"Ah! Is this the puppet?"

Sima Weizhi seemed to remember what, and looked nervously at the puppet in Tina's hand, as if the ghostly puppet still existed in this world!

"Sister Sima? What happened to my puppet?"

Looking at Sima Weizhi curiously, Tina is so gentle and caring to everyone, and doesn't treat them as any enemy at all!

"Uh! Didn't I take this puppet back? Why is it still in your hands?"

Looking at Tina curiously, Sima Weizhi really didn't have the courage to take this puppet. It was this guy who let him be scolded by his father!

"Oh! You took that one before and never gave it to me again, but the current one was given to me by Mr. Tribute himself! Just... in the past two days!"

Tina explained honestly, but told everyone holding the puppet, no one will give this puppet!

"Oh? Mr. Tribute! Such a good man!"

Sima sat down a little dejectedly, but his eyes looking at Ye Shenyue were still a little strange, how could this guy give Tina this puppet?Still staring at this puppet and not relaxing, it seems that this puppet is very problematic!

"Where! I just gave you one, if you like it! Can I buy you more in the future?"

Smiling at Tina, Ye Shenyue felt that this trivial matter was really worthless!

"I also want!"

Qianshou Xia Shi raised his hand and looked at Ye Shenyue happily, how could he embarrass Mr. Tribute?

"Okay! After this crisis is over, I will sell you as much as you want! Do you think it's okay?"

Smiling at everyone, Ye Shenyue felt that she could finally relax!

"Wait! It seems that you haven't talked about your affairs in Miss Sima's house!"

Nodding seriously to everyone, Tina really hasn't forgotten these important things!

"Uh, that's fine! I'll tell you curious ghosts what happened to us at Sima's house!"

In fact, Ye Shenyue may not want to talk about it, but since everyone is asking... How can I refuse to tell everyone this not thrilling adventure story?

"Alas! It seems a little embarrassing to have to program that mobile phone!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly in her heart, and then said: "I was looking at the car at the time, and suddenly I saw that Miss Sima seemed to have no vehicle to pick up and drop off on the street, so I went to help! The car arrived..."

When Ye Shenyue was about to say something, she suddenly saw Sima Weizhi stand up and waved at one of them, "How can you tell a story like this? You see everyone is a little helpless! Listen to me! It must be better than a tributary. You are wonderful!"

Smiling at everyone, Sima Weizhi stood in front of everyone with his hips on his shoulders and said, "It was raining very hard at that time! I couldn't even see the buildings across the street when it was so big! What's more, when I came out of my father's hospital just now, our family It has been controlled by the government, and naturally no 2.9 people will pick it up! Just as I was trying to prepare to fight, suddenly, a very dark and very tasteful Lamborghini Model [-] anaerobic car stopped in front of me, then……"

Ye Shenyue was completely convinced by Miss Sima's ability to make up stories. Seeing the three little loli being frightened by the tense storyline, she immediately realized the charm of human language. Such an arrangement made her amazed. !

"Wow! Big brother was so heroic! He defeated more than [-] guards by himself!"

A surprised expression appeared on Tina's face, as if what Sima said was very common sense!

"En! It's alright!"

Ye Shenyue didn't dare to go over to demolish Sima Weiwei's stage, she could only let her make up the story, direct and act, and gestured back and forth with the knife and fork on the table!

Chapter 0047 Reinforcement

"Wow! Big brother is so heroic!"

When she heard that Ye Shenyue was fighting [-] robbers, Tina couldn't help applauding for Ye Shenyue!

"Uh! You believe in such nonsense!"

Looking at Tina who was clapping her hands with sweat, Ye Shenyue didn't know how to answer this question, did she admit it?Didn't he become Sima Lie's accomplice?Let Yeshenyue come to harm these cute little loli, how can Yeshenyue be willing!


Looking at Sima Weizhi who was holding a knife and fork with a meaningful smile, Ye Shenyue couldn't help shaking her head in her heart.

I can't let Miss Sima take the title of a big liar!

"Woooooo! It's so embarrassing!"

Shaking her head, Ye Shenyue smiled at Tina.

"Uh! I'm so hungry!"

Touching her stomach, Ye Shenyue stiffly changed the subject.

"That's right? Why hasn't our food been served for so long? Miss Sima. Is your machine broken?"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu stared at her eyes, as if 07 looked embarrassed when she saw Miss Sima.

"Hey! Haven't you ever eaten a French meal? The production process of a French meal is very complicated. Let's talk about the foie gras. Just baking the foie gras is a very complicated thing, not to mention the fact that the foie gras has to be cooked. The liver is in the process..."

"I'm hungry!"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu touched his stomach and looked at Sima Weizhi with an innocent expression.

"Can't you let me show it?"

Sima Weizhi took a deep breath and looked at Lanyuan Yanzhu in dissatisfaction!

why!Why did this little doll interrupt me when I was just talking about the making process of foie gras?

I want to perform well in front of the tributaries!

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