Chapter 0056 monarch-like tone

"Oh? Lord Saint Son of Heaven personally asked you to come here?"

As soon as he heard it was his own, the head guard who didn't want to charge in the first place nodded clearly, then stretched out his hand to Ye Shenyue in front of him and said, "To be on the safe side, show your ID!"

"How about yours?"

Ye Shenyue had a headache when she heard that someone asked her for documents. She was just a little god in charge of this world. Why did she create a world where so many people live, but all of them search for her documents without exception?It's impossible for me to give myself a certificate to prove my superior to these planets and worlds!

It's unpleasant in my heart, but since the other party is someone who has orders from the Son of Heaven, I don't dare to go too far. I can only smile at Ye Shenyue, and then hand over the certificate of my bodyguard to Ye Shenyue. .


Ye Shenyue didn't bother to care what was written on these people's documents. Anyway, she could see their mirror images, and she knew exactly what they were thinking, so she calmly took it out of her pocket. I took out the certificate I secretly copied last time and handed it to the guy on the opposite side! , "Wow! You became a lieutenant general of the Self-Defense Force at such a young age, you are amazing!"

Facing Ye Shenyue, he hurriedly saluted, and the guard finally straightened his expression a lot. Regarding this person in front of him, he really can't do anything about his military rank!

"Another guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard, this world is really hopeless!"

I have already seen what this person is thinking at this moment in the mirror image, Ye Shenyue Xinzong is contemptuous for a while, and then he takes this guy into the ladder!Although she had already made up her mind to take good care of these guys who disturbed her to watch the cute loli sleeping, but after entering this place, Ye Shenyue suddenly found that she couldn't find any way to take care of them, and the whole ladder It is a huge model, except for the weird muzzle, the rest is the empty and crude internal structure of the ladder.

"Are you alone here?"

She asked Ye Shenyue curiously, looking left and right, she had forgotten what she was here to do as an official, a little confused.

"That's right! The ladder is fully automatic, as long as we open it, do we need a lot of people?"

Smiling at this guy, Ye Shenyue wanted to find a few people to accompany her, but her little loli had all been put to sleep by herself, so there was no way to come over and accompany her!

"No no no! I mean, you are a lieutenant admiral, or a lieutenant admiral of the navy. How can you say that you are also a captain or commander of a fleet, so there is no such thing as a bodyguard?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue, this guard officer really wanted to make friends with Ye Shenyue, and he was very polite when he spoke!

"Uh, you are all at this time, and you still pay attention to this!"

Ye Shenyue, who has far less understanding of human beings, can only smile, and then said casually: "These coelenterates have already come, my troops are fighting, I came alone! Anyway, this thing is apart from Other than that huge gun barrel, everything else is pretty ordinary..."

Saying this, Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered something, nodded at these people, and then smiled at them and said, "How about we go and see the inside of this huge gun barrel? Actually, from the outside We can't tell from the inside, but if we look from the inside, we will know very clearly that this place is very special!"

Having said that, we will lead these people to the place where the muzzle is released!

"Uh, this is not needed. Tributary Lieutenant General, we know that this ladder has been abandoned, so although it doesn't look dirty here, the gun barrel must be rotten and out of shape!"

The guard waved his hand at Ye Shenyue, and then reported the situation here to Consul Tiantong through the walkie-talkie, and then he was about to leave here with his men!

"Uh, I'm not hooked!"

I originally planned to stuff these people into the gun barrels to cool down, but they were going to leave, and Ye Shenyue wouldn't stop them. I looked at their backs from the gap I opened to see that they were far away. He waved his hand, then turned around, and opened the door to the Son of Heaven's room...

"Uh, do you want to sleep so soundly?"

As soon as I entered the room of the Son of Heaven, I saw this little girl sleeping happily on her workbench. As for the rest, I didn't know much about it, so I locked the time in this space. Now, if someone discovers his existence, which has come and gone without a trace, the world must fall into madness!


Opening his eyes in a daze, the Son of Heaven found that everything around him had stopped again, and the dust falling under the street lamps outside the window had stopped. Needless to say, he must have met that god again!


Finding that Son of Heaven's eyes were very sharp, just like a truly qualified monarch, Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and then sat in front of Son of Heaven.

"I don't think it's a big deal. You shouldn't come to me in the middle of the night. Although this has given me more life than others, I don't like it. I like to be like those lovely children. Together!"

Nodding to Ye Shenyue, the Son of Heaven immediately packed up the documents and other things that he had at hand. Since God has come, he doesn't have to carry these annoying 3.5 things around himself!

"Yes, I opened the ladder, I believe you already know it, but what you don't know is that not only is the ladder abandoned, but someone can spare you where you sent people, and at the same time I discovered the existence of this coelenterate Although I can't tell you about it for the time being, but to be honest, this thing may have been created by you humans! And you can withdraw those soldiers who are fighting hard. I have already delineated a range, and those coelenterates will not come. Eh, you let the Self-Defense Forces attack there with missiles on warships, and at the same time, this is my current business card, and I need to confirm this identity!"

After speaking, Ye Shenyue, who left a business card, disappeared in front of the Son of Heaven.

"You were more of a monarch than I was just now!"

The Son of Heaven meditated in his heart.

Chapter 0057 Touching Tina

"Big brother! Where have you been?"

As soon as she came back, she heard Tina's voice, and Ye Shenyue hugged her little heart again.

"Didn't the awake little bugs be put into her body just now? Why is she still awake? Could it be that the dose is too low?"

As Ye Shenyue thought about it, she probed her head and looked at Tina in the distance. She couldn't get angry with such a little girl, and naturally she didn't want to lie anymore!

"Big brother? Don't you want to drink Tina together?"

Seeing Ye Shenyue not speaking for a long time, although she realized that the big brother might not want to tell the truth to hurt herself, Tina still couldn't restrain her curiosity. When her ears felt a hint of coolness, Tina didn't fall asleep. , but more sober, but this more sober is obviously from Ye Shenyue's hand.Immediately after he shook his body, he was hugged by Ye Shenyue and sent to the sofa, and then left him!

"No no no!"

She quickly waved her hand to Tina, Ye 07 Shenyue could see that this little girl didn't care about where she went, but why she didn't take her with her!

"what is that?"

Still holding her little doll, Tina sat on the ground and looked at Ye Shenyue pitifully.

"The first time my brother made everyone take the drug to let everyone fall asleep. At that time, Tina was very nervous, thinking that my brother was a bad person, but my brother didn't, but left by himself. Although my brother was very fast, But Tina's eyes are owl's eyes. They react very quickly to moving objects. She still saw her brother go to the place where the coelenterates appeared, so Tina quickly understood that the big brother was going to defend against those bad guys. After we slept well in this safe place, I went to the ladder with my big brother and was sad that he couldn't find the control room for the ladder. At that time, Tina had already seen that the ladder in this place was damaged, but I didn't want to let it go. My brother didn't say anything because he was sad, but my brother put something cool in my ear, and then he disappeared with those bad people and condescending!"

After finishing her thoughts on Ye Shenyue, Tina raised her head to look at Ye Shenyue, and found that the eldest brother in her mouth had straightened his eyes at this time, and looked at himself in a daze, as if he was looking at someone he didn't know. Same!

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