Chapter 0049 On a whim?

"Adults don't have the same knowledge as children!"

Sima Weizhi also wanted to make a grimace like Lan Yuan, but he was not too young, so he became so childish in front of him!

"haha, really?"

Lan Yuan always wanted to put some cheap on his mouth, pouted his lips dissatisfied, and then took a piece of meat from his plate and handed it to Ye Shenyue, "Come on! Big brother, I'll feed you!"

With his small mouth open, Lan Yuan smiled cutely at Yeshenyue. This smile was like a flower in spring, so tender and charming!


Ye Shenyue has no ability to resist such a little loli's warm offensive, so she can only helplessly smile at Lan Yuan, then she opens her mouth and waits for Lan Yuan's meal. Put it in your mouth!

"Is it tasty?"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, Lan Yuan also glanced at Sima next to him, looking at Sima's embarrassed and unwilling appearance, not to mention how happy!

"Humph! I'm the best choice for the big brother, and I will never think of anyone else in my life!"

Lan Yuan thought silently in his heart, looking at Ye Shenyue with surprisingly gentle eyes!

"Big brother? What are you dazed about?"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue was already stunned in front of him, Lan Yuan thought she was so cute that Ye Shenyue was too cute!Hurry up and look at him with a more lovely smile, as if using your own tenderness to melt Ye Shenyue!


Ye Shenyue reacted first, and then ate the food that Lan Yuan handed over, but she didn't taste anything!

The mirror image of Lan Yuan let Ye Shenyue see into her eyes just now, and of course Ye Shenyue was also frightened!You actually let the girl of this song give her an internal decision?Is this not good? , However, my heart seems to be very happy too!Didn't you see a little sadness?How is this going?

No, no, I must have been frightened by this little girl's heart just now, and I was so frightened that I didn't know how to describe my forehead expression for a while, that's why I did this!

No no no!I'm an asshole, I'm actually tempted by a little girl?

its not right?How can I be an asshole?I am God 1 I can have everything!How can anyone be accused?

What is it to blame or not to blame, what am I thinking now?

"Big brother? Isn't it delicious?"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu looked at Ye Shenyue in a daze. At first, she thought it was because he was delicious, which scared Ye Shenyue, but now she thinks about it carefully, even if Ye Shenyue has never eaten it before. Delicious food, don't even have to chew it now!

"Ah? It's delicious! It's delicious! It's really delicious!"

Ye Shenyue suppressed the shock and contrast in her heart, and after reacting, she directly hugged the little cutie in front of her in her arms, as if only in this way could she express her love!

"Big brother! How powerful is your friend?"

Startled by Ye Shenyue's actions, Lan Yuan Yanzhu said softly in Ye Shenyue's arms, as if her tone could give Ye Shenyue strength!

"Huh? Is it?"

Ye Shenyue let go of her arms, looked at Lan Yuan Yanzhu who was in her arms and smiled softly, how dare she put such a quirky little loli in her arms naturally!This is the feeling that only appeared when I had Athena before!

"Yes! Very powerful!"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu leaned her little head on Ye Shenyue's chest. She never thought that she could put her body firmly in front of a man's chest!

"Is it time to eat?"

Qianshou Xia Shi opened his eyes and looked at the scene that suddenly appeared in front of him, hesitated for a while, but took the initiative to remind the two of them that it is best not to have children like this, everyone, do it in front of everyone!

"Ah? Eating?"

Ye Shenyue seemed to have forgotten about this, and when Huang Huang looked at the surrounding environment, he suddenly realized that he had lost his temper in front of everyone!

"Of course! I don't know who told me just now that I was very hungry, and asked me to eat French dinner with him! As a result, everyone else is full of a small piece of lamb chops now! What is this? power?"

Sima Weizhi took a knife and fork and looked at the empty plate in front of him. He didn't eat a single bite of the big meal in front of him. Just thinking about what Ye Shenyue did to Lanyuan Yanzhu just now, he felt annoyed!

"Uh! Sorry for disturbing everyone!"

Speaking softly, Ye Shenyue didn't know how to tell everyone, was it just a whim?Or it has been planned for a long time, or something else, anyway, I seem to have done something embarrassing to everyone!

"No! I see a lot of interest!"

He stabbed the plate in front of him fiercely. Sima Weizhi didn't even know why he was angry. Anyway, he just felt that this incident was a challenge to his Chi Guoguo!Use your own language to fight back!

"But for whom?"

Shaking his head to look at these people, Sima Weizhi found for the first time that he had nowhere to vent his anger!The tributary in front of him is his savior twice!He's the only person he can trust now!The little brat over there has not been so reckless to be afraid of criticizing others!Besides, this matter seems to be a matter of two people, what qualifications do you have to say?

"Okay! Let's start eating! Looking at such a sumptuous dinner, I can't help but want to say thank you to everyone!"

Holding up the red wine she had poured into the glass, Ye Shenyue still fought hard to apologize, shaking the glass gently at everyone, and then drinking these charming liquids into her stomach!

"Don't drink it! Red wine doesn't look like it's easy to get drunk, but it's very easy to get excited. Don't do this!"

Seeing that the Crocodile God actually drank nearly half a bottle of red wine for the so-called apology, Sima Weizhi suddenly felt a little distressed. There are still people in this world who care about other people's feelings. Indifferent, selfish, fearful, and idly by, but today, I was inexplicably moved by this man!How strange!

"All right!"

Ye Shenyue also knows that she is almost drinking. Although drinking by herself is definitely nothing, but in the eyes of others, you will always be drunk again. If you keep acting like this, will these cute little loli be caught? Are you scared of your crazy alcohol intake?

"I don't want people to treat me like a monster! Especially in front of these lovely people!"

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