"All right!"

Although I don't know why the Son of Heaven didn't send his children back according to his own ideas, Ye Shenyue wasn't very excited either. The sensors around Ziqing Ziliu hadn't been ringing yet, which means they haven't encountered any accidents!

"Then let's get out of here! Since this ladder can't be used, let's go to see the Son of Heaven!"

He quickly cleaned up his frustration, and Tiantongmu went to Ye Shenyue's side, cleaned up the appointment letter that Tina was holding, and put it by his side.

"Uh, okay!"

Ye Shenyue didn't know how to comfort this girl. She was full of confidence and hoped that the Son of Heaven would appoint him a more important position, but the whole appointment letter did not mention her at all...

"Then what should I do?"

Seeing Ye Shenyue's relaxed appearance, Sima Weizhi couldn't calm down. If he went to the official residence of the Son of Heaven with his current status, he would definitely be taken down directly!

"This... go and see it! If those bastards dare to bully you, I will protect you!"

Smiling at Sima, Ye Shenyue turned to look at her companion, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will protect you, within my ability, but now! I have a task to complete. !"

Pointing out her finger to everyone, Ye Shenyue also learned to use a playful smile. This Lan Yuan's unique expression makes people very excited!

"What's going on?"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, Tina was the first to ask her own question!

"Of course it's my current position! Have you forgotten? I've been appointed as the detachment leader of the Fuhrer's Operation Detachment. I can't be a bare commander, can I? What do you think?"

Looking around at everyone, Ye Shenyue's eyes are full of anticipation!

"I am willing!"

The first one stretched out his hand.Lan Yuan jumped directly in front of Ye Shenyue, he must seize such an opportunity!

"In the future, I can be separated from Big Brother! Don't be separated!"

Lan Yuan thought happily, since he was the first to raise his hand, is that the deputy captain of this detachment?

"Uh... I think about this idea too much!"

Ye Shenyue really hadn't thought about personnel appointments, she was always supreme, how could she care who her subordinates were?

"But I seem to have a boss now!"

Thinking of the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue is also satisfied. This head of state seems to be very kind, and he knows his identity, so he doesn't dare to point fingers at himself!

…… ·"I'll go as well!"

Qianshou raised his hand second. He miraculously got his life last night, and he always felt that he had no home. Now Ye Shenyue gave him the opportunity to join the group, and he couldn't give up!

"Okay! Qianshou, don't worry, I will let my big brother turn both of us into deputy detachment leaders! We want two deputy detachment leaders!"

Nodding fiercely to Qianshou, holding Qianshou's hand, Lan Yuan had a determined face, and by the way gave Ye Shenyue a very deep smile!

"Okay! Both of you are deputy detachment leaders!"

She couldn't refuse Little Loli's request, and Ye Shenyue didn't care about the arrangement of this position at all, so she quickly nodded and agreed!

"Can I join?"

Looking at Ye Shenyue timidly, Sima Weizhi said this with great determination. Now that he has this magical machine, he also has an identity that cannot be tolerated by this government. If he joins in, it seems that Become the subordinate of the Son of Heaven!

"Of course! Don't worry, since I have a list of thirty people who can ask for a pardon, you and your father, Chairman Sima, are the ones I want to ask for a pardon!"

After knowing from Sima's mirror image that he turned the [-] scum into cans, Sima Heavy Industry stopped running, implicated Sima Weizhi, Ye Shenyue will make up for her regret no matter what!

"Wow! Really?"

He applauded Ye Shenyue happily, and Sima Weizhi was so happy that he almost jumped up. This kind of thing made me excited. When I said goodbye to my father last night, I still thought that I would never see my father for the rest of my life. Now, I can meet my father!

"What about us?"

Tina saw that everyone had already agreed to join Yeshenyue's team, she immediately looked anxiously at Tiantong Mugeng beside her. Seeing Tiantongmu's brooding expression, she knew that she must be very tangled too!

"Then what about our office?"

Looking down at Tina, the doll of Abo, Tiantongmu even expressed his concerns.

Chapter 0071 Crisis Undercurrent

"Then what's the matter? Big brother still has a family business! Is he the young master of the tributary heavy industry, or is he from Osaka! Lord Shengtian has accepted big brother, what are we afraid of?"

Speaking to Tiantongmu more calmly, Tina didn't seem to notice that countless crows had already flown over Ye Shenyue's head!

"Isn't this little girl very awake at that time? Why do you remember these words clearly..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly in her heart, but seeing everyone looking at her curiously, she knew she had to explain it.

"Yes, I have these identities, but this can't stop my love for everyone? I heard that these places were originally one country. We are actually a family, aren't we?"

Smile at everyone, Ye Shenyue's charming smile shows on her face, race, region, the heart estrangement imagined by human beings, in Ye Shenyue's view, it is simply a funny behavior!

"Yes, yes! Big brother is so right!"

The first to stand up for Ye Shenyue's statement, Lan Yuan turned around and smiled at Ye Shenyue, then looked at Tian Tong Mu Geng seriously and said, "How about a big sister? Why don't you just follow me, the vice-captain? I I promise to treat you and Tina well in the future!"

"Hehe, but I still have the accusation of protecting the Son of Heaven from assassination. How can I leave when I leave? Always say no to the Son of Heaven?"

Smiling at everyone, Tiantongmu quickly reached a tacit understanding with Yeshenyue, and then the group boarded Sima's off-road vehicle and drove towards the official residence of the Son of Heaven!

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