"Big brother!"

As soon as I entered this strange room, Lan Yuan's voice suddenly sounded, and it scared Ye Shenyue's little heart out!

"I still want to eat!"

After you faintly finished talking about her dream, Lan Yuan turned over and continued to sleep.

"Oh! It scared me to death!"

Ye Shenyue patted her little heart and walked to the seat next to her, ready to sleep for a while.

"Big brother? Where have you been? Why are you so afraid of others knowing?"

Tina held her little doll and looked at Ye Shenyue curiously behind her. This big brother has been cautious since he came back, as if he was afraid that others would know that he was out?

"Uh... this!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue with some embarrassment, Tina suddenly felt that she had asked something that shouldn't be asked?

Chapter 0053 Open the ladder

"Uh, this... I just went to a place."

Ye Shenyue looked at Tina with some embarrassment, thinking about whether she should eliminate those pesky coelenterates as soon as possible.


Tina also knew that Ye Shenyue didn't want to talk, and suddenly felt a little lonely. It seemed that she could treat Ye Shenyue calmly, but Ye Shenyue couldn't share all the secrets with herself.

"Go to sleep!"

Ye Shenyue also knew that Tina was a little upset, but to be honest, she was still embarrassed to look at Tina, such a good girl was here, but she couldn't tell the truth.


Tina is naturally obedient, she put her puppet on the table, and then lay down to sleep.

"Why can't I sleep?"

Turning over to look at Ye Shenyue, Tina was really helpless, either she didn't sleep, or she couldn't sleep!

"Did my sleepy bug have the opposite effect?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the reflected moonlight, and suddenly felt a burst of sadness. She was really reckless, and she didn't know that owls didn't sleep much at night...

"Big brother? Let's go out for a walk. Look how deadly everyone sleeps. It will be bad if you wake up!"

Tina shook her body and stood up, walked to Ye Shenyue, whispered, and muttered, as if she looked a little sober.

"Uh, it's impossible for them to sleep to death if they don't want to..."

Wiping the sweat in her heart, Ye Shenyue didn't know what to say, she could only smile slightly, stood up, and walked out with Tina's little hand, this strange machine seemed to be defenseless against the two of them. , come and go freely, as if you are in your own home.

1 "Big brother? Why don't we go to the war? Look at the gap, many people are fighting for this city. Isn't it good for us to stand by and watch?"

Staring at Ye Shenyue with wide eyes, Tina looked melancholy, as if the real compassionate person in this world was not Ye Shenyue standing in front of her, but herself.

"Uh, isn't that bad?"

Looking at Tina helplessly, Ye Shenyue doesn't want to change the world too much. After all, in this world, if she wants to make everyone live happily and avoid being threatened with life, then This world will collapse in three days. Without the worry of losing things, human beings can do anything!

"It's nothing. Anyway, my speed is fast. Big brother, your speed is not slow. We can just return before the reinforcements arrive. After all, you also know that these soldiers fought really hard!"

Pointing to the distance, Tina looked worried. Although this kind of worry seemed insignificant to Ye Shenyue, the innocent and simple Tina cared very much!

"Uh, how can there be any reinforcements?"

Ye Shenyue shouted in her heart, the lie she made up to Lan Yuan will now become the starting point for other lies!If it goes on like this, I may become a talking god!

This!It is absolutely not allowed by Ye Shenyue, and it cannot be done!A god who masters the entire universe actually deceives the people in the world he created. How can Ye Shenyue still be involved in the god realm in the future?

"Drip drip!"

Ye Shenyue touched her little finger lightly, and the phone rang from the car behind her.

"I come!"

Ye Shenyue didn't have to react, she turned around and said to Tina, she must put an end to this lie, otherwise she didn't know how many questions about the reinforcements she would ask these little loli to ask!

"Uh, so anxious..."

, Tina looked at Ye Shenyue's anxious Yan Zi, turned to look at the battlefield she was paying attention to, and always felt that she should be responsible for helping those soldiers who were fighting against coelenterates.

"Okay… okay… no problem… I get it!"

Ye Shenyue was talking loudly to the phone in the carriage. After Tina heard it, she also understood that she and her companions should not have much time to sleep. She walked gently to Lan Yuan and the others, and scratched with her little hand. their noses. 4 "Big brother, they don't seem to wake up?"

Finding that even pinching her nose was useless, Tina looked at Ye Shenyue, who had just hung up, with a horrified expression on her face.

"Uh... I guess everyone is too tired, Tina, let's go and open the door of the ladder, don't forget, we have important things to do!"

Ye Shenyue nodded at Tina, and immediately put the suddenly ringing phone in her pocket, and took Tina to the door of the ladder!

"It's so dirty, big brother, should we wipe it with Sister Tiantong's skirt?"

As soon as she walked in front of the Tian Ladder, Tina looked at Ye Shenyue calmly, not knowing when she had already taken Tiantong's skirt in her hand.

"I... people's skirts are just a hole, do you want this..."

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