"Big brother is great!"

Tina and Qianshou clapped their hands, as if the victory of Yashenyue meant their victory!

"Hey! Actually, I got the sound wave signal in their hearts through the phone, and then I found out. Do you think people will tell the truth to a stranger?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly regretted that she brought such an answer to everyone. Seeing that Lan Yuan and Tiantong were not very happy, Ye Shenyue seemed to take back what she just said.

"Now that we have the message, let's celebrate!"

Entering the warm car, Qianshou Xia Shi was so busy that he wanted everyone to be lifted up!

"All right!"

Tiantong and Lan Xingxing glanced at each other sympathetically, and then gave Yeshenyue their blessings together.

"Thank you for your support. In fact, I still have tasks to do later, so don't drink too much!"

Ye Shenyue also looked at everyone calmly as she raised the wine glasses in her hands!

Chapter 0044 Sima wakes up

"Are we going to wait until the Type Five appears before going in?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue, Tina seemed to be very concerned about this battle.

"It would be great to be able to fight with the big brother! That way, I won't feel like this is a job, this is my career!"

These strange thoughts popped out of Tina's mind, and the little face that looked at Ye Shenyue was also a little crimson.

However, in the dark carriage, Yashenyue didn't interpret everyone's reactions too much, smiled at Tina, and said, "We are the special operations team to save New Tokyo, who will not rely on us then? ?"

"Special Action Team?"

Tina's eyes suddenly lit up. In the past, she was fighting alone, but now she has a team, and she is still with her big brother. How joyful is this kind of thing!

"What does the special operations team do?"

Lan Yuan blinked his eyes and looked at Ye Shenyue beside him. He really didn't know what to say about this term!

"The special action team is a very powerful combination of our cute little loli! With this combination, New Tokyo can be preserved!"

While explaining to Lan Yuan, Ye Shenyue was not at all excited. How many times she had heard such a term in other worlds!

"Wow! Is that me?"

Qianshou Xia Shi doesn't seem to understand what a loli is. He patted his little chest, feeling that he should not be considered an adult!

"Of course I have you! You are so cute, what would I do without you?"

Ye Shenyue is eager to let Tianshou Xia Shi find her sense of belonging as soon as possible, and she is especially kind when she talks to Qian Shou, but she doesn't want him to feel alienated from everyone, so Ken Goose himself is more able to make these little loli They live in harmony!

"Is it without me?"

Tiantongmu even raised the wine glass and looked at Yeshenyue in a daze. From this look, Yeshenyue can always read some resentment!

"Of course! You are the most experienced person in Zheliu! Without you, how would we communicate with each department? You are our link to the outside world!"

Ye Shenyue doesn't want to be hugged by this girl anymore. Looking at this, she will pretend to be drunk even if she is not drunk!

"Isn't there a big brother?"

Tiantong Mugeng had a slight smile on his face when he suddenly heard Lan Yuan whispering behind Ye Shenyue.

"What did you say? Little girl? You just called the number I dialed just now! But do you remember this person's number? Do you know how the other troops are contacted? Don't jump to conclusions if you don't know anything, okay? ?"

After speaking to Lan Yuan, Tian Tong Mu even turned his head and said to Ye Shenyue, who was already a little afraid of himself: "Mr. Tributary! Every sentence you said is so correct, so considerate, so It's thought-provoking, really, what you said is actually right, it's just that we didn't listen well! I hope you can understand! I am..."

Just when Tiantongmu felt that she could give a very good speech, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that something was wrong. Looking at his face, she immediately knew that this was the rhythm of things going to happen!Quickly turn sideways, hug Tiantong, and then gently slap his back against the outside!

"Ah! Another drunk!"

Lan Yuan, who was frightened by Tiantong's hideous face just now, turned his head to look at Tiantong who was doing that kind of unpleasant behavior. A moment of speechlessness came to his mind, and then he looked at Ye Shenyue beside him and said, "That is Shouldn't we be able to fight side by side in the future?"

"Of course!"

Ye Shenyue also has to take care of Tiantong Mugeng, who is drinking on an empty stomach. Naturally, she has no energy to answer this not-so-sophisticated question. After smiling, let everyone get something to eat. Don't drink on an empty stomach!

"Big brother, there doesn't seem to be any food here! There are drinks everywhere, and I'm dazzled!"

Tina searched carefully in the cabinet below, but she couldn't find anything after searching and searching. After a while of silence, she could only turn to Yeshenyue for help!

"Uh, I can't control this broken machine! How can I guide you!"

Ye Shenyue was speechless for a while, then pointed to Sima on the ground and said, "I think she's almost woken up, you can ask her later, this place is under her orders after all, I believe there must be food It can be changed!"

Smile to everyone, Tiantongmu, who Ye Shenyue is supporting, is still looking for trouble, making Ye Shenyue speechless for a while!


A wine bottle was thrown on the ground, Ye Shenyue hurriedly turned her head, and then she saw Lan Yuan Yanzhu looking at herself with a smug look on her face!

"Big brother, look, she was woken up by me!"

Pointing at Sima Weizhi who staggered and opened his eyes, Lan Yuan Yanzhu seemed very excited.

"That was awakened by you? That was awakened by you!"

Seeing that Sima Weizhi's jellyfish was awakened by this method, Ye Shenyue couldn't say anything, she could only nod to Lan Yuan, and then told Tina and Qianshou to take care of Sima Weizhi who just woke up!

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