"Big brother is holding you, shall we eat together?"

Squatting in front of Tina, Ye Shenyue's heart was almost melted by the words of this little girl. How could there be such a person in this world that people love and pity?

"Hey hey hey! Are you full and have nothing to do? We haven't eaten yet? Besides, I just heard Mr. Tribute say he was too hungry. That's why I provided you with all kinds of food. But you can only get bread and salad! Can you blame us for this?"

The expression on Sima Weizhi's face was a little grim, and he hadn't said a few words to the tributaries, why did these little guys come to destroy their good deeds?

"Then we're going to have a French meal too!"

Lan Yuan looked up and found that the compartment was full of delicious food. It was indeed not just the bread and salad in his hands. He suddenly felt a little sloppy, and then he could only pretend that he didn't understand and yelled at Sima!

"Hey! I was patronizing and eating just now, why didn't I remember to look up?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue in front of him, Lan Yuan also felt a little embarrassed, so he could only pretend to be generous and wave his hand and said, "Big brother! Then you can't take care of eating with Miss Sima and forget our business!"

After that, I took Qianshou and Tina next to me to sit in another seat and wait for the fresh French meal to appear!

"Make them a French meal for three!"

Sima Weizhi ordered to his machine, since these little loli can be quiet and don't disturb himself and the tributary's dinner, he doesn't mind giving them a little favor!

"Right! What was Lan Yuan talking about just now?"

Sima Weizhi was a little embarrassed to sit in front of Ye Shenyue, so he could only casually find a topic to talk about!

"What else could it be? Of course, we have to open the ladder to resist those five types of coelenterates that may appear! Why don't you ask us such a question? Why do you want to ask Mr. Tributary?"

Lan Yuan hurried to answer, and immediately made Ye Shenyue smile at Sima in embarrassment, and then she could only nod her head and said, "We used your mobile phone to call the headquarters just now, and then we got information about coelenterates of type five. When it appears, this ladder will automatically open the information, so we are here waiting for the appearance of the five types!"

As a supplement, Ye Shenyue drank some aperitif, and she didn't know if Sima could accept this answer.

"Huh? My phone?"

Sima suddenly looked at Ye Shenyue curiously, the doubts in his eyes Ye Shenyue were also momentarily frightened when he saw Ye Shenyue!

"Damn it! I forgot that phone was from their house. What if she remembers that she didn't bring her phone?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Sima with some incomprehension, but found that the girl smiled charmingly at her, and then said softly, "You got that phone when you were at our house, right? Tribute?"

Saying that, she raised her eyebrows at Ye Shenyue!

"Ah! Haha! That's right! Miss Sima is really smart!"

Unexpectedly, this girl gave herself an excuse, how could Ye Shenyue refuse to admit it?

Chapter 0046 Sima tells a story?

"What? Mr. Tribute has been to your house?"

As expected of the rabbit's ears, Lan Yuan reacted at once, and jumped directly from his seat to the front of Ye Shenyue!

"Uh! Do you want to be so excited..."

Ye Shenyue was also taken aback, and immediately found that the face of the opposite Miss Sima had turned black!

"Alright, alright! Lan Yuan! Shall we come down first? This is the dining table!"

Looking at Lan Yuan Yanzhu with black lines, Ye Shenyue had a premonition that this meal would not be so easy!

"Then tell me what's going on here! Mr. Tribute!"

Pointing at Ye Shenyue, the little girl had a never-ending look on her face.

"Uh! Is this important?"

Although the time was only a few hours ago, Ye Shenyue didn't feel that she had to remember such a tedious thing.

"Remember what those are for? Isn't it just taking Sima Weizhi for a ride!"

Ye Shenyue thought innocently, and was about to dismiss Lan Yuan in a few words, when she suddenly heard Sima Weizhi whispering: "What's wrong? Did Mr. Tribute forget what happened in my villa?"

Speaking of which, a somewhat imaginative smile appeared!

"Uh! Of course I remember!"

Ye Shenyue knew that denial at this time would definitely cast a shadow on the hearts of these little loli, and she didn't deny it, so she just looked at Sima Weizhi, who was facing him, to see how this talented girl could make up a fool. Amazing story!

"Oh! Then let's satisfy everyone's curiosity and talk about it? You see, these three babies are not in the mood to sit quietly in their seats!"

Pointing to the side with a finger, Sima Weizhi shook his head helplessly in his heart.

"Is this guy so popular? Why did I dislike this guy so much when I was by the river?"

The jealousy of the woman on Sima Weizhi was stirred up, and it was natural to look at these little loli with a strange look.

"Big brother, we all want to hear it!"

Tina whispered, the puppet in her hand was tightly hugged by her!

"Ah! I really want to use the clone technique to replace this puppet! Really! People seem to want it! Living in the arms of a girl is such a pleasant thing!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the puppet and always felt like she was at a loss.

"If it weren't for the idiot Sima, I would show my real body?"

"Hello? Are you talking? Don't you blink when you look at Tina?"

Sima Weizhi had never seen such a thing before, and suddenly felt a panic in his heart. At the same time, he followed Ye Shenyue's eyes and found the puppet in Tina's hand!

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