"Big brother? Where have you been?"

Tina stared at her big eyes and stood on the tree, looking at Ye Shenyue, who was cautiously tiptoeing back.


When Ye Shenyue heard Tina's voice, she jumped up in fright, and when she looked up, she found Tina standing on a tree.

"Uh, still found!"

Ye Shenyue held her little heart helplessly, didn't she feed these little loli a sleepy bug?Why did Tina wake up?Did your spell fail?

"Big brother? Don't you want to talk to me?"

Standing on the tree watching Ye Shenyue, Tina suddenly felt a little sad?Did you accidentally disturb your big brother?I only care about my big brother.

"Uh! How could it be?"

Extending her arms, Ye Shenyue smiled at Tina on the tree, this little girl, why is she so sensitive?If you don't want to talk to such a good little girl, who would you be willing to talk to?

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue curiously, Tina still obediently jumped down from the tree and fell into Ye Shenyue's arms.

"That's because I think you're all asleep? Aren't you a little excited to see you here?"

Smiling at Tina, Ye Shenyue hugged the little girl in her arms even tighter! "Really? Why don't I feel sleepy at all? The biological clock that I finally adjusted doesn't seem to be working anymore?" Tina also wondered why she couldn't fall asleep. When she could fall asleep, she still couldn't sleep. It's on!

"Adjusted biological clock?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the sky strangely, not understanding what the word in this little girl's mouth meant?Do you need to adjust your biological clock to sleep at night?Was this little girl's biological clock complicated in the past?

"That's right! I adjusted it for a long time! It looks like it's back today!"

Tina was very comfortable in Ye Shenyue's embrace, so she couldn't help wiggling her braids, using this to relax Ye Shenyue's shoulders.

"Is it possible that your previous biological clock was sleeping during the day and awake at night?"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but be amused. She had never heard of such a thing. Could this little girl be an owl?

"Yes! Big brother, you are right! I used to sleep during the day and wake up at night!"

Tina nodded excitedly, as if she had met a confidant.

"Uh... do you want to do this?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tina with some incomprehension. Her own joke was ruthlessly approved by this girl?

But such a little girl doesn't seem like a person who can joke with herself and lie to her face?

Is it true?

"Then why is that?"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help being curious about Tina's identity. Although she liked this little girl very much, she seldom cared about the past of these cute little loli. She really didn't care much about such a situation.

"Because I'm an owl! This is the source of my power. I can see far at night, and any moving objects will be tracked by me!"

Question Difficulty confessed his situation to Yashin Yue very seriously!

"Uh... owl type? What does this mean?"

Ye Shenyue tried very hard to suppress the shock in her heart?Are there other models of these cursed children?Aren't things like models all numbering and naming those weapons?How can it be used on these children?

"It means that I have an owl-like characteristic in my body. Can I use this characteristic to fight?"

Tina said it as a matter of course, as if such a situation was born with her!

"Uh...is that so?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tina even more shocked, but she still tried her best to close her eyes to take back her sharp gaze. Now she can't let these children see her angry side!

"Yes! Big brother? You don't seem to know? The whole country knows it! People like us are the ones who can really be valued by the government. The fate of those ordinary cursed children is even more pitiful. !"

Tina suddenly talked about her companion, and closed her eyes a little sadly, and then she could only get down from Ye Shenyue's arms, and she seemed to say something that shouldn't be said.

"Uh... I know about big brother! Don't worry! I will make the cursed child a member of this country! It won't be a special person! Because this world is equal!"

Nodding solemnly at Tina, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a sense of mission in her body!

"Big brother...you are so kind!"

A warm embrace came to Ye Shenyue!Tina knew that this person was different from other people. When she said that she was an owl-type person, this person didn't even have the slightest fear!It can be said that I no longer need to hide anything from this big brother in my heart.

"Big brother is not good!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tina's smart eyes a little depressed, and suddenly didn't know what she should do. Could it be that the world has been subverted?


Tina looked at Ye Shenyue in surprise. Did her words make big brother think of something?Or, the big brother has already found out what kind of person 740 is?

"Ha ha!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tina with some loneliness, and couldn't help holding Tina tightly in her arms!

"Big brother is going to change the world! When the time comes, big brother will be really good!"

Talking to Tina in a low voice, Ye Shenyue put Tina on the ground, then took Tina's little hand and walked to the front of the magical vehicle. It was all about this time, and Ye Shenyue felt that she should not be swayed again. Found.

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