As soon as the words fell, a calm voice with vicissitudes came, and the staff in the room took a closer look, but found that it was the consul Tiantong, who had not been seen for many days!

"See Archon!"

Everyone saluted Tiantong together, but was directly interrupted by the old man.

After finishing talking about going to the Son of Heaven to report information like this, the section chief looked at the consul with curiosity.

"I feel there by quickly drawing a company of troops from our guard! This war is about the existence of our new Tokyo! We must not let any hidden dangers appear!"

As soon as he turned around, facing the total number of his guards, Consul Tiantong congratulated everyone before leaving the department with him.

"Look at other people's consul, and then look at our head of state. It really is a different experience!"

Looking at the section chief who stared at him, the staff member still closed his mouth.

"Why did the Archon Tiantong appear here?"

The chief looked out the window curiously.

Chapter 0055 Doing the opposite

"Quick! This is an order from Lord Tiantong himself. We have to get to that ladder as soon as possible! Brothers! This is a major event related to the overall situation of our new Tokyo, and we will be recorded in history!"

While encouraging his lackeys to follow him and drive a jeep to the vicinity of the giant stone monument, the deputy chief of guards who led the team kept in touch with the Tiantong Archon. This matter has not been told to Lord Shengtianzi, and he does not know the true attitude of Shengtianzi!

"I've been looking for it for a long time! Why is there no dense power grid?"

, Follow Tina forward, Ye Shenyue has been forced to take Tina away three or four times, but with her own perspective glasses and all-round locking function, I still haven't seen any situation. For such a thing , Ye Shenyue is also very helpless!

"It may be that the control room of this thing doesn't need dense power grid support, let's continue to look for it! It looks very clear from the outside, how can I find nothing after coming in? There are long corridors here. What! I don't know what it is for!"

Staring her eyes wide and looking around, Tina also felt like she was in the middle of a maze after entering, and she couldn't find the right intersection!

"Let me analyze it!"

Ye Shenyue came to Tina and stopped, sitting on the ground and watching the scene of large and small pipes everywhere, Ye Shenyue could only draw the distance she traveled and present it in front of Tina.

"Wow! Big brother's level is very good. He was able to clearly mark the places we've traveled here! I don't even have such a superb level!"

Nodding at Ye Shenyue, Tina released her three balls, and then told Ye Shenyue what her balls had detected.

"With so much information, have you analyzed where the control room of this thing is?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Tina anxiously. Although she had already let everyone fall asleep, she was still a little worried. Since those people made her come to the ladder, it is impossible for them to be ignorant of the situation here. And he has already opened the door here. As such a weapon that is like a trump card, these people will not give up monitoring it!

"No! I feel that there is no such thing as a control room in this place. The Xiamen Road here is very evenly distributed, and even speaking, it may be an abandoned electronic maze, and there is no such thing as a center. The control system, so... Big Brother, it's better for you to call those people and ask!"

Speaking to Ye Shenyue seriously, Tina has already put back her three little things!

"Um... Who am I going to call? To the Son of Heaven? Tell him that he has opened this thing that requires a password? Now not only can you target the five-type coelenterates that will appear, but you may also target anyone in New Tokyo. area?"

Ye Shenyue thought helplessly in her heart, and then hugged Tina.Show your signature smile.

"Okay, let's not be confused about these things, let's continue to move up, the command and control of this thing must be near here, the long barrel and the ammunition depot in this place are definitely not, let's go!"

Speaking of Ye Shenyue, she continued to move forward with Tina. In short, Ye Shenyue in this place seemed to have smelled a disturbing atmosphere in the air!

"Okay! Let's do what big brother says! Let's go there and see!"

Pointing to the distance, Tina looked at Ye Shenyue calmly. Although the elder brother's face was not very good, he believed that the elder brother would be able to complete the mission of fighting against those coelenterates!


Smiling at the lovely Tina, Ye Shenyue felt that she had to communicate with the Son of Heaven himself!

"Since the sleepy bug doesn't work, and it has a negative effect, it seems that I will use something awake to make Tina fall asleep at ease!"

Ye Shenyue thought calmly in her heart, then she picked Tina up from behind, and put a little bug in the ear of the cute little loli!

"Go to sleep!"

When the sobering bug was put into Tina's ear, Tina, who was holding the puppet, suddenly fell asleep, and she didn't even have a chance to say hello to Yeshenyue before going to bed!


She kicked the iron sheet in front of her with one kick, Ye Shenyue looked at the vast night outside, and flew out with Tina in her arms. For such a thing, it is better for him to do less!


The huge figure of the ladder appeared in front of him. The deputy head of the guard waved his hand and let his subordinates pick up weapons to surround the past. After shooting in two rows, the personnel of this company were even ready for battle, although they were in power as Tiantong. The troops directly under the officer, but these people's combat effectiveness is not weak, they are all selected from the elites who have experienced battles!

"Well! It seems that there are some shameless flies in this place in the middle of the night. I can't let my children be disturbed when they sleep!"

As soon as she put Tina on the sofa, she heard a burst of noisy footsteps, Ye Shenyue could only smile and shake her head, then rushed to the car full of loli sleeping, and made this magical machine temporarily invisible. !

"The front! Who?"

Raising the snatch in his hand, the chief guard is still a little brainy. Instead of shooting directly, he stopped and asked loudly. For such an opponent, this man is actually very scared. Since he became a guard, It has been more than ten years since I have fought with anyone, and it is the first time that such an encounter has occurred!

"what about you?"

Ye Shenyue heard a human voice.Rather curious!Could it be that the reinforcements in his legend actually came?But looking at their uniforms, it seems that it can't be Sima Weizhi meeting! , "We are the guards under the Tiantong Archon! How about you?"

Speaking of his name, the captain of the guard is very proud, and his master's name is known throughout New Tokyo!As someone's bodyguard, that arrogant look is naturally more than that!

"Many people think that they have power when they are close to power!"

Seeing this arrogant, domineering guy, Ye Shenyue's mind suddenly popped up such a word, although she didn't really care about it, but when she met such an immodest person, she naturally had to rectify it! , "It's the hand of Lord Tiantong, I'm lucky to meet, we are looking for the bullets of the ladder in front, you are just here, help us find it together, the Son of Heaven told us to get ready early, otherwise five Coelenterates are here, and none of us can run away!"

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