She said quickly to the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue didn't want to master this knowledge, it was just too boring!too lazy to grasp.

"Okay, how about my Chief Cabinet Secretary? This position is very important! And it is still vacant. If you want, I must be grateful!"

The Son of Heaven looked at Ye Shenyue half-jokingly. At this time, she was fully awake, sitting in front of her desk, as if the person sitting in front of her was not a god, but an ordinary official!

"Can I do business? I told those of our children that I am a person from a tributary heavy industry, so..."

With an embarrassed smile at the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue suddenly realized that she seemed to be here to find fault, not only asking Son of Heaven to assign herself a job, but also not to go to work, to be able to do business and the like.

" seems a little difficult!"

Son of Heaven looked at Yeshenyue with a wry smile, then took out a piece of paper from his drawer and began to compare the names on it!

"There is no position that meets these conditions!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue very sincerely, the Son of Heaven was speechless. He was facing the Almighty God, but God actually let him solve the identity problem for him!

"Then I can't make your bastards look down on my identity? Or do I really want to create something called Tributary Heavy Industries, and then become the president or something?"

Looking at the appearance of the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue suddenly realized that potential is not omnipotent, at least when it comes to such a professional problem, it is still not precise enough!

"Then go get a branch heavy industry, and then I will hire you as my state adviser. What do you think? In this case, you will definitely be valued. Of course, there will be countless media waiting to interview you at any time. , you and your children could be hapless public figures! Then..."

"That's right! I'll still be a lieutenant admiral of the navy!"

Unexpectedly, the most powerful person in this country can't even solve this problem, Ye Shenyue was annoyed, she could only shake her head and stand up and said: "Forget it, give me a number, I will establish a unit directly under your command to help you. never mind!"

"Okay! As expected of God! Let's call the Führer's quick response force! I will sign the Führer's decree tomorrow, so you don't have to back away from the council's authorization!"

Saying that, the Son of Heaven turned on the computer in front of him.

"It seems unrealistic for you to turn on the computer at this time!"

Looking at the computer that the Son of Heaven couldn't turn on, Ye Shenyue kindly reminded him.


"Thinking that electronic products need time to generate current and current, and now, there is no time around you, so, you know..."

Chapter [-] Special Creativity

"found it!"

Ye Shenyue came back to the woods outside the city with a loud shout in the distance. After talking with the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue came back.

"Wow! Big brother still has good eyesight!"

Hearing Ye Shenyue's voice, Lan Yuan also got up from the ground and smiled happily at Qianshou next to him, as happy as he found his own thing!

"Hehe, obviously we didn't look for it, okay? You took me to this place and started to sleep, and let the big brother know, don't you want to blame you?"

Speaking quietly to Lan Yuan, Qian Shou, who had been sleeping here for a while, also stood up and waved his hand to Yeshenyue in the distance.

"This shows that I have foresight! Look, even if we stand here and look for it, we still can't find it!"

Lan Yuan smiled indifferently, looking at Qianshou, what else did he want to say.He took her hand and ran towards Ye Shenyue!

"Oh! You didn't lose this thing, how can you understand my mood?"

Although I feel that what Lan Yuan said makes sense, Qianshou still feels a little guilty for accidentally losing Ye Shenyue's things.

"Haha, it's my luck. I found it before you guys, let's go!"

Smiling at the two little girls, Ye Shenyue showed her white teeth.

Although I lied to you, but my acting looks pretty good!

"It's still big brother!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue's adoration, Lan Yuan's eyes widened, but he didn't realize that there was anything in front of him.

"Big brother? Where's your accelerator? Let me see where it is?"

Reaching out his hand, Qianshou looks a little worried!

Such a valuable thing, what if I break it by myself?

"Uh... This black light is blinding, let's go to a bright place to see it!"

Suddenly thinking that her accelerator has not been stained with a little soil or something, Ye Shenyue didn't want Qianshou to feel that she was lying to her.

"I still need to decorate it, otherwise Qianshou is so smart, wouldn't it be exposed? Wouldn't my beautiful image in Little Loli's heart be greatly reduced?"

Thinking like this, Ye Shenyue quickly brought her two little loli to the place where everyone was sleeping. It was about six o'clock in the morning, and the sky was already a little bright, but when the spring breeze was blowing Down, there is still a lot of coolness, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Big brother, do we want to wake them up?" Lan Yuan still felt a little distressed when he looked at everyone who was still sleeping. Seeing everyone sleeping so soundly, he must have been exhausted last night.

"But everyone didn't do anything last night? Why are you so sleepy?"

Blinking his small eyes and putting his finger on his mouth, Tianshou felt very strange.

"Maybe it's because everyone is more excited. In fact, it was already midnight when we got up. Plus we've been busy for so long, we're naturally a little tired!"

Lan Yuan did not suspect him, smiled at Tianshou, and then pulled up his sleeves.

"Uh! What are you doing like this?"

I just said that everyone's sleeping fragrance is excusable, Tianshou looked at Lan Yuan's appearance, and suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his mind.

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