At first glance, a very experienced colleague looked at his colleague smoking a cigarette, glanced casually and left.

"Hey hey hey? Is it the Security Office of the Son of Heaven?"

Tiantongmu even dialed Shengtianzi's phone, looking very professional.

Chapter 0043 Wonderful Phone

"Uh! I didn't mean to!"

Looking down at Yeshenyue who was installing the battery, Tiantongmu even felt that he was a fool just now!

For my own little dignity, I quietly took down the battery of other people's mobile phones. In order not to let others see my own jokes, I wanted to see other people's jokes instead!

"It's really hot! How can you suddenly do such an embarrassing thing?"

Tiantongmu thought about it more painfully, but forgot that if his plan was successful, it would be a blessing for him and an embarrassment for others!

"En! We know, you just can't hold your face all of a sudden! Don't do this in the future? We are a team!"

Ye Shenyue fixed the battery of her mobile phone, and then smiled at Tian Tong Mu even more, saying that she didn't care.

"Big brother's heart is so broad!"

She smiled at Ye Shenyue, followed Lan Yuan Yanzhu to turn on the phone, and then dialed the phone number inside.

"Hello? Is it the Son of Heaven? I have something to do with you!"


Even with Ye Shenyue and Tiantong, except for Lan Yuan Yanzhu who called, all the others were shocked!

"God! If I can communicate directly with the Son of Heaven on this phone, why am I gossiping over there? Just ask for the password! This girl!"

Tiantong raised his head and looked at Lan Yuan Yanzhu who was on the phone in a serious manner. His heart was even more melancholy!

If you can ask for a password on a call like this, then this is called heavenly injustice!

"Sister Lan Yuan, don't you know that these calls can't be received from the Son of Heaven? Otherwise, wouldn't everyone be annoying the Son of Heaven?"

Tina always thinks about others, knowing that the Son of Heaven is busy with affairs, it is impossible to listen to the call! , "Why have I only seen the Son of Heaven on the big TV screen? I never thought that Son of Heaven would answer the phone? Seeing the way that elder sister doesn't eat fireworks, she shouldn't be able to use the phone!"

Qianshou Xia Shi made judgments based on his own experience, but did not notice that the people around him were looking at him helplessly.

"Don't worry! The Son of Heaven has made our leader, she will definitely know everything!"

Tina reminded in a low voice beside Qianshou!

"They ignore me!"

Lanyan's eyes were listening to the phone for a long time, and she finally turned helplessly to look at Ye Shenyue and the others behind her, as if they had been wronged!

"Uh! Then I'll try it!"

Ye Shenyue naturally wouldn't let the aggrieved little girl realize that it was all her fault, she smiled slightly, and then took Sima's phone.

"Is it okay, big brother? Why do you think they all dialed the phone number that Sister Tiantong dialed just now? Is that number correct?"

Qianshou Xia Shi looked at Tiantong Mugeng next to him strangely, like a detective thinking about what could go wrong in the whole process.

"Little girl, can you be quieter when talking about others behind your back? How bad is it for others to hear?"

Tiantong Mugeng's voice came over faintly, and immediately shocked Qianshou Xia Shi who was making a comment!

"Uh! It's Sister Tiantong! I'll just say it! You definitely wouldn't do such a thing, right? I believe you!"

Nodding fiercely, Qianshou Xia Shi remembered what Ye Shenyue said to himself, don't get excited, if you want to promote unity, you won't dare to drink Tiantong again!

"Hum! My phone number must be correct, but the security department just doesn't want to pay attention to us, so I can't do anything about it? Now that Sima woke up, we will go back in a rocket and still have to be reviewed!"

Tiantong stood in front of everyone and said his helplessness!

"Alas, such inefficiency dear, it's time for our new Tokyo to end!"

Qianshou Xia Shi looked at Ye Shenyue's phone call, and knew that this matter was not easy to do, at least from the expression on Ye Shenyue's face, what he was trying to persuade!

"Look. Big brother can't beat it, Lan Yuan, don't take it to heart!"

Tina looked at Lan Yuanhui, who came from her side, and without saying a word, this cute little girl persuaded her little friend with understanding!

"Ah? Big brother can't do it either? Then I have nothing to say! Anyway, everyone can't do it! Then let's start playing games?"

Looking up and seeing Ye Shenyue hanging up helplessly, Lan Yuan suddenly felt that he was not dragging everyone back!She ran over happily and hugged Ye Shenyue's thigh.

"Big brother, don't be sad, everyone is the same. Besides, if they don't give us a password, then we will open it by ourselves! Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle!"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu made peace with confidence, and the companions behind him seemed to mean the same, and nodded to the dejected Ye Shenyue together.

"Uh, let's stay in the car for a while. They said just now that there are no signs of Type [-]. If Type [-] appears, they will automatically open the door. Let's take a rest, shall we? See everyone is so cold. I don't think it's good to carry it in the woods!"

Nodding to everyone, Ye Shenyue followed closely and took the lead towards Sima's strange vehicle!

"Uh! It seems that the communication is effective!"

Lan Yuan suddenly felt bored, what is this called?It's so easy to do!

"Oh! Be patient! Otherwise, people will look down on it!"

Tiantong Mugeng also sighed in his heart, why can't he do it himself?People can understand the reality in just a few sentences, but they don't know how to deal with it!

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