"How's the matter with Yagami Yue?"

Looking at the cavalry captain who came to report, the Son of Heaven's voice was still gentle, but there was a little more solemnity. No one can ignore such an identity, and he successfully estimated the development of the battle last night!

"all the best!"

With a short answer, the cavalry captain left, the official residence of the Holy Son of Heaven, the person who has been in charge of reading personnel appointments since he took office as the Holy Son of Heaven, will not give any face to the young Holy Son of Heaven today.

"how was it?"

Seeing the captain of the cavalry come in, Tiantong controlled his beard and looked very healthy with his white hair.

"Sir report, that guy with the surname tributary is extremely arrogant! Since he doesn't know the hard work of our messenger, he doesn't even take the appointment letter with both hands. If I don't take the appointment letter, I will directly arrest this person. s right!"

Angrily, he took off his helmet. This person is no longer silent in the Son of Heaven's office!

"Don't worry, Sucre, such a person will not last long. Our task is to remove these stumbling blocks to the cause of mankind. Since we want to remove them, we need to approach him!"

He gently picked up the coffee in front of him, but the old man who often stayed up late was not worried about the caffeine in it eroding his body!

"what do you mean?"

Looking at the old man curiously, a trace of confusion flashed in the officer's eyes.

"I will appoint you as their logistics officer. I have already seen the bloody appointment letter. It is actually the captain of the detachment directly controlled by the head of state? I still want to be the captain. Fortunately, I demoted his position by one level!"

The old man stood up and stretched out his old hand. He no longer wanted to worry about such a thing!


I don't even have the courage to discuss, this new logistics officer has already taken office, before Ye Shenyue arrives!

"Sir? When will you let us go back?"

Once again, she got up and went to the door to look at the waiter outside. Qing Ziliu was a little worried. Although she had been to this place under the leadership of her elder brother, she felt a little bit of fear after being picked up at this place in the middle of the night. It wasn't that the Son of Heaven personally came to comfort everyone. Perhaps these children have already broken out of the window now!

"Isn't the Lord Saint Son of Heaven talking about it? Is your facilitator coming to pick you up soon? Wait a minute!"

The waiter at the door said somewhat impatiently. This kind of question has been asked more than [-] times in one night, and the average person might have gone crazy!

"All right!"

Looking at the waiter outside the door a little unhappy, Qing Zi Liu could only close the door of her own room.

"Big brother, come quickly!"

Looking at the already bright sky outside the window, Qing Zi Liu was somewhat sad!

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department "What? The factory we took over hasn't started yet! Did you know that our fighters have already started fighting on the front lines!"

Yelling at the other end of the phone, the police chief no longer knows how to describe his mood!anger?sad?fear?Confuse?Guilty?Maybe there is, maybe not!

"Director, it's not that we don't work hard. It's really bad for such a big factory to command. We have to make decisions about everything, but we don't understand many things!"

The person being questioned on the other end of the phone was full of exhaustion. It had been two days since he had taken over the factory, and he had not even completed half of the spare megalithic monument!

"Then find someone who knows! Don't tell me you haven't done anything for the past two days!"

The chief of the police department shouted and angrily threw the phone to the ground!

"Ding Ding Ding! Ding Ding Ding!"

Another phone rang right after!

"Who is it!"

"Master Chief, it's still me!"

"What are you doing!"

"Frankly speaking, there is only one person who can understand these things now!"


"Chairman Sima..."

"I'll report it!"

Putting down the phone again, the police chief looked at the battle report from Shangfeng, and still took out the 3.6 votes for his ship!Since this place is no longer safe, should I leave here?

"How's the old man?"

Asked to his own guard, the police chief can only hurry up and use the dead horse as a living horse doctor at the last moment!

"Report! Chairman Sima is still delirious! There is no way to wake up!"

Saluting to his chief, the guards of course know who the chief is talking about, and the matter of Sima Heavy Industry has not been reported to the Son of Heaven!These people are all accomplices, and no one dares to play tricks at this time!

"Okay! Then let him never wake up! By the way, let all our people come back, and declare to the public that we are looking for the missing people!"

He slapped the table fiercely, and the Chief of Police issued a crazy order!


Chapter 0072 Rescue the Children

"you are?"

I found that the person in front of me was very familiar, and the doorman who had been on duty all night was still quite angry!

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