Chapter 0035 Accidental Hug

"Junior Tribute! Don't leave me! When you were in my basement yesterday, I just..."

Sima Weizhi suddenly woke up, dimly saw Ye Shenyue's figure, after muttering a few words, he was engulfed in the dream world brought by alcohol, leaving everyone with a stunned expression.

"Big sister! Do you want to finish your sentence! What happened in your basement yesterday?"

The corners of her mouth twitched, but Ye Shenyue resisted the urge to explain in front of everyone. At this time, explaining anything would be futile, and it would only get darker and darker. It is best to use Ye Shenyue to see the maturity of ancient and modern history. Or keep silent, unless you have a ready-made credible witness, otherwise, it is better not to speak!

After waiting for a long time, she found that Ye Shenyue was silent except for the shock. Lan Yuan Yanzhu couldn't help but ask: "Tina! See if Mr. Tribute is dead, why is there no response?"

"The tributary is living a good life, but he seemed a little shocked just now, maybe he was frightened by Miss Sima's drunken remarks!"

Tina held her puppet and looked at Ye Shenyue with grievances on her face. The reason why she liked this puppet was because of Ye Shenyue's charming smiling face, but since she was with these people, she was able to see Ye Shenyue. The smile that Shenyue only gave herself was almost gone!

"Tina! You are so kind!"

Ye Shenyue heard this inner voice from Tina's mirror image, and quickly raised her head to give Tina an apologetic smile. This smile was very bright, just the kind that Tina wanted!

"Oh! I'm so careless! I always feel that Tina is the first cute person I meet in this world, so I should ignore Tina like this!"

Ye Shenyue blamed herself in her heart, but Tina was infected by this cheerful smile, hugging the puppet in her arms tightly, as if she was expressing her satisfaction to Ye Shenyue!

"So if you don't die, shouldn't we, curious people, listen to what happened to you and Miss Sima in the basement?"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu looked at Ye Shenyue's back unhappily. Although she really hoped that what Sima just said was really drunk, but thinking about it carefully, even if Ye Shenyue said it. These, they may even more do not believe it!

"Mr. Branch seems to think that Miss Sima is very pitiful, with apologetic and remorse in his eyes, maybe something really happened in the basement that shouldn't have happened!"

At night, Tina's spirit was very excited, and Ye Shenyue's expression became more real. Even Ye Shenyue was a little surprised at the accuracy of the description!

"Uh, there seems to be no apology!"

Ye Shenyue smiled at Tina, feeling that Tina might have thought too much. She wanted to explain it well, but she didn't want to give Tina the impression of being glib, so think about it and forget it. After speaking, she stood up. , and then let go of Sima and grabbed his hand. From Sima's mirror image, Ye Shenyue already knew that this girl was completely drunk!

"is it?"

Seeing Ye Shenyue stand up, Tian Tong Mu suddenly burst into anger for no reason. This anger is still a nameless fire, I don't know what to say!

"Then why are you standing up? Just keep looking at people's little faces and pretend to be sad!"

Ye Shenyue yelled, and Tiantong Mugeng's tears suddenly flowed out for no reason. Even if he closed his eyes, it still flowed non-stop, like water flowing out of a collapsed dam, frantically flowing. out!

"Don't cry!"

Seeing Tiantong crying, Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly tightened. For some reason, she suddenly felt a lot of pity for this girl who was embarrassing her yesterday!

"I'm going to cry! I'm going to cry! Can you handle it?"

Tiantong Mugeng opened her eyes and shouted loudly, but tears had blurred her eyes, she slapped her hands, and Tiantongmu even rushed in front of Yeshenyue!

"What a warm arm! No one should say anything if they pounce on it at this time!"

Jumping up at once, Tiantongmu whispered in his heart!

"Ah! Such a scheming woman!"

Ye Shenyue was about to comfort her when she suddenly saw the mirror image in Tiantong's heart, and she suddenly felt that she didn't know what to say. When did she become so attractive?

"Bastard! Everyone has thrown themselves into your arms. You still haven't comforted me, are you embarrassed?"

Ye Shenyue shouted loudly, Tiantongmu doesn't care about anything else, it's all at this time!Is there anything I can't say to Ye Shenyue?

"Uh! All right! Stop crying!"

In fact, Tiantong's tears stopped when they fell into Yeshenyue's arms, but when she felt the dampness on her evening dress, Yeshenyue said it smoothly!

"This broken mirror always lets me know what other people think in advance! Why is it so annoying!"

Ye Shenyue felt the presence of surprise for the first time, this woman's mind, that is, this God can't understand, let alone those other men who are bent on pleasing women, but don't know why there is no result?

"Hehe! Big sister really is a good plan!"

Lan Yuan looked at Tiantong Mugeng, who was already happy and smiling, and suddenly felt that the changes in his life were far greater than he imagined. Yesterday, he was still thinking about when he would be able to marry Tiantong, but today he found his true love and began to pursue !

"Big brother, you are lucky! When did our sister Tiantong take the initiative to give hugs to others? Basically, they are hiding from others' hugs! You are lucky!"

Qianshou didn't know why, but suddenly he said this stupid thing to Ye Shenyue, and at the same time winked at Tiantong Mu, as if there was some secret between him and Tiantong!

"2.0 amount! What do you mean by that?"

After being resurrected by her own power, Qianshou's mirror image is very strange, and Ye Shenyue herself can't understand it, so she can only guess and ask about such a question...

"It doesn't make any sense! I just think you are lucky!"

Qianshou Xia Shi held her head high and refused to speak, and Ye Shenyue naturally couldn't say anything more, she could only let go of Tiantong Mugeng who had stopped crying, and then turned to walk towards Sima Weizhi who was sleeping.

"Miss Sima, this place is a bit cold at night, you better go to sleep in the car!"

Ye Shenyue walked to Sima Weizhi's side and said softly, but Tina with sharp eyes saw a blush on his face!

"Big brother what happened?"

Tina thought curiously while holding the doll, and looked up...

0036 Threat


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