Chapter 0050 Drunk to avoid punishment

"You don't have to drink! I'll give you a toast!"

Sima Weizhi raised his wine glass and spoke to Ye Shenyue gently, and then drank all the wine in his glass!

"Wow! Big sister is so good at drinking!"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu was really not hungry, and looked at Ye Shenyue and Sima Weizhi enthusiastically from the side, the praise on her lips sounded so harsh to Sima Weizhi!

"Haha! Little girl, stop touting your sister and me! I'm just on a whim!"

When he said the word "on a whim", he looked at Ye Shenyue coldly, as if condemning him with his eyes.

"Uh! Yes! Everyone should drink less alcohol!"

Ye Shenyue said to Lan Yuan, then she picked up a bottle of soda next to it and poured it into Sima Weizhi's wine glass. This girl was enjoying the drinks on the road, which made Lan Yuan think of throwing her out!I can't let Sima get drunk again!

"En! It's still what the tributary said! The tributary is really a good person!"

After a glass of wine was put into his stomach, Sima Weizhi's eyes looking at Ye Shenyue soon went wrong. That charming look seemed to have a lot of drinking in it!

"Of course!"

Ye Shenyue couldn't dig out the mirror image of the drunk person, so she could only nod her head at Sima, and then helplessly thought about what to do?

"I didn't expect Sima to drink so much!"

Looking at Sima Weizhi, who was getting more and more wrong, Ye Shenyue regretted a little why she didn't destroy all the bottle of red wine!It's disturbing to stay here!

"Junior tributary! Eat!"

Looking at the table full of dishes in front of him, Sima Weizhi, who has not yet started eating, is a little stunned. He really wants to eat these meals, but why does he feel full?

"Okay! You can eat too!"

She quickly cut out a piece of foie gras in front of her and put a piece on Sima's plate. Ye Shenyue suddenly felt bad for the girl in front of her. Have your last meal!

"Alas! It seems that a lot of emotions have accumulated in her heart!"

Ye Shenyue ate the food in front of her in small mouthfuls. Ye Shenyue, who knew how precious these foods were, still tasted great!

"I eat!"

With a fork, he inserted the foie gras in his plate with difficulty, and Sima Weizhi opened his mouth and put the foie gras in!


A staggering, Sima Weizhi's head suddenly came into intimate contact with the table!Immediately after that, he fell asleep!

"Big brother! What's wrong with Sister Sima?"

Holding her puppet, Tina cares about everyone as usual, no matter what the relationship between these people and herself is, she is so concerned that she will not turn a blind eye.

"Ah! My sister is tired and needs to sleep! Let's put her on the front seat!"

Ye Shenyue also suddenly felt that the meal was meaningless, she could only smile at Tina, then took the initiative to pick up Sima and put it on the row of seats in front.

"The tributary!"

A call suddenly came from behind, Ye Shenyue suddenly became strange, who is this?Besides Sima Weizhi, who else would call himself a tributary?

The confused Ye Shenyue turned around, only to see Tianshou Xia Shi grabbing her clothes and saying, "Sister Tiantong seems to be awake!"

When Ye Shenyue heard this, she looked at the easy chair at the door and found that Tiantong, who was drunk just now, was struggling to get up, but was trapped in the easy chair and couldn't get out!

"It's so bad!"

Looking back at Sima Weizhi, who had already slept, and looking up at Tiantong Mugeng who was calling for her, Ye Shenyue didn't know what to say about these talented people. Are people who are about to become adults more naive than children?Obviously can't drink, but the reader's own mouth and bar are crazy to drink, is this kind of life interesting?

"Big brother! It's better to drag my sister up, you see how uncomfortable she looks!"

Tina stood in front of Ye Shenyue, her face full of eagerness.

"Hehe, Tina still cares about people!"

How could Ye Shenyue not give Tina this face?He smiled at Tina, followed him to the door, pulled Tiantong Mugeng up, and then said to Tiantong, who was drunk and blurred: "It's cold outside, shall we go in and sleep?"

As he said that, he was about to put Tiantong on his shoulders and carry him inside!

…… ……"no!"

After struggling for a while, Tiantongmu unfortunately fell onto the easy chair again, looked up at Ye Shenyue, held his head in discomfort, and opened his mouth.

"You have to give me a princess hug like that woman, or I won't get up!"

"It looks like you can't get up now?"

Lan Yuan stretched out his tongue and head to the still awake Tentong Mu, and made a cute expression, but what he said was a provocation from Chi Guoguo!

"who said it!"

Sure enough, when he heard this, Tiantongmu didn't know where the anger came from, and with all his strength, he immediately stood up!

"Haha! Am I getting up?"

Spreading out his hands to keep his balance, Tiantong looked at Ye Shenyue cheerfully, like a silly child who won the first place.

"Ah! It's really bad! This state!"

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