"All right!"

Nodding at Ye Shenyue, Lan Yuan led Qianshou to the front and groping forward, the two little girls still seemed very attentive.

"Didn't it say that the darkness before dawn is the darkest? Why does the big brother say that it is not dark enough at this time?"

Gently speaking in the ear of his little friend, Qianshou Xia Shi's mood seemed to change a little faster.

"Uh! This may be because people who have been in the dark for a long time have already adapted to the darkness. When the light is about to come, these people will not adapt. They mistakenly think that the darkness at this time is the darkest. This is not because it is really at this time. It's the darkest time, but because there is a brighter prospect in front of it, so everyone will say that, in fact, who will really verify it?"

Lan Yuan looked at the sky in the distance thoughtfully, the moon was already in the west, and he seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Wow! Lan Yuan is still a philosopher, and his words are so profound!"

Nodding at Lan Yuan, Qianshou Xia Shi's mood suddenly improved a lot, not because of these words, but because of the exciting truth behind these words, not because of a good relationship, who would tell himself so much What about words?

"Then let's work hard together to find that accelerator for big brother! With that thing, we don't have to be afraid of coelenterates in the future. When they attack us, we can directly escape by pressing that thing!"

Lan Yuan took Xia Shi and said cheerfully, for such a thing, he can be very concerned about it!

"Say like we're going to be caught!"

Xia Shi smiled at Lan Yuan, and the two friends will soon be able to devote themselves to finding things for Ye Shenyue!


As soon as she reached the heights, Ye Shenyue stopped time and space, then turned around, and came to the front of the Son of Heaven's residence! , "It seems that I have to enter this place in a normal way, otherwise, how can I go back and explain to the two little loli later!"

As Ye Shenyue thought about it, she knocked on the door guard. At five o'clock in the morning, the front of the Son of Heaven's official residence was deserted...

"Dong dong dong" knocked on the door of the war room next to it, and Ye Shenyue found that the guards of the head of state were just like this. She stood in front of the door for so long in the middle of the night, and she didn't realize herself?

"Who are you? Is there anything wrong? If you come to ask for a ticket, I tell you, we don't have it here either!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue, the guard looked at him reluctantly, as if blaming Ye Shenyue for disturbing his beautiful dream!

"This is my identification!"

Already knowing the importance of identity and status in this strange world, Ye Shenyue didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, and handed over her documents directly!

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

At first glance, he was actually a lieutenant general of the Naval Self-Defense Force who escorted him 3.2 away. Even the guard of the head of state didn't dare to say anything weak to Ye Shenyue at this time. He quickly opened the door he was guarding and then respectfully Please respectfully invite Ye Shenyue to enter inside!

"Alas! In this strange world, even the official residence of the head of state is inevitable, let alone other places?"

In my heart, I thoroughly criticized these dog-eyed guys, and Ye Shenyue soon came to the living room!

"Master Shengtianzi is resting, please wait a moment, it will take about an hour and a half, and Lord Shengtianzi will meet you!"

There have been three waves of people leading the way for Ye Shenyue along the way, but Ye Shenyue has come up with a rule!

"The closer these bastards are to the Holy Son of Heaven, the more arrogant they are!"

Chapter 0062 New Numbers

"Give this to the Son of Heaven!"

Looking at this arrogant guy, Ye Shenyue remembered the creature she once created in another world. The creature is nothing special. The only difference is that as long as she looks down on others, she will turn her eyes to her own. Above the head, in the words of Ye Shenyue, that kind of creature is the practice of "eyes above the top!"

This vocabulary!

"I said that Lord Saint Son of Heaven will meet you in an hour and a half, and this evening, Lord Saint Son of Heaven ordered our heroic warriors to control the coelenterates in a controllable area. It's hard enough! Lieutenant General, please calm down!"

Speaking to Ye Shenyue with dissatisfaction, this secretary in black uniform looked particularly cold, and he had the attitude that if Ye Shenyue spoke again, he would be kicked out!

"All right!"

In the face of such a person, does Ye Shenyue have anything to say?He could only smile slightly and put his ID in his clothes!


Before waiting for this person's victorious expression to show, Ye Shenyue had already locked this time and space, and then walked in gently by himself!

"It's still good to have a see-through eye! You look at this official residence, it's dizzying!"

Looking at these people at work, Ye Shenyue is also drunk. She really can't understand how there are so many staff members in such a place at night. How did this girl who is the head of state fall asleep?


When he found that the person who was turning off the light for him suddenly stopped moving, the Son of Heaven knew that God had come to look for him again. Although he was not very happy, in fact, the Son of Heaven still understood that the presence of this God would give him a lot. The first significant benefit is that he can fully understand his future trend from his words!Of course, there is still an intention in my heart that I have been approved by God!

"I'm not very good, so I came to tell you, I know that I can't change the bureaucracy of your mansion, but I want to ask what happened to my children? You know? It's not that I rushed back in time. , my children are going to kill all the members of your special team!"

Sitting on the sofa in the Son of Heaven's bedroom, Ye Shenyue's temperament is not very good, at least in the face of this girl who has worked hard all night.Attitude is not good!

"Well, I just found out that coelenterates might show up, so I sent people to protect those children, of course now I find that this is not necessary at all."

Looking at Ye Shenyue, the intelligence of the Son of Heaven is still good. At least, Ye Shenyue can no longer see the youthfulness of the girl from her body, and a sense of national authority has been erected!

"Also, I hope that the status of the vice admiral you have handled for me has been completed? I feel that it is very important to survive in this world now!"

Since the Son of Heaven already understands what he intends to do to his children, Ye Shenyue will talk about some boring topics by the way. Anyway, time and space have completely stopped. In theory, he and Son of Heaven can chat for an infinite amount of time. Woolen cloth!

"It's being processed! But the army was previously managed by the Tiantong Consul, it's a bit abrupt for me to intervene now, just wait!"

Son of Heaven drank the coffee in her hand a little sleepily. After the time and space stopped, she began to put on clothes and waited for the arrival of the distinguished guests, but she did not show any rudeness in front of Ye Shenyue!

"Ah? Can you still have a relationship with that white-bearded old man? Forget it, I'll change my identity. Anyway, I can make those underlings of yours pay attention to me, and those who can participate in battles will do, is it a general? I don't care!"

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