Opening her mouth wide, Tina immediately understood why Ye Shenyue was suddenly shy!


Annoyed, he snorted at the sky, and Tiantongmu never thought that after Ye Shenyue hugged him, she would turn around and get Sima Weizhi, who had already fallen asleep, into the car.

"Big sister, stop humming! Look at you!"

Gently touching Tiantong's body, the feeling of coldness in Lan Yuan's small hand suddenly surprised Tiantong, he turned around and was about to reprimand Lan Yuan for being rude, he could look at his body...


Hurry up and squat down for a day, Tongmu looked around even more nervously, and hugged his clothes tightly. Tiantong really hoped that there would be a seam on the ground at this time!

"Then I can get in!"

Tiantong Mu even shouted in his heart, is there a long crack on his skirt, he didn't realize it!

"Why are you looking at us like that? Could it be that we did it?"

Lan Yuan pulled Qianshou next to 07, and the crime was not trivial.

"Isn't it?"

His eyes were so silent that Ye Shenyue felt scared, and Tiantongmu popped the words out of his mouth even more coldly.


Nodding firmly, Lan Yuan pulled Tianshou who was determined to leave next to him.

"Lan Yuan is right!"

Since he can't go anymore, Qianshou Xia Shi is calm, unlike Lan Yuan Yanzhu who exposes her timid side of being a rabbit!

"That's why I blame you?"

Tentong Mu even covered the cracks in his skirt with his hands. Yashenyue must not know about such a thing!

"Would you turn around if you didn't see me? Just kidding?"

After seeing through the mirror image of Tiantong Mugeng, Ye Shenyue didn't want to discover this secret by herself.

"Of course!"

Lan Yuan hurriedly answered, without waiting for Tiantongmu to ask anything more, he took the initiative to say, "Can we go now?"

"No! Block me! Let's go to Sima's car to see if there are any clothes that can be changed!"

Of course, it can't be like this all the time, and Tiantongmu is even ready to fight with Ye Shenyue!

"Okay! There are all kinds of strange things in this kind of place, and it would be nice to have a pair of pants!"

Lan Yuan nodded helplessly, and took Qianshou to the middle of Ye Shenyue and Tiantong, blocking Tiantong's body with his small body.

"I'm helpless! If Big Brother hadn't seen it, how could he have turned around?"

Tina held her doll and thought softly, the sweat on Big Brother's face during this time has shown that Big Brother is a good person!The first time I met the legendary gentleman, was it a hotel waiter?

"The ghost is the waiter! Everyone has made a tributary heavy work for you, why can't you remember it?"

Ye Shenyue thought secretly in her heart, it's better to say less about such a thing. It seems that Tina's memory is not very good at night, so she should stop laughing at her!

"Uh! How is this broken car deformed?"

When I got into the car, I found out that the machine that turned into a bar cart was actually paired with drinks. Tiantong knew that if this place was not turned into a wardrobe, he would definitely not find clothes!

"How good would it be for me to carry this girl up earlier? I could have changed your clothes with peace of mind!"

Looking down at the drowsy Sima Weizhi, Ye Shenyue realized that if she didn't imitate the child's voice, the machine would not be able to operate at all!

"Hey! Who of you has extra clothes? Borrow me to wear them!"

Asking the two girls who read jokes, Tiantong was also forced to a certain extent.

"Even if you have the courage to wear it?"

Lan Yuan's fluttering words completely defeated Tiantong Mugeng, and from his shock, Tiantong's eyes suddenly aimed at Yeshenyue outside.

"You don't want big brother's..."

Looking at Tiantong nervously, Lan Yuan suddenly felt that the elder sister in front of him was terrifying and powerful.

"What do you think? You said that Sima Weizhi wears a pair of layers of kimonos every day. If I borrow her pants for use, will she have other pants on her body? Maybe she Like a kimono, how about five or six pairs of pants at a time?"

Tiantongmu even looked at the two little loli and nodded and felt that his inference was very correct!

"Qianshou Xia Shi, let's go! This elder sister has gone crazy!"

Holding Qianshou's hand, Lan Yuan was completely convinced, and he was able to come up with such an idea. How crazy is this to be able to think of such a thing!


Looking back at Tiantong with contempt, Qianshou also felt that this statement was correct, this sister is indeed crazy!

"Alas! It seems that I have to make a move in the end!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, pretending to pick up the stones on the ground, and suddenly snapped her fingers, and then...

"Wow! Here's one! Look at these pants, they seem to fit!"

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