did not find that after she opened the window, all the lights in the children's rooms were lit!

"Wow! Our big brother can fly! He really is a god! Zi Liu is right!"

A little loli with a ponytail opened her mouth exaggeratedly, looking at Ye Shenyue's back with adoration all over her eyes!

"Bullshit! Do you know that's a glider? I watched it on the TV screen today. Ordinary people can take this and fly into the distance, so that they can get rid of those coelenterates!"

Qingluliu put on the gold-wire glasses from the mansion of the Son of Heaven with a suspicious look in her eyes, looking like a little scientist.

"Do you mean that our big brother doesn't want us anymore?"

As soon as the child heard this, the little tears on his face couldn't stop flowing, as if his world had suddenly plunged into darkness.

"Don't think about it! I think Big Brother is definitely going to save people! Big Brother is the best! You can't doubt him!"

On the contrary, Qing Zi Liu, who loves to cry, comforts the others.

"Big brother, you have to come back quickly, I haven't eaten yet!"

Chapter 0027 Stonehenge Collapse

"Tina? Tina? Where are you?"

Looking down from the sky, the vast forest covers the entire mountain peak, and Ye Shenyue can only see all kinds of animals active here with her night vision, but she has not gotten Tina's whereabouts!

"Where is the sensor?"

Holding the flashing sensor in her hand, Ye Shenyue anxiously searches for Tina's position!


Finally found two figures that were running, Ye Shenyue hurriedly went down, put a parachute on her body casually, Ye Shenyue hurriedly jumped down and followed closely to Tina's side!

"I'm here! What's the matter with you? Are you running around in this wilderness?"

Finding that there were no coelenterates that appeared in her imagination, Ye Shenyue quickly hugged Tina, who was covered in sweat, and carefully observed Tina.

"Mr. Tributary? What are you doing! Tina is a girl!"

Yelling at Yang Qing, Tiantongmu looked at Yeshenyue, who fell from the sky, panting, his eyes full of doubts.

"Uh! I'm sorry!"

Putting Tina down quickly, Ye Shenyue looked around and there was no threat. She asked helplessly what was going on, and the result...

"We thought the neighborhood was a little weird, so we ran back and forth trying to lure the monsters out and destroy them!"

Tiantongmu's more natural appearance made Ye Shenyue speechless for a while.

"When you don't sleep at night, you are actually using yourself as bait, hoping to attract coelenterates to attack you? It seems that you are in a hurry!"

"No, no! Stonehenge will collapse tomorrow, so even if there are coelenterates, it is only low-level, and I can definitely deal with it!"

Tina looked at Yeshenyue calmly, although I was sorry for making Yeshenyue worry so much about herself, but Tina felt warm in her heart!

"Hehe! Given this deterioration, why is the sensor ringing? Could something be wrong with what I'm doing?"

Ye Shenyue was curious, but found that Tina did not have the puppet on her body!Is the place where the puppet is in danger?its not right!The location where the sensor is located is around here!

"Where's the puppet I gave you? Let me see if it's still cute?"

Standing beside Tina with a smile, Ye Shenyue's eyes were on the big box that Tiantong Mugeng was carrying!

"Ah! He's looking at me! So shy!"

A strange light flashed in Tiantong Mugeng's eyes, and a blush appeared on his face.

"Ah! That puppet? I left it on the spot!"

Tiantongmu also found that Tina and Ye Shenyue were both looking at him, and quickly pointed to a high place not far away, with infinite sadness in his heart.

"I don't even have a puppet that matters!"

"You stay here and don't move! I'll take a look!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt bad for a while, such a flash must indicate that there is a problem near Stonehenge, and it is a very important problem!

"No! Let's go see it together!"

Grabbing Tina's hand, Tiantongmu rushed over with Ye Shenyue...

"You are like this, how can I dodge!"

Ye Shenyue could only speed up her pace and lead Tina and the others to the high ground. When she crossed this high ground, Ye Shenyue was stunned!

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