
Tiantongmu was also stunned by the sight in front of him!The Stonehenge, which was still standing, has no effect now, and the smallest coelenterates can pass through this place smoothly!

"Hurry up and report back!"

Ye Shenyue looked back and saw that Tina was still here, and immediately roared even more at Tiantongmu, followed by rushing down by herself!

"No! You can't do it alone! Tina! You run fast, hurry up and report!"

Tiantongmu gritted his teeth and followed!

"You were sent by humans to spy on me! Do you want me to hit these guys one by one?"

Looking at Tiantong Mugeng who was following closely behind him, Ye Shenyue could only punch a coelenterate following him, and then rushed in!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of gunshots sounded, Ye Shenyue looked back, and found that Tiantongmu even looked at herself with a dark face.

"Don't you know these coelenterates at all! No matter how powerful you are, they will recover their bodies. Only when a shell of this quality hits their bodies can they be abandoned!"

While yelling at Ye Shenyue, Tian Tong Mu frantically pulled the trigger in his hand!

"Uh! Are you sure?"

Ye Shenyue stood still, and directly punched a coelenterate with a full body of fangs, knocking the coelenterate into the air, and then jumped up and kicked the monster into pieces!


Flicking his hair away handsomely, Ye Shenyue will be stinky at this time!

"Okay! Be safe!"

Tiantongmu suddenly found that this guy was really unreasonable, nodded and continued to pull the trigger in his hand!


After a loud bang, Ye Shenyue suddenly exploded around, Tiantong Mugeng rushed over, and then...

"What are you doing? I'm alive and well, you hurry back, there are more and more coeliac monsters here!"

"Don't be a donkey's liver and lungs with good intentions!"

With a loud roar at Ye Shenyue, Tian Tong Mu even more dark-faced, took his weapon and retreated, and while retreating, he turned back to shoot!

"If you withdraw like this, you will be surrounded sooner or later, hurry up!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, rushed over and immediately hugged Tiantongmu Geng, and flew to a place where she felt very safe. After putting down Tiantongmu, she dodged to those who madly passed through Stonehenge. In front of animals!

"Little darlings! Why did it start earlier today? Let me accompany you!"

To hit a huge coelenterate in front of him is just a kick, followed by Ye Shenyue and punched the ground, and then punched the ground, a burst of light flashed, and the batch of coelenterates in front of him suddenly disappeared. In front of Ye Shenyue!

"Ye Shenyue! You bastard! Why can't you be with me! Why!"

Yelling at the sky, Tian Tong Mu Geng felt his emotions exploded, he had never been so fascinated by a man before!

"Bastard! Want to leave me alone! Dreaming!"

Tiantong Mu even took out a dark object from his box, carried it on his shoulders and walked towards the place where the coelenterates were howling wildly in front of him!

Chapter 0028 Sima Weiwei's Mysterious Machine

"just in front!"

Pointing at the place where the fire was shining in the distance, Tina was also very surprised why there was a huge fire in that place!

"Tina! Are you sure that place has collapsed? There will be collapsed places in many places these days, and there will be different collapses every day. Do you want us to rush over without sleeping!"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu stood beside Tina and ran wildly while facing Tina's inquirer, but her face was full of smiles, as if she was joking with Tina.

"There are only Tiantong Mugeng and Mr. Tribute there. They must be working very hard now, we have to hurry up!"

Grabbing Lanyuan Yanzhu's hand, Tina led the group of resisters and ran towards the battle area!

"Uh, why is it so far! Where did this bastard throw me?"

Dragging his secret weapon, Tiantongmu even looked at and listened to the faint screams in his ears, and was already half tired. This black thing with six barrels was the legendary Gatlin.Tentong has perfectly turned this monster with eighty bullets a second into his own portable weapon, but...

"It's so heavy! It's still so uncomfortable after reducing the momentum!"

Dragging his Gatling gun, Tiantongmu didn't know how long he had walked, anyway, the distance was so tiring that Tiantongmu was going to collapse!

"Get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a familiar scream reached Tiantong's ears. Looking up, Tiantong quickly rolled to the side with his Gatling!


A piece of dust appeared, and Tiantongmu kept the dust out of his eyes while panting!

"Hey! Long time no see! Sister Tiantong!"

Sitting on the machine that his father made hard, = Sima Weizhi smiled proudly. Although it was a good thing at this time, it was not so fun to operate. Sima Weizhi was wandering in the sky for a long time. This thing learned to operate when it was about to leave the atmosphere. When I saw my good friend here, I quickly landed and said hello!

"What kind of joke is this? Why is it so dirty!"

Looking at the rocket-shaped thing that appeared in front of him, Tentong Kisara's face was full of curiosity. If this thing could fly with his own ammunition and weapons, he wouldn't have to be half dead!

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