"Tina...you know it!"

Unexpectedly, this little loli didn't show the slightest idea in her mirror image, Ye Shenyue was also surprised, walked to Tina, and hugged this extremely smart little loli from the ground.

"En! Although Tina doesn't talk much, this is Tina's own inner monologue, so don't worry, I won't tell everyone, I can see that the big brother is really for our good, from the first When I saw the big brother, I felt that the big brother is a good person!"

Having said this, Tina has already hugged Ye Shenyue's shoulders with tears in her eyes. The words of the little Loli, like clear water, completely melted Ye Shenyue's layered heart like cotton candy. !

"Big brother will always protect you, big brother is not only a good person, but also a person who can't see other people cry, Tina, put away your tears, big brother will not be like this again in the future, I will discuss anything with you. , I will be with you in any difficulty."

With her right hand supporting Tina's little head, Ye Shenyue never said such warm words from Ai, but facing Tina, Ye Shenyue's heart is undefended!

"En! Tina will definitely not tell everyone that you will lock in time and space!"

Tina nodded fiercely at Ye Shenyue, suddenly felt her body sway, and hurriedly did a backflip in the air, followed by grabbing the body of Ye Shenyue who was fainting.

"Tina! How do you even know this? I stopped time and space!"

Looking at Tina Yeshenyue exaggeratedly in front of her, she really doesn't know what to say. Could it be that this Tina is already a product beyond the control of time and space?

"Uh, I mean your speed is very fast. It is said that when the speed exceeds the speed of light, space-time will stand still, but for those invisible lights, this is not the case. I can see ultraviolet rays, so, You can still leave an impression in my eyes in a still time and space!"

Tina shook her innocent big eyes, as if such things were commonplace!

"Damn it! How did I forget about this? My time and space are irreversible, and I can only stop for a while. If there are too many still scenes in this world, won't Yu Zi chase after him in the future? "

Between the lights and flints of the night god and moon, I suddenly thought that my situation was not so leisurely, and I felt a little helpless. I could only smile at Tina, and then take Tina back to the machine that was hidden by myself!

"Big brother, who are you?"

Still couldn't help her curiosity, Tina felt that she had already told the big brother on the opposite side what she knew, so should she also know some unknown things about the big brother?

"Does this thing also have an equal exchange aspect?"

Unexpectedly, this little girl's mind is actually thinking of this, Ye Shenyue is thinking about herself, should she tell all her experiences over the past 930 billion years?

"Then what do you want to hear?"

Finding that she still has to work hard to satisfy Tina's curiosity, Ye Shenyue suddenly didn't know what to say. She just swore in her heart that she couldn't deceive her little loli, why did she just sit down and start talking, this lie will come from herself slipped out of his mouth?

"Whatever, for example, the powerful tributary heavy industry behind you. I think your amazing performance is because of this powerful company. Although I have not heard of it before, I believe it must be very powerful!"

Tina looked at Ye Shenyue excitedly, as if chatting with him would give herself the best enjoyment in the world.

"I really want to tell you that this company doesn't exist at all!"

Ye Shenyue rolled her eyes in her heart, but she still said the words: "Tributary Heavy Industries is the best company in Osaka! Although my heart is in New Tokyo, my seniors foresaw the new The security in Tokyo is very bad, so I moved the company there!"

, "Clap!"

With two loud noises, Ye Shenyue slapped herself twice in her heart!

Chapter 0058 Twenty Years of Life Experience

"Then can I go to Osaka with you in the future?"

Tina looked at the little doll holding her.Like a child, Ye Shenyue's eyes have a lot of charm. Although her eyes are still pure, Ye Shenyue can still see the little girl's mind through the mirror image...

"I still don't know where Osaka is? How can I take you there!"

Ye Shenyue rolled her eyes in her heart, but she still showed a beautiful smile at Tina, pinched Tina's little face lightly, then walked to the big tree and looked at the soldiers fighting in the distance. The shadows of our evacuation knew that the Son of Heaven had ordered it.

"Big brother? What? Don't you want to take me to Osaka?"

Asking Ye Shenyue loudly, Tina looked very uncomfortable, as if she was thinking too much.

"No, my brother is thinking about letting you go. If we leave this new Tokyo, will we give up our responsibilities? We should return to Osaka in another way!"

When Tina heard this, she became curious and walked to Ye Shenyue's side with her doll in her arms.

"Big brother, do you mean to say that you have taken New Tokyo as your responsibility? If we leave New Tokyo, we are giving up our responsibility, that is to say, have you taken this place as our responsibility? "

As soon as the little girl was excited, she went around talking, making Ye Shenyue think about it for a long time, and then she could only smile and nod her head.

"That's right, Tina is still smart enough to think of this level. I've fallen in love with this place since I came here, so I'm willing to stay here!"

Seeing that those low-level coelenterates have been firmly trapped in the scope that she has delimited, Ye Shenyue feels that her identity should have been arranged!Perhaps from this night, Ye Shenyue is no longer a stranger, and has become a senior general of the Naval Self-Defense Force in this country! , "How did the big brother come here? It seems that we have only known you for less than three days, but it seems that you can maintain a good relationship with everyone. For this, Tina is also very concerned. I admire you!"

Nodding to Ye Shenyue, Tina still regards Ye Shenyue as an ordinary person for the time being, instead of thinking of something else. From her mirror image, Ye Shenyue also sees the little girl's brain make up for her. The impression is that the tributary heavy industry is a very powerful place, and it has created something for itself that can move instantly!

"Anyway, Sima Heavy Industry can still configure such a perverted machine for Sima Weizhi. What's the point of my teleportation?"

She smiled at Ye Shenyue, followed Tina and turned back to the car with her doll, as if she was unwilling to have a more in-depth communication with Ye Shenyue!

"Let everyone sleep well, I feel that everyone is so excited this night!"

After finding that Tina was going to wake up the sleeping Lan Yuan and the others one by one, Ye Shenyue opened her mouth and stopped her. After all, the time to be alone with this cute and unusually talented little loli is very precious. , Ye Shenyue still cherishes this time in her heart! , "Uh, yes!"

Tina turned around and smiled. For the first time, she realized that she had taken it for granted. If she didn't sleep, it didn't mean that others didn't sleep, right?The moon in the sky has not yet set, and the early morning has not yet arrived. I should have a good chat with my big brother who is not sleepy!

"Big brother, since you are a member of Osaka's tributary heavy industry, why are you willing to protect Shin-Tokyo? Although I don't pay much attention to this aspect, from what I know, the relationship between Osaka and Shin-Tokyo doesn't seem to be very good. OK!"

Nodding to Ye Shenyue, followed by Tina, she still introduced the topic to Ye Shenyue, it seems that this good man who suddenly appeared is more attractive to the little loli!

"Uh... this, it's actually very simple, because I don't like Osaka, but I like New Tokyo!"

Ye Shenyue's mind was spinning fast, although she was about to lie to Tina again, but in fact Ye Shenyue found out that this was not a bad thing, for example, she told the little girl about her life experience in the process of chatting with the little girl. Build the following well in the middle, so as to avoid helpless things in the future!

"Instead of telling a lie to everyone, I think it's better to turn my lie into one as soon as possible, so that the machine will not forget my lie!"

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