"What? Isn't it because the paint outside was melted by the heat when it landed? Actually, this thing is still very beautiful!"

He patted his driver's seat and looked at Tiantong Mugeng, whose face was covered in dust. Sima Weizhi's face was wonderful, the way he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.Immediately, a darkness appeared on Tiantong Mugeng's face!

"Look at what! Just say it if I'm not pretty!"

While wiping his face, Tiantong Mug rushed up with his Gatling gun!

"Hey hey hey! Who asked you to come up? You didn't realize this thing was specially made for me!"

Sima Weizhi looked at Tiantong Mugeng, whose face was covered in dust and smeared by himself. For a moment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh!

"Let's go! Ye Shenyue is in front of him to resist those coelenterates. This bastard is really powerful. He was able to kill those coelenterates with his fists. It really is..."

Tiantongmu corrected his words, and suddenly noticed that Sima Weizhi, who was beside him, was shocked, then turned around and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Uh! Did I say anything?"

Seeing that Sima Weizhi's face seemed a little strange, Tiantongmu stood up from his seat more cautiously and was ready to go down!

"You mean Ye Shenyue? A man? Now fighting a coelenterate with his bare hands?"

Sima Weizhi's breathing suddenly became rapid, as if he was stimulated by something, Tiantong Mugeng's head quickly nodded, "Come up!"

Grabbing Tiantong Mugeng, Sima Weizhi turned on his machine with a cold face, and then yelled, "Off-road vehicle!"

After a loud roar, Tiantongmu suddenly found that the machine he was sitting in began to automatically assemble. After a change, it was opened by Sima Wei, and he drove over to the place where the sound came from. !

"This thing is really researched by your father? It's high-end!"

Looking at Sima Weizhi, Tiantongmu also really wanted to have such a machine, so that he wouldn't have to run back and forth with Gatling!

"If it wasn't for Mr. Yeshenyue, or if Lord Yeshenyue were dead! I'd skin you!"

Roaring at Tiantongmu, Sima Weizhi's face flashed hot tears, and suddenly Tiantongmu was so frightened that he didn't dare to move while sitting on the off-road vehicle, looking at the trees next to him as if they were connected together. Quickly tossed behind him.

"just in front!"

Tiantong Mu even grabbed Sima Weizhi's hand. If he drove forward, the car would probably be eaten by coelenterates!

"Let go of me! Ye Shenyue is in front, how can we ignore him? After driving the car, we can fly away!"

Sima Weizhi roared even louder at Tiantongmu, so frightened that she quickly let go of her hand!

"Open the roof! I'm going to show them the power of my newly developed Super Gatling!"

Smiling at Sima Weizhi, Tiantongmu was no longer afraid of the coelenterates in front of her, because she had already seen Yeshenyue fighting in the firelight!

"It's really troublesome! It came so quickly!"

Helpless, she could only fight against the coelenterates with one punch at a time. Ye Shenyue pretended to be very hard, and at the same time, she quickly took out the traces of the aura she just fired to defeat the coelenterates!

"Come up!"

Everyone knew about Sima Weizhi's car skills, and Ye Shenyue naturally didn't dare to neglect, she quickly aimed at the speeding off-road vehicle, jumped in immediately, and then pretended to be very tired and added some fighting elements to her body as soon as possible. trace!

"You're not hurt are you!"

Sima Weizhi turned his head to look, and found that it was really Ye Shenyue, and immediately straightened up with joy!


Finding that the girl had been stepped on the accelerator to the end, Ye Shenyue hurriedly shouted, and at the same time immediately built a smooth road ahead!

"Huhu! Fortunately, my driving skills are good, otherwise you will all die!"

Sima Weiwei turned around in front of the coelenterate, and then started to retreat!

"Did the people in front come to support?"

Looking at a bunch of people coming with torches outside, Ye Shenyue vaguely saw Tina, who was very worried, and a little girl with a beautiful hairpin next to her.

Chapter 0029 Ladder

"Tina! Are you okay?"

Stretching out her head and looking at Tina who had jumped to her side, Ye Shenyue happily stretched out her arms to hug Tina, just like she was hugging her beloved.

"Tina! Do you have a facilitator?"

A well-behaved voice with a hint of playfulness came, Ye Shenyue looked up, only to find that it was a cute loli wearing a cute hairpin!

"No no no! This is our good friend, very good and alone! He is the one who made Lord Saint Son pass that special bill! Even Lord Saint Son of Heaven even met him this morning! What a good man! !"

Tina's small head is like a rattle, shaking her two braids like two small drumsticks, making Ye Shenyue's eyes blurred!

"Wow! Sure enough, he is a good person! Mr. Good Man, my concubine is Tina's friend, so she is your friend, hello!"

Reaching out his little hand, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's little eyes swirled around, as if a pitch-black longan was placed on a piece of white jade.

"Ah! You look so good! Claiming to be a concubine, I haven't heard anyone say that for a long time!"

Gently stretched out her hand and squeezed Lan Yuan Yanzhu's small hand, Ye Shen Yuexin said that this would not be Athena sneaking over to accompany her.

"Oh? So you've heard of it before?"

Shaking her head gently, Lan Yuan Yanzhu looked left and right at Ye Shenyue, looking like she really wanted to get close to Ye Shenyue.

"Why don't you two come up and have a good chat?"

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