"It's just a child! The Tiantong government won't have the same knowledge as my team members! And we are still ordered to visit the Holy Son of Heaven, and we don't know what the Tiantong government is!"

She came to the central building with Qingluliu in her arms, and after seeing the mirror image of Tiantong's ruling at a glance, Ye Shenyue could only be the enemy of this old man!

"Humph! It turns out that the eyes of the head of state are getting worse and worse!"

With a flick of his long sleeves, the ruler of Tiantong left the mansion of the Son of Heaven directly, leaving behind the stunned chief guard.

"My lord, this is my letter of appointment, can you let us in?"

Taking out her appointment letter, Ye Shenyue didn't notice Tiantong Mugeng's surprise at that moment!

"Of course!"

When things got to this point, the captain of the guard didn't know what to say.Is this newcomer too bold, or too stupid?

Chapter 0073 is just one second away

"Thank you very much!"

Putting down the document in his hand, the Son of Heaven looked at the six people in front of him with emotion in his eyes.

"It's not hard! I just didn't expect you to agree to this matter so quickly. After Sima's father Zhaoxue, he will definitely be able to mend the broken Stonehenge!"

She smiled at the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue had already been defeated by the head of the state, and released the person responsible for Stonehenge at such a time, how much pressure did she have to bear?

"It's alright, then you can go see Mr. Sima as soon as possible. I believe he will be proud of having such a good daughter!"

She smiled at Ye Shenyue, and saw that Sima Weizhi was already covered in tears. Although the Son of Heaven really wanted to go up and wipe it, his identity also required him not to maintain such a close state with ordinary people!

"Then please call the New Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, I don't want my father to live under the surveillance of others!"

Wiping away his tears carefully, Sima Weizhi still understands his father's situation better. With the amnesty issued by the Son of Heaven, Sima Weizhi has become a legal resident!

"All right!"

Nodding his head, the Son of Heaven turned around and picked up the phone and called. For this kind of effort, most people would do it, let alone Lord Son of Heaven.

"Uh, sorry, no one answered!"

After making two calls in a row, the office of the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency was still unanswered, as if this institution no longer existed!

"is it?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly had a bad premonition, she frowned and thought about it, but she went forward and asked the Son of Heaven to give her the phone.

"Listen to yourself!"

To God, the Son of Heaven has nothing that he can't agree to. He gave the phone to him, and the Son of Heaven was looking forward to the sudden disappearance of God in front of him!

"This breath..."

Ye Shenyue listened with her ears, and suddenly felt a trace of evil left on the other end of the phone!

"This guy!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly understood what was going on, followed by a snap of her fingers, and then looked at the people who had stiffened in place, pushed out the door from the Son of Heaven's office, and went directly to the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. 's office!

"All right!"

After receiving the information within [-] minutes in this space, Ye Shenyue did not expect this guy to have such an evil idea!


With a loud bang, Ye Shenyue descended directly into Chairman Sima's ward, watching several men in black surrounded Chairman Sima on the hospital bed, and a bullet was only three centimeters away from Chairman Sima's temple!

"Hoo! It's dangerous! Stop the time in this world one second later, and this poor old man will lose his life!"

Hurry up and pinch the bullet, then throw it out the window. Three men in black were thrown out with the bullet. Not surprisingly, there were a few black cans in the trash can outside!

"Old man! I'm the one who came to save you! You must thank me!"

Putting his hand in front of Chairman Sima, who had widened his eyes, Ye Shenyue wiped his face, and then left with the old man's clear memory. The old man who just remembered.

"It's done!"

Back in the room of the Son of Heaven, looking at Tina's widened eyes, Ye Shenyue knew that her ultraviolet phantom had already stayed in the little girl's mind, but these memories, Ye Shenyue will also be erased!


Another snap of fingers, the world has returned to peace, and everyone has gotten a different future without knowing it!

"Sure enough, no one picked it up!"

Smiling softly, Ye Shenyue hung up the phone naturally.

"It seems that we are going to take the letter or handwritten letter you gave, otherwise those people from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department will not let it go!"

Speaking to the Son of Heaven, Ye Shenyue had put a piece of white paper and a pen in front of Son of Heaven.

"You're already like this, I'm going to write it of course!"

Smiling at Ye Shenyue, Son of Heaven naturally wrote the order on the white paper, stamped it with his personal seal, and let Ye Shenyue take his team away!

"By the way! Am I going to join Mr. Tribute's team and give up my duty to protect you?"

When Tian Tong Mu Geng was about to go out, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't told the Son of Heaven about his own affairs!

"Listen to your detachment leader's orders, I won't go out today if there is no accident, I will notify you when I go out!"

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